Sexual meditation is a practice that allows you to increase awareness of the body with the aim of increasing pleasure during intercourse. If you practice it regularly, alone or with your partner, then you can improve intimacy and pleasure during intercourse.
Part 1 of 2: Preparation
Step 1. Talk to your partner about meditation
This is a healthy way to improve your sex life. Talk to your partner about why you want to try this type of practice.
- Evaluate the benefits of sexual meditation. To have good sex, you need to have complete awareness of your body. This way you can experience every sensation to the fullest. Meditation teaches you to practice mindfulness and conscious attention, both of which will allow you to enjoy a more pleasurable sexual experience.
- In couples who practice it often, the two partners feel closer to each other. You will be able to perceive each other's body better by enhancing sexual activity.

Step 2. Get ready to clear your mind
When you have decided to try sexual meditation, you first need to prepare yourself to ward off thoughts. Choose a quiet, distraction-free place. Dim the lights in the bedroom or living room and turn off all electronic devices, such as telephones, televisions, and computers. Keep the temperature at a comfortable level. If the environment is too hot or cold, it could become a distraction.

Step 3. Start a "pre-meditation"
When you are ready to clear your mind, you need to engage in pre-meditation. It is a ritual that allows you and your partner to start turning your awareness within you.
- You should close your eyes and then try to stay aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to your body, to your breath and try to block all thoughts by focusing only on the present moment.
- When you feel ready to meditate, touch your partner's knee. If the other person has not opened their eyes, it means they are not yet ready to start meditation. If your partner touches your knee before you are ready, keep your eyes closed.
Part 2 of 2: Engaging in Meditation

Step 1. Get into the correct posture
When you and your partner have done the pre-meditation, you need to put yourself in the right position for the actual meditation phase. You can either lie down or sit cross-legged in the lotus position, depending on your preference. In theory, you should be naked during sexual meditation.
- Keep your back straight, regardless of whether you are supine or sitting, and keep your arms at your sides. Your arms should rest loosely in your lap if you have chosen to meditate seated.
- In a sitting position, the chin should be raised and the head aligned with the spine.

Step 2. Focus on space and breathing
As you begin your meditation, turn your attention to these two elements. Take deep, relaxing breaths focusing on the air entering and leaving your body. Try to be aware of yourself and your feelings. Observe how the air flows around the body and how the sensations are transmitted from the various parts, from the hands to the feet.
Step 3. Visualize your body
When you start meditating, visualize your own body. Think about its internal and external appearance. Try to paint a mental picture of his internal energy. Use your imagination, visualize the different colors of sexual desire. At this point, think of your feelings as abstract shapes, colors and sounds. Let your imagination run wild.

Step 4. Now focus on your partner
When you've visualized yourself, shift your attention to the other person. Try to think about her or him.
- Feel what surrounds your body. Be aware of your own breathing and that of your partner. Talk to the other person and make eye contact. Observe the movements of his body.
- Try to communicate with your partner only through expressions. Try using your face, hands, and eyes to show him how you feel. Look at her expressions and try to understand her feelings in turn.
- Try to maximize awareness of your body and the sensations you experience. The goal of sexual meditation is to raise the level of consciousness which leads to increased sexual arousal.

Step 5. Start sexual intercourse
After about 20 minutes of meditation, engage in intercourse. If this is more enjoyable after the practice, discuss with your partner the possibility of meditating regularly.
Step 6. Try Taoist Sex Meditation
When you have experienced the basic one, try more complex techniques of that practice. Taoist sexual meditation focuses on merging your desires with those of your partner.
- Begin this practice by holding your partner's hands and trying to synchronize your breaths. This way you inhale and exhale at the same rate. Continue like this until you breathe as one person.
- The pulsing technique represents another form of Taoist sexual meditation. Gently open and close your partner's hands or massage their wrists with light, rhythmic movements. Doing so helps him relax and increase the feeling of unity and intimacy.
- It takes time and dedication to fully engage in Taoist sexual meditation. You will need to familiarize yourself with the eight principles of Taoism, practice mindfulness and meditate on your own regularly. If you are interested in Taoism or Taoist meditation, discuss with your partner the possibility of enrolling in a course together. With the help of a professional teacher, you can learn how to embrace this practice as a couple and engage in Taoist sexual meditation.
Step 7. Learn about tantric sex
This is a meditative form of sex in which meditation is used to increase the senses during intercourse. Sex itself becomes a form of meditation. There are a number of meditative yoga practices that aid in tantric sex. If again you or your partner are interested in the subject, you can look for a book about it in the library or sign up for a course together.