Oregano is a herb commonly used in Italian cooking. It is an abundant plant that provides beautiful ground cover, as well as its usefulness in the kitchen. It can be grown both indoors and out, which means it doesn't matter where you live - with a little time and attention, you'll be able to enjoy your fresh oregano.
Part 1 of 3: Determine the Growing Method

Step 1. Choose from seeds or cuttings
Oregano can be grown from seeds or cuttings, so if you already own some oregano plants, you might want to use their branches instead of buying new seeds. When using seeds, typically around a quarter of them can be expected not to grow, so planting several is recommended.
Cuttings should only be made from adult plants. You should wait until the roots of your plants are well developed and new shoots appear before detaching the twigs for cuttings

Step 2. Select the area to plant
Oregano loves the sun and the soil that drains well, so you should choose a place that has these two characteristics. If you live in a harsh climate area, you may want to start growing indoors and move it outside when the weather gets warmer.
Oregano grows best in moderately fertilized soil. It is unlikely that you will need to add compost or fertilizer for it to grow well

Step 3. Organize additional space if you want to grow lots of plants
A single fully grown oregano plant will be between 60 and 80cm tall and 60cm wide. For best results in your garden, you should leave about 25 cm of space between one plant and another.
If you plan to grow oregano indoors, choose a pot that is about 30 cm in diameter. This way your plant will have enough space to grow

Step 4. Plant the oregano as soon as possible
You can plant oregano as early as 6-10 weeks before the last expected spring frost. However, in regions with colder climates or during a cold spell, you may decide to protect your plants with a layer of hay.
- You can also use old sheets, blankets or plastic sheeting instead of hay. To avoid damage to the young seedlings you can use stakes to raise the cover.
- Once the sun has risen and the air has warmed up, you should remove the cover from the plants. If you are using hay, you must remove it from the plants after the last frost.
Part 2 of 3: Planting and Caring for Oregano

Step 1. Plant the oregano
You should plant the seeds about half an inch deep and insert the twigs into the soil about 1.5 cm. You need to be patient as you wait for new seedlings to sprout from the ground, as the seeds often sprout slowly, although planting indoors can speed up the time.
- Avoid using seeds that have been stored for a long time. Over time, the chance of them sprouting decreases.
- Tear off the leaves from the ends of the twigs you decide to plant in the ground.
- Plants usually take 5 to 10 days to sprout from the ground. However, oregano may take more or less time, depending on factors such as soil quality, sunlight and frequency of irrigation.

Step 2. Water the oregano in moderation
During the first months of growth, water your plants regularly to allow them to acclimate; once they have settled, you can reduce the amount of water. Check if the plant needs water or not by touching the surrounding soil. If you feel it dry, you should water it abundantly.
Plants in pots should be treated similarly to those grown in the soil. However, when you water them you should wet them until you notice the water dripping from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pots

Step 3. Prune the oregano for thicker growth
By pruning or plucking the leaves and ends of the plant you can encourage denser leaf growth. Wait until the plant is about 10 cm tall, then use a pair of shears or scissors to cut off the outer growth of the twigs slightly.
- Pruning also helps prevent overgrowth of the plant's stems, which would reduce the crop yield.
- Where you are cutting, you should notice that branching will form as it grows. In turn, these branches will carry more leaves, which means more oregano for you.
- When you prune, you can use fresh oregano in a recipe or let it dry for later use.

Step 4. Remove older plants
Diseased or under-grown plants can invade the space of healthier ones by stealing their resources, with a negative impact on their growth. Plants that are 3-4 years old are at the end of their life cycle and will be less productive, making them prime candidates for removal.
You may not remember which plants are old and which are young. In this case you should wait until early spring, when you should be able to judge the age of the plant by the growth of new branches

Step 5. Remove the weeds
Weeds can steal valuable nutrients from your oregano, blocking the sun's rays or absorbing water destined for your plants. Try to target the newly hatched weeds, as it will be easier to remove them at that time. Grab the weed firmly at its base, exerting firm, steady pressure, then try to remove as many roots as possible.
There are many garden tools that you can use to help you with this. A spade or weeder could make your job less complicated

Step 6. Collect the oregano
Oregano can be used fresh, but you should still wash it first to get rid of dirt, bugs and bacteria. Let the washed leaves air dry or pat them with a towel - they are now ready to use in all recipes that call for fresh oregano!
The properties of oregano reach their peak just before flowering. The flowering season is usually in early July, although it can vary depending on the region you live in
Part 3 of 3: Drying the oregano

Step 1. Collect oregano
The easiest time to do this is in the morning, after the sun has risen and the dew evaporates. Use a pair of pruning shears or scissors to cut the branches, leaving some of them attached to the plant. Then gather the twigs into small bundles and use a rubber band around the stems to secure them together.
Try not to make bundles of oregano too thick. This can cause uneven drying which would make the final product less tasty

Step 2. Cover the bundles
This will prevent dust from accumulating on the oregano as it dries and will prevent the sun from lightening its color. Paper bags work well for this; however, remember to cut slits that favor the flow of air and therefore better drying.
Don't lose sight of the oregano as it dries. Direct sunlight can sometimes cause moisture to build up in the bag, which could cause mold to grow and spoil the dried oregano

Step 3. Hang the oregano bundles to dry
The time it takes will depend on the climate you live in. In some regions it may take a few days, in others up to two weeks. You should hang the twigs in a warm, dry area, but out of direct sunlight. Some places you might consider drying oregano include the attic, porch, clothesline, or even the kitchen.
If you intend to dry oregano outdoors you should always keep an eye on the weather. Rain could ruin your hard work

Step 4. Store dried oregano
When the leaves have become "crumbly", your oregano is ready to be stored. Spread out a sheet of wax paper and place the bundles of twigs on top, then crumble them with your hands and set the stems aside, which can be thrown away. Store the dried oregano in an airtight jar and enjoy it all year round.
To easily transfer dried oregano to a container, you can grab the wax paper from two corners and form a funnel. Place one end of the funnel over the mouth of the container and tap the paper to slide the dried leaves
- Do not use pesticides on your oregano, unless they are specially formulated to be used on edible plants.
- You should always wash vegetables and herbs from the garden before consuming them.
Things You'll Need
- Garden shears
- Plants or seeds of oregano
- Shovel / spade
- Watering can
- Paper bags (for drying)
- Elastics (for drying)
- Greaseproof paper (for drying)