Health 2024, September

How to be strong (with pictures)

How to be strong (with pictures)

How threatened do you feel by difficult circumstances, because there are people who hesitate to progress and spiral into self-destruction while others survive and come out even stronger? No one is immune to adversity, but some people really seem to be more capable of coping and recovering from even the toughest conditions.

How to be fearless: 8 steps (with pictures)

How to be fearless: 8 steps (with pictures)

Fearing fear or whatever is one of the major problems in many people's lives. For this we have written this short article to help you overcome the fear of the little everyday things. Steps Step 1. Make a list of your fears Dogs?

4 Ways to Give an Injection

4 Ways to Give an Injection

Administering an injectable drug accurately and safely is also possible in the privacy of your home. Practicing an injection safely protects the patient, the person giving the injection and the environment. There are two types of injections that can be done at home:

How to Prepare for the Blood Test (with Pictures)

How to Prepare for the Blood Test (with Pictures)

Doctors order blood tests for a number of reasons. Blood tests are an essential component in taking care of health, from monitoring drug levels to studying outcomes to formulate a clinical diagnosis. Specifically, they are performed to evaluate the function of certain organs, such as the liver or kidneys, to diagnose diseases, determine risk factors, check drug therapy, and monitor clotting factor.

4 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Injections

4 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Injections

If you hate needles, know that you are not alone! Unfortunately, this is a phobia that you need to manage if you want to preserve your health. You can start by committing yourself to controlling this fear and learning techniques to deal with it;

3 Ways to Make a Hot Compress

3 Ways to Make a Hot Compress

A warm compress can be helpful in treating a wide range of ailments, from aching muscles to joint stiffness. If you don't want to buy a ready-made one at the pharmacy, you can make it yourself in a simple way, using common and inexpensive materials that you most likely already have available at home.

How to Train After a Heart Attack: 14 Steps

How to Train After a Heart Attack: 14 Steps

After a heart attack, the heart may no longer be able to pump blood around the body with perfect efficiency. If you received emergency medical attention within the first hour of your heart attack, the organ may have suffered limited damage and you can return to normal daily activities.

How to Eat to Lower Blood Pressure

How to Eat to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious health problem that can lead to heart attack and other diseases. In the case of obesity it is even more worrying, but both conditions can be kept under control (and avoided) through nutrition and an active lifestyle with lots of exercise.

How to Prevent Dengue Fever: 11 Steps

How to Prevent Dengue Fever: 11 Steps

Dengue is a disease caused by a virus transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Its diffusion is prevalent in the Caribbean, Central America and Central-South Asia. Symptoms include fever, severe headache, pain behind the eye (retro-bulbar pain), joint and muscle pain, and skin rashes.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Syphilis

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Syphilis

Syphilis is a highly infectious sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. This disease, if not treated properly, can cause irreversible damage to the nerves and tissues of the body and brain; it is a chronic and systemic disease that can affect almost all tissues and organs.

How to stop having a negative attitude

How to stop having a negative attitude

The third principle of dynamics states that every action always corresponds to an equal and opposite reaction. This implies that in trying to change a certain behavior, there is resistance that tries to hinder the change. Keeping in mind the existence of these forces will help you, especially if you feel overwhelmed by the purpose you have set for yourself.

How to Recognize the Signs of Autism (with Pictures)

How to Recognize the Signs of Autism (with Pictures)

Indicators of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are already visible in children under one year of age. Sometimes, these signs are difficult to distinguish and a parent may confuse them with hearing problems. In fact, certain children could also have hearing loss or simply be "

4 Ways to Avoid Eating When You're Bored

4 Ways to Avoid Eating When You're Bored

If you tend to eat a lot between meals, nibbling numerous snacks, it may mean that you are hungry; alternatively you may be bored or stressed. If you tend to eat out of boredom, don't blame yourself. You're not the only one! But be aware that overeating due to boredom or stress can contribute to diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other serious diseases.

How to Give First Aid (with Pictures)

How to Give First Aid (with Pictures)

Basic first aid is the set of all those initial procedures aimed at determining and addressing the needs of a person who is injured or who is in difficulty due to suffocation, heart attack, allergic reaction, drugs or other medical emergencies.

