Everyone knows that the best way to keep your bladder healthy is to go to the bathroom whenever "nature calls". However, sometimes it's not that simple. Maybe you are traveling or stuck in a long meeting and can't use the toilet. How to behave on these occasions? There are many techniques that can save you from embarrassment and improve bladder health in the long run.
Part 1 of 3: Hold Urine

Step 1. Try to mentally distract yourself
As the bladder fills, the nerve endings in the pelvis send signals to the brain to inform it that it's time to go to the bathroom. Since the urge to urinate arises from these nerve signals, try to distract yourself by thinking about other things.
- Try to think of something complex, such as ideas for carrying out a new project at work or a solution for scheduled chores at home. If you focus on simple concepts - like counting to ten or reciting the alphabet - you won't be able to completely ignore the cue to pee.
- If you can put your headphones on and use your cell phone or computer, listen to the news or a podcast with a complex story. Absorbing outside information helps you ignore physiological stimuli.

Step 2. Relax your muscles
You will probably be tempted to cross your legs and apply pressure to your pelvis. At the same time, however, you should make sure that the rest of your body is relaxed, to distract your mind from the discomfort you feel due to a full bladder.
- Roll your shoulders back and forth and your head from side to side. These exercises reduce the pressure you may feel on the spine and neck due to a contracted posture.
- If you are sitting, cross your legs and press lightly on the bladder. Open your shoulders and lengthen your spine. This way, you get into a straight stance. Do not lean forward, otherwise you increase the pressure on the urinary tract.
- If you are standing upright, place your feet parallel with the toes touching. Distribute your body weight evenly on each leg and maintain an upright posture. You may feel the desire to cross your legs, but try to avoid it. This may make you feel self-conscious as it forces you to shift your weight onto one leg.

Step 3. Breathe deeply
If you can't go to the bathroom when you have to pee, you have to endure a great deal of physical and mental stress. Breathe deeply using your diaphragm, dilating your lower abdomen muscles as you inhale and pushing them as you exhale.
This controlled, deep breathing relieves pressure on the pelvis, while also relaxing any muscles that you may feel tense or contracted

Step 4. Avoid constricting clothing
If you are wearing tight jeans or shorts, try loosening them or changing clothes. They could apply unwanted pressure to the bladder.
Obviously, if you are in public, don't undo your pants or open the zipper

Step 5. Avoid any abrupt movement, such as bouncing, jumping, or fidgeting
If you have to walk, move very slowly.
Part 2 of 3: Strengthen the Bladder

Step 1. Do the Kegel exercises
One of the key strategies for avoiding the annoying pain of keeping the bladder full is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (found at the base of the bladder itself). By completing these exercises, you can strengthen your bladder and reduce the frequency of urination.
- To understand the area where your pelvic floor muscles are, go to the bathroom to pee. While urinating, stop the flow in half; if you can do this, it means that you have contracted the right muscles.
- To perform Kegel exercises, contract these muscles from sitting or lying down. Hold the contraction for five seconds and then relax as you count to five. Repeat the exercise five times.
- Keep practicing until you are able to hold the contraction for ten continuous seconds. You should do three sets of 4-5 contractions each day.

Step 2. Change your hydration
If you are used to drinking large amounts of fluids in a short period of time (for example, after physical activity or when you take a break during the day), try distributing your fluid intake multiple times throughout the day, drinking smaller amounts. This "trick" allows you to relieve the pressure on your bladder.
- Keep a bottle of plain water near your desk and take a sip every 5-10 minutes.
- Typically, you should drink 9 glasses of water per day (about 2.2 liters).

Step 3. Set a regular schedule for going to the bathroom
The bladder will become a stronger organ if you "train" it to empty in set times. Schedule going to the bathroom every 2-4 hours, and you will find that the extra time you need to urinate will decrease later on.

Step 4. Track your weight
Studies have shown that obese and overweight people have an overactive bladder. If you have to go to the bathroom often to pee, try shedding a few pounds and see the results.
- You should ask your doctor for advice to find the best way to lose weight. Generally speaking, you should stick to a schedule that includes moderate cardio exercise (running, walking, swimming, hiking) 3-4 times a week and a healthy diet rich in lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Stay away from foods that contain too much sugar, fat, refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice, popcorn, chips, cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream and so on. Sugary sodas and cocktails should be consumed in minimal quantities or eliminated altogether.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Future Accidents

Step 1. Eat the right foods
Some foods can irritate the bladder and trigger frequent stimuli. If you often need to pee, you should avoid eating:
- Sour fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons);
- Spicy foods;
- Chocolate;
- Corn syrup;
- Tomatoes and tomato based sauces.

Step 2. Avoid irritating drinks
Just like food, drinks can also adversely affect the bladder. By consuming the fluids described below you reduce the urinary tract's ability to hold pee:
- Sweetened and carbonated drinks;
- Drinks with artificial sweeteners (such as "diet" drinks);
- Tea and coffee;
- Excess alcohol (more than five drinks per week)
- Fruit and vegetable juices such as orange, grapefruit and tomato juices.
- If you have incontinence problems or an incessant urge to urinate, try to eliminate these foods and drinks for a week and see if there is any improvement in symptoms. You will be able to gradually reintroduce one or two items at a time to identify which is the most irritating to the bladder.

Step 3. Talk to your doctor
If you have persistent problems related to urination, such as pain in your bladder or an urgent and constant urge to pee, you must inform your doctor to find the most suitable therapy.
- If you are taking medications for another medical condition, such as high blood pressure or depression, the therapy may adversely affect your bladder. Talk to your doctor about changing your dosage or switching to another type of medicine that has fewer side effects.
- You may be reluctant to go to the doctor because you fear it is an embarrassing subject. You don't have to stall to find a cure; bladder pain could be a symptom of a more extensive condition, such as cancer or kidney disease, so see your doctor right away.
- Certain medications such as mirabegron and botulinum toxin injections are prescribed to treat urinary incontinence.