If you impress a girl on a date, you may have a chance to see her again! By following these simple steps, you can prepare for the meeting, dress right, and make sure everything goes smoothly. Wear something that makes you feel confident, take care of your hygiene and show your manners by opening the door to the girl and paying the bill. The real secret to impressing is to listen to it. In this way, you show her that you are interested in her, her desires, her needs and that you would be a great partner!
Part 1 of 3: Prepare for the Appointment

Step 1. Choose the right place for the meeting
First, ask her if she wants to decide where you will see each other and if she already knows what she would like to do. Plan in advance where you will go. Remember that careful preparation shows how interested you are in the appointment. When choosing a place, look for one where you will have a chance to talk and get to know each other better. If you wish, you can also organize an outing where you will travel to multiple places.
- Try asking her: "Do you already have a specific place in mind or do you prefer it to be a surprise?".
- For example, you might decide to visit an aquarium and then have dinner at a not-too-casual restaurant. Other ideas are ice skating, a picnic in the park or a walk through the most beautiful places in the city. Avoid places like cinemas, concerts and nightclubs, where noise and confusion would prevent you from talking undisturbed.
- If you decide to eat out, ask her what kind of food she likes first and don't wait until the last day to choose a restaurant. Find a place, book and let her know if she will have to dress elegantly or informally. Avoid choosing noisy places, such as pubs where matches are broadcast, otherwise you will not be able to converse well.

Step 2. If possible, clean the interior of your car
If your appointment involves car travel, throw the garbage out of your car before the meeting. You could also vacuum the interior, especially if you have pets or if you haven't done so for a long time. Clean all dirty interior surfaces.
If you don't want to settle, wash your car, hang an air freshener and keep some mints in the dashboard

Step 3. Think about some conversation topics
You may not need to use them, but it's a good idea to prepare a couple of themes in advance so that you don't find yourself with nothing to say. Think of open-ended questions that can lead to a conversation instead of just being told "yes" or "no".
- Try asking her: "Do you like to travel? Where would you like to go?". Discussing your dream goals makes you happy and can also increase the attraction between you. You could also ask her what her favorite trip was.
- Some light topics you can discuss are pets, hobbies, and free time if you prefer to get up early or go to bed late.
- More serious topics you can introduce are passions, work, dream career, favorite childhood memories. Avoid asking questions about past relationships, family problems, politics, religion, and finances.

Step 4. Consider making a gift
You can bring flowers, chocolates or something more suited to her preferences with you. If you don't know her well, you can ask a friend for advice who will surely know what her interests or hobbies are. A little thought taken with the heart will certainly allow you to impress!
The gesture is more important than the cost of the gift
Part 2 of 3: Dressing to Make an Impression

Step 1. Wear clothes that make you feel confident
Choose an outfit appropriate to the meeting place. Also, try to be yourself and don't dress completely differently than usual. Consider which items make you feel comfortable so you can show your most attractive and confident side.

Step 2. Wear nice shoes
Many girls notice these style choices. Avoid combining a perfect outfit with shoes that are not up to par. Choose shoes in good condition that go well with the clothes you are wearing and that are suitable for the activities planned at the appointment.

Step 3. Take care of hygiene
Put on a new perfume. Brush your teeth well to avoid bad breath! Make sure you have your nails trimmed, clean and hair trimmed if necessary. Put on the deodorant too.
- Avoid using a perfume that you have owned for more than three years, as the oils it contains can transform and produce bad odors. Also avoid using both a scented shower gel and a perfume, because the fragrances could be in contrast with each other; choose just one.
- Apply a few drops of perfume on the skin of the chest and neck, immediately after getting out of the shower. Do not put it on clothes, do not spray it in the air and then pass through it, and do not spread it after applying it.
- Prevent bad breath by brushing your teeth, flossing, using mouthwash, and gargle with half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water.