How to Set Yourself SMART Goals (with Pictures)

How to Set Yourself SMART Goals (with Pictures)

SMART is an acronym that refers to strategic planning aimed at implementing effective objectives. It indicates the five characteristics that a goal should have: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Timed. It is one of the most common and useful techniques for setting concrete and feasible goals, whether you run a company of 300 employees, whether you have a small company or want to lose 10 kg.

How to Do Kegel Exercises (with Pictures)

How to Do Kegel Exercises (with Pictures)

The pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, rectum and small intestine, also known as the "Kegel muscles", were first described in 1948 by Dr. Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist who invented the exercises as a non-surgical treatment.

How to Cure a Heart Attack: 7 Steps

How to Cure a Heart Attack: 7 Steps

A heart attack occurs when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen. However, the severity of the damage can be minimized thanks to prompt intervention; therefore, immediate recognition of the symptoms of a heart attack and immediate transport to the hospital can dramatically increase a person's chances of survival.

How to Cope with Childbirth (with Pictures)

How to Cope with Childbirth (with Pictures)

Whether you are a future father or an unsuspecting taxi driver, sooner or later you may find yourself forced to go through a birth without being helped by any professional. Don't worry: it happens more often than you think. Specifically, you need to help the mother relax and let her body do the work.

3 Ways To Gain Weight If You Are Lactose Intolerant

3 Ways To Gain Weight If You Are Lactose Intolerant

If you are lactose intolerant you may have a hard time gaining weight, especially in children or fussy eaters. Knowing how to add healthy calories and nutrients to your diet can help you gain weight quickly and safely. Steps Method 1 of 3:

How to Treat Lactose Intolerance: 14 Steps

How to Treat Lactose Intolerance: 14 Steps

Even if you are lactose intolerant, don't you want to give up dairy products? It is possible, albeit proceeding with caution. Steps Step 1. First of all, make sure you are genuinely lactose intolerant. If you have bloating, cramps, gas, dysentery or grumbling in your digestive system in conjunction with your dairy intake, you may be lactose intolerant However, these symptoms can also indicate various diseases, so talk to your doctor.

How to Get Xanax Prescribed: 14 Steps

How to Get Xanax Prescribed: 14 Steps

You may have heard that Xanax is a good drug for managing anxiety and other ailments. In general this statement is true; however, many doctors do not prescribe it too easily due to the side effects. Therefore you need to convince your doctor that you need it, especially by showing him that you have anxiety disorders.

3 Ways to Overcome Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

3 Ways to Overcome Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by irrational fears or obsessions that lead the affected person to engage in compulsive behaviors to reduce or relieve anxiety. It can manifest itself in a mild or severe form and be accompanied by other problems of a psychological nature.

How To Fix Flat Feet Problem: 5 Steps

How To Fix Flat Feet Problem: 5 Steps

Flat feet (pes planus or drooping arches) are painful. It is a pathology in which the arch of the foot has collapsed. See your doctor if you want orthotics or continue reading these detailed instructions to fix the problem on your own. Steps Step 1.

3 Ways to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

3 Ways to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the flat ligaments at the bottom of the foot, which run between the heel and the front, are stretched in an incorrect position. If the plantar fascia is strained, it is possible for small tears to develop in the ligament.

How to Get Rid of Hallux Valgus: 11 Steps

How to Get Rid of Hallux Valgus: 11 Steps

Hallux valgus is a deformation of the foot formed by the removal of the head of the first metatarsal from the others. It usually forms when the shoes are tight, after an injury or due to a hereditary tendency of the bone structure. Eventually, the big toe joint widens and becomes painful, making both physical activity and walking difficult.

How to Make a Power Nap (with Pictures)

How to Make a Power Nap (with Pictures)

Whether you want to doze off in the office in the middle of the afternoon sluggish, on a double shift, when you work at night or feel sleepy driving, a "power nap" can make you more alert and productive, provided it is done correctly.

How to Stop Hitting the Alarm Snooze Button

How to Stop Hitting the Alarm Snooze Button

Pressing the snooze button on the alarm clock to get another 10 minutes of sleep is tempting for many people. However, repeatedly using the snooze button forces you to interrupt your sleep cycle and can cause a prolonged feeling of tiredness throughout the day.

