Have you noticed a girl in church, park, swimming pool or camping and would you be interested in meeting her? These tips, written from an all-female point of view, will help you.

Step 1. Prepare your action plan
The girl probably won't come forward with you, and if she does it's just because maybe she has a lot of male friends and is used to talking to them.

Step 2. Look for every opportunity to see it
If both of you are members of a club, or something similar, go to the same place when you are sure she is there too.

Step 3. The time has come to step forward
Approach her and say: "Hi, how are you?", Or "How are you?". Don't just say a "Hello" or you will communicate a sense of insecurity, as if you have nothing else to say and are just trying (to no avail) to socialize.

Step 4. Hopefully, she will also greet you and start talking to you
If she ignores you, she may have problems, or be very shy. Try to break the ice by giving her compliments and asking her questions like "which course do you take?" or "do you come here often?".

Step 5. Don't repeat the same routine every day
If you do, you will give the impression of being a lonely and desperate person.

Step 6. Think about events that you are likely to attend
A good idea might be to throw a party and hand her an invitation the next time you meet her at the same place. Invite your friends and other girls you know to the party so she doesn't feel uncomfortable. If you know her friends, invite them too, so she will surely come.

Step 7. Try to befriend her, and then slowly step forward and ask her out with you
Don't treat her badly, don't try to control her too much, let her make her own decisions and don't play with her. Don't be a serial seducer.
- Don't get caught looking at her too often if you don't want her to know that you have a crush on yourself. If she notices it, keep looking at her and smile. Don't pretend to stare at something else from a distance, and don't lay your eyes elsewhere when she sees you.
- A good idea might be to give her a small gift. Better a little gift, for example a T-shirt to order online, a book you've read and found interesting, or a music CD. For a romantic touch, send her some flowers.
- If she laughs, she might be surprised or nervous. Don't be offended and laugh too!
- Try to approach other people as well. Find some friends who can introduce you to her.
- Sometimes girls feel comfortable around guys, try to figure out if she's an open person and would be willing to be friends with you. If you want to be with her and have a relationship, you will have to try a little harder.
- Try not to let her know that you have a crush on yourself. Don't tell her until you want her to know.
- If it rejects you, try again. Sometimes he might tell you one thing but secretly think another.
- Add her to Facebook friends, or chat with her via Messenger. Try to get to know her better through her online activities as well.
- Never hit on your boss's daughter.
- Do not overdo it. If you start acting like a stalker you will soon find yourself in trouble.