If you really want to impress a guy, the worst thing you can do is go overboard. Instead of overdoing it, you should focus on being yourself, accepting your quirks, and being a partner you can have fun and intelligent conversations with. It will be easier to positively impress the guy you like when there is a common interest. If you want to do it regardless of your interests and personality, read on and put the tips outlined in this article into practice.
Part 1 of 3: Capturing his Eye

Step 1. Show your interest in him
If you want to get a guy's attention, let him feel your interest in his person, without overdoing it. At the beginning of your conversation, you should focus on the things he loves to do, on what interests him, and in general on anything he considers engaging and intriguing. But be careful, this does not mean that you will have to subject him to some sort of interrogation or ask him too many questions; he simply tries to harmonize with what he is passionate about.
- Let it open gradually, perhaps as you reveal something about yourself yourself. Don't confuse him with personal questions.
- Keep your tone light. You can talk about his dog, a friend of his or his favorite team - postpone the more serious matters later.
- Ask him for his opinion on a variety of topics, from current events to the next major sporting event.

Step 2. Find common interests
After talking to us for a while, you've probably noticed what you have in common, whether it's love for your families, a passion for the beach, or a shared desire to travel. It may not seem like a big deal, but to develop a connection it will help to work on common interests. It will give you the ability to broaden the conversation and more easily impress the person you like.
- If you know he is an avid Juventus fan, it is not a bad idea to acquire some information about the team to be able to positively impress him during your next conversation. There is no need to become an expert on the subject, but it will definitely give you something to talk about.
- You may not have many similar interests, but perhaps you share some personality traits. Perhaps you both have a sensitive side or a highly developed emotionality, this too can become fertile ground.
- You can also find affinities between things you don't like, or things that make you laugh, whether it's Justin Bieber, or your funny chemistry teacher.

Step 3. Use positive body language
A body that demonstrates your propensity for dialogue and fun will more easily impress your interlocutor. The first thing you should do is smile, in this way you will be open and ready to have a pleasant time. After that, focus on accompanying the words with your arms or holding them at your sides instead of crossing them across your chest. Point your body in his direction so he knows you're paying attention.
- When you talk to him, keep eye contact to make him feel special.
- If you want to start flirting, you can touch your hair a little or occasionally lick your lips.

Step 4. Charm him
If you want to impress a guy, you need to be a charming partner to converse with. While giggles and attempts at flirting can take you a long way, it is imperative that he enjoys talking to you, and that you see yourself as a stimulating and engaging speaker. To do this, you will need to be able to hold a conversation, going beyond simple chatter to intelligently deepen a topic, without exaggerating and without covering it with words.
If you've read something catchy, don't be afraid to mention it. He will certainly appreciate your point of view

Step 5. Allow him to see what makes you special, without showing it too much
Do not stress that you are the star of your track team, he will be able to see it for himself. Just share your love of sport by being modest, maybe he'll come to see you during a race or hear about your running skills. Talk about the things in which you excel or those in which you know how to stand out, he will notice your uniqueness and will be encouraged to deepen the knowledge of your individual qualities.
Share what makes you unique without bragging about it. Maybe your special being comes from having a twin, five kittens, or the ability to walk on hands; find a way to show him that you are truly unique
Part 2 of 3: Be Yourself

Step 1. Pursue your interests
If you want to impress a guy, the best thing you can do is pursue your interests and commit to becoming an even more interesting and complete person. While you may enjoy watching one episode of Gossip Girl after another, you should try to pursue a slightly more productive interest in mental or physical terms - yoga, painting, singing, dancing, or creative writing. Any guy will be impressed with your talents and dedication if you commit to different goals while pursuing multiple interests.
- And if the interests are many, the better for you, you will have a greater chance to excel and a wider variety of topics to talk about.
- If you're not sure what your interests are, know that it's never too late to find your passion. Finding something you really care about will make you a more interesting and dynamic person.

Step 2. Stop worrying about what others think
Another way to impress a guy is to be happy for who you are or who you are becoming, regardless of what other people think of you. This does not mean that you will have to overwhelm anyone you meet in your way because you do not care what they hear, but that you should be naturally kind and courteous to people, without being obsessed with the idea of having to please people, without trying at all costs. of having to make others happy to prevent even one person from complaining about you.
- Don't spend all your time trying to please friends and enemies, or any guy will find that you aren't being honest with yourself.
- Don't look for your reflection in every mirror you see, and don't continually reapply your makeup while in public, or you will seem insecure about your appearance.
- Don't let people get you down. If they criticize you for no reason, don't listen and don't try to change yourself for the benefit of others.

Step 3. Have fun with your friends
If you really want to impress a guy, you need to show him that you are okay without him too. Nobody wants a girl who is constantly looking around desperately for something or who constantly checks her phone, hoping that Prince Charming will approach her or send her a message. Boys prefer girls who have fun with their friends, regardless of the boys who approach; this will make you much more attractive and, above all, not an easy conquest.
- When out with friends, commit to living in the moment, laughing, dancing and having fun, instead of wondering if anyone will try to get close to you.
- In the company of your friends, you don't need to ignore guys who approach or notice you, but you still don't need to give the impression that you are desperate for male attention.