How to sleep well until morning (with pictures)

How to sleep well until morning (with pictures)

If you have trouble sleeping, you will almost certainly feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Sleep is essential for living a happy and healthy life. Fortunately, there aren't many obstacles to a good night's sleep! If you want to rest at night, start going to bed at the same times and create the right environment for you to fall asleep.

How to do multiple things at the same time: 8 steps

How to do multiple things at the same time: 8 steps

Don't you have the impression that doing only one thing at a time is no longer enough? If you want to be multitasking, with the aim of saving time, you have to be careful and precise. Steps Step 1. Set your goals The old saying, "

How to Remove a Splinter with Sodium Bicarbonate

How to Remove a Splinter with Sodium Bicarbonate

Sometimes it is possible to remove a splinter using baking soda and a band-aid. You have to clean and dry the affected area and then apply baking soda. Cover it with a band-aid and remove it after a few hours. The splinter should come out. Be sure to use an antibiotic ointment to prevent any infections and see your doctor if the wound becomes infected.

5 Ways To Remove A Splinter

5 Ways To Remove A Splinter

Splinters are foreign bodies that penetrate the body; they can be of all shapes and sizes and represent a fairly common injury. They can cause minimal to severe pain, especially if they stick to delicate parts of the body such as the feet. You can remove small superficial splinters even at home without much difficulty, but you should see a doctor for large ones that have penetrated deep into the skin.

How to Treat Water Retention: 7 Steps

How to Treat Water Retention: 7 Steps

Water retention occurs when the body retains an unnecessary amount of water; it is a disorder that creates discomfort and can cause the sensation of swelling or enlargement, especially in the face, hands, abdomen, breasts and feet. There are many ways to treat it, but it is essential to go to your doctor and find the cause first.

How to Stop a Bleeding (with Pictures)

How to Stop a Bleeding (with Pictures)

Hemorrhage refers to the loss of blood from the blood vessels of the body. If someone has been injured and is bleeding, it is important to take action quickly to stop the bleeding. In most cases, you should be able to keep it under control without too much difficulty.

How to raise the level of platelets in the blood: how effective are natural remedies?

How to raise the level of platelets in the blood: how effective are natural remedies?

Platelets are small elements in the blood that are involved in clotting, an essential process in wound healing. When your platelet count is too low - that is, if you have thrombocytopenia - your blood does not clot properly, so you may experience quite severe bleeding and bruising, especially if you already have an illness or are a patient undergoing chemotherapy.

How to Follow a Daily Schedule: 7 Steps

How to Follow a Daily Schedule: 7 Steps

When at the end of the day it seems to you that you have not achieved many results, and you realize that the commitments continue to pile up, it means that it is time to review your daily schedule. This way you can tell if you are spending too much time on one thing while ignoring others.

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites: 15 Steps

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites: 15 Steps

In many ways, mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals in the world. Conservative estimates hold mosquitoes responsible for hundreds of millions of malaria cases each year. But mosquitoes can transmit many other diseases, including West Nile virus, yellow fever and dengue fever.

4 Ways to Avoid Side Effects When Using Flonase (Fluticasone)

4 Ways to Avoid Side Effects When Using Flonase (Fluticasone)

Flonase (or fluticasone) is a liquid spray that is used nasally to treat the symptoms of (1) periodic, i.e. seasonal (at certain times of the year) allergic rhinitis, and of (2) perennial non-allergic rhinitis (all l 'year); however, it does not heal from these conditions caused by the nose and sinuses.

How to Raise Low Blood Pressure (with Pictures)

How to Raise Low Blood Pressure (with Pictures)

Arterial hypotension is a fairly common medical disorder due to several factors. It is important to know how to raise your blood pressure to prevent it from dropping to health-threatening levels, which could lead to dizziness or even fainting.

How to Heal a Collapsed Lung: 11 Steps

How to Heal a Collapsed Lung: 11 Steps

We speak of pneumothorax or lung collapse when air escapes from the lung and is trapped between the chest and the lung cavity itself. This problem can be caused by rupture of air bubbles in the lungs, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, trauma to the chest or rib cage.

How to Lose Weight (with Pictures)

How to Lose Weight (with Pictures)

There are many reasons why you may want to lose weight. If you've been obese or overweight for a long time, you may be worried about what all that extra weight will affect your health. Obesity increases the risk of many health problems, including diabetes, liver disease, bladder disease, and even some types of cancer.