Step 4. Remember the wallet
If you are going to drive, you will need a driver's license. Bring cash or a credit card with you, so you can pay for all the expenses for the appointment and have an extra for the unexpected.
- For example, on average, people spend € 80 on a date and this figure can increase on special occasions, such as Valentine's Day or the first meeting. If you live in a city where the cost of living is very high, this figure can even double.
- Avoid spending more than you can afford. If necessary, arrange a low-cost appointment, for example an excursion.
Part 3 of 3: Make sure the date goes well

Step 1. Relax
It is normal to feel nervous during a date, but it is important to be yourself and you will not be able to if the agitation is too much. Calm down when you find yourself nervous. Remember that you will have other dates and opportunities to impress a girl, maybe even the same girl.
Avoid appearing nervous: keep calm, don't play nervously with your fingers, don't tap your foot on the ground, and don't bite your nails. Relax your muscles by focusing on calm and positive thoughts

Step 2. Compliment this girl
Avoid overdoing praise on a first date, or you will seem insincere. On the contrary, express your appreciation and your true feelings when you see her for the first time, as well as during all the occasions when it seems natural and spontaneous to you to do so.
- Avoid comments about her body or what she wears. When greeting her, try saying "You look beautiful" before or after a kiss on the cheek. Alternatively, you can focus on a more specific aspect, such as "You have beautiful eyes".
- Compliment her on the best features of her personality when you notice them, such as intellect or a sense of humor.

Step 3. Be considerate
Commit to good manners. April the door of the car and the restaurant. Offer your hand when she gets out of the car. Help her sit down at the restaurant and offer her your jacket if it's cold.
Be polite also towards others, for example with the staff of the place you are in

Step 4. Pay attention only to her
Smile and look her in the eye often. Listen to her actively, nodding and showing that you care what she says. Absolutely avoid staring at other girls or showing interest in them during the date.
For example, don't interrupt her while she talks. Give her your full attention, as if you need to be questioned about what she says later. Listening to the other person is the best way to understand what they expect from a relationship and what they want

Step 5. Behave with class when paying the bill
If you are in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the bill. If you want to impress, pay for her too and don't let her know. Many girls expect the man to pay and may feel insulted if you ask them to split the expense in half.
- Avoid talking about the bill if she doesn't comment on it or doesn't offer to pay. If not, you have to say "Please let me take care of it".
- Paying the bill is a delicate situation. A girl might offer to pay, but be annoyed if I accept her offer. However, if she sincerely insists on paying, don't refuse to let her contribute. Use common sense.

Step 6. Greet her appropriately
Don't hesitate, don't play with your fingers nervously, and don't make the farewell awkward in any way. Pay attention to her body language, her eyes and her expressions. If you think she will react well, hug her and kiss her on the cheek or lips. Avoid walking away immediately or staying close to her for too long.
- Try saying, "That was a lot of fun! I'd love to see you again."
- For example, if she seems upset when you try to hug her, don't try to kiss her.
- Be careful when you kiss her! Avoid being too aggressive or drooling her face. Kiss her gently with her lips closed for a few seconds. Try to be as gentle and tender as possible.
- Keep a positive mindset. Avoid wasting time complaining and don't show negativity.
- Get close to her using body language or brush her arm when it feels appropriate. If you are too set, she may think that you only consider her a friend. However, also avoid stretching your hands. Find the right balance between expressing your interest and being gallant.
- Try not to swear. Your partner may not like it.
- Avoid asking her what her "type" is. The purpose of a date is to find out what you like about a partner, so avoid generalizing with phrases like "I prefer blondes" or "I don't like girls who don't watch football."
- Try to find the right balance during the conversation: avoid dominating it or not participating. If you find yourself talking too much about yourself, bring the discussion back to her with a question.
- Avoid bragging about your talent or trying to impress a girl too hard. Instead, try to be humble and sincere.
- Don't talk about your previous relationships. The girl you date may think that you are comparing her to others or that you have not forgotten your ex.