Step 4. Accept your flaws
If you want to impress a guy, you don't have to worry about being different. It is necessary to learn to accept all the characteristics that make you unique, even if you think they may be awkward or retro. If you love drawing comics, reading science fiction books or dancing polka, good for you, this peculiarity will make you even more interesting.
- Don't be afraid to mention, or pursue, what really makes you happy just because you think guys might not like it.
- Not being different for the sole purpose of being different will only make you even more desperate.

Step 5. Learn to laugh at yourself
If you really want to impress a guy, then you need to learn not to take yourself too seriously. Guys prefer girls who feel comfortable with themselves, which is why I allow someone to playfully tease them, knowing they are not perfect. Being able to laugh at yourself will make you more aware and confident. It is not pleasant to spend time with someone who thinks they have no flaws or who constantly wants to be taken seriously.
- This doesn't mean that you have to let others tease you in a cruel way, but simply that you don't have to fear a joke made with good intentions.
- If you are able to laugh at yourself, you will be able to make fun of a guy pleasantly and make fun of yourself as well. This is a great seduction strategy.
Part 3 of 3: Impress him

Step 1. Be charismatic
If you want to impress a guy, you need to be charismatic and be able to charm anyone, wherever you go. This doesn't mean being excessive or exaggerating, just behave naturally, and feel confident and happy in any context, even when you don't know anyone. A truly charismatic person can talk to anyone and make them feel at ease, whether it is an eight-year-old or an eighty-year-old woman.
When you talk to someone, use their first name. This trick puts people at ease and maintains positivity

Step 2. Be witty
Guys are always pleasantly impressed with girls with a sense of humor. If you want to impress a guy with your wit of humor, try to do it intelligently, to be able to withstand a stream of witty and edgy jokes. Surprise him with puns, cunning and speed of reaction. Being witty means looking at the world in an original way, being fun and creative at the same time.
If the guy says something funny, don't just laugh, respond with an equally nice comment

Step 3. Believe in yourself
Guys are pleasantly impressed by a confident woman, because she is able to show that she is comfortable with herself and happy with her own person. It is pleasant to spend time with a woman who is confident and able to energize any situation, people in her company feel better. If you really want to impress a guy, then you have to accept yourself and be happy with what you are, do and will do.
- If you feel confident and if the conversation is going well, you can also decide to touch the guy.
- Gaining confidence is a long process that can take a lifetime. But setting ourselves the goal of being happier and more self-satisfied can help us feel prouder and happier in sharing ourselves with the world.
- Show confidence as you strive to acquire it; walk with your head held high, with your shoulders back, and look straight ahead instead of down. Begin to exude confidence through body language.

Step 4. Be original
Guys love girls who are able to stand out from the crowd and different from all the others. Don't be afraid to be original, even if it means dyeing your hair pink, dancing crazy, or learning how to make your own sushi. Whatever you really want to do, do it; you will be rewarded. Guys notice girls different from others and believe they are worth meeting.
Being original will not only help you get noticed by the guys, but it will allow you to make new friends and meet more interesting people

Step 5. Be independent
Guys love girls who are independent and who love to do whatever they want. The last thing a guy wants is a clingy person who wants everything to revolve around his life - on the contrary, guys love girls who can be on their own, and hang out with them. To be independent you don't necessarily have to pursue your interests alone or spend time alone, it will be enough to avoid conforming to what others do just because it is the fashion of the moment.
Being an independent person also means being an independent thinker. You should learn to act and think for yourself
- Take care of hygiene! Shower regularly, wear clean clothes, and use deodorant. Nothing is more repulsive than a girl with greasy hair and stained clothes.
- Be yourself. Generally, guys don't like girls who pretend too much. Don't change your attitude just to impress someone.
- Don't be afraid to show your eccentricity. Many prefer girls who stand out from the crowd. You don't have to follow the latest fad or act like the most popular in school.
- If you want to get a guy's attention, don't flirt with lots of others. Guys like a little competition, but not too much!
- Don't emulate him, or he'll think you're obsessed with him. Original girls are more attractive. Act like he's any friend, flirting a little more.
- Don't be afraid to speak to him! What could happen? Fight shyness!
- Make sure he's the right guy for you.
- Don't push too hard. If you give him the impression of being obsessed, you will get the opposite result. Even if that's true, try to hide your obsession.
- Guys love bright smiles and delicate scents.
- Use makeup, but in moderation. If you look like a clown, you won't be impressed! Go for simple and natural makeup.
- Curl your hair with a finger, look happy and talk to some friends; this way, you'll get her attention more easily instead of being serious. Don't change your attitude instantly, because he will notice it.
- Don't be ashamed to share your feelings with him. Let him know that you could share anything with him, without hesitation.
- If you have bad breath, don't talk to him until you've chewed gum or mint. If he catches your breath, he'll think you're weird and unattractive.
- Being disinterested is helpful in figuring out if he likes you, but ignoring him for too long can be counterproductive.
- Don't wear clothes that don't leave much room for imagination. You may want to look sexy, but if you are looking for a long-term relationship and a guy who respects you, skimpy clothes will get completely different results.