Health 2024, September

How To Stop Getting Cuts On Your Body

How To Stop Getting Cuts On Your Body

Getting cuts on the body is a form of self-harm. Self-harm is a voluntary gesture used as a tool to manage difficult feelings and circumstances that are too heavy to bear. Getting cuts on the body could provide momentary relief and help the self-injured person regain control of the situation.

How to Cure a Shock (with Pictures)

How to Cure a Shock (with Pictures)

Shock is a very serious syndrome that requires immediate medical attention, as the victim can risk dying due to the temporary blockage of normal blood circulation which, in turn, cuts off the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and to the organs.

3 Ways to Prevent Suicide

3 Ways to Prevent Suicide

Knowing that someone is thinking of taking their own life is hard to digest. In such a situation, one feels helpless or unable to prevent the intention to commit suicide from being materialized. However, if you recognize the risk factors and red flags, take measures, and be there, you can prevent this extreme action.

How to Overcome the Fear of Death (with Pictures)

How to Overcome the Fear of Death (with Pictures)

Thanatophobia, or more often known as "fear of death", affects millions of people around the world. In some individuals it can generate anxiety and / or obsessive thoughts. More precisely, thanatophobia is the fear of death and / or one's own mortality, while the fear of dying people or dead things is known as "

How to Recover from Depression (with Pictures)

How to Recover from Depression (with Pictures)

It happens to everyone to feel sad or down in the dumps. It can happen to be disappointed by others, have bad days, lose someone or give up important dreams. However, when sadness does not go away despite weeks or months, it manifests itself frequently, interferes with one's ability to interact with others and enjoy life, it is possible that it is a form of depression.

How to Deal with Severe Clinical Depression

How to Deal with Severe Clinical Depression

Clinical depression is not the same as feeling low or the simple sadness that anyone can experience from time to time. It means being clinically depressed, meaning that there is a medical diagnosis. There are several psychiatric conditions that include symptoms of clinical depression, including:

How to cheer someone up (with pictures)

How to cheer someone up (with pictures)

Everyone gets sad from time to time. Cheering someone up means deciding to listen to a person and empathize with them, helping them see the situation they are experiencing from a different perspective. This article contains practical and very useful tips that will allow you to be a good support for someone who is going through a difficult time.

How to Relieve a Teething Baby

How to Relieve a Teething Baby

Teething is a normal stage in a baby's development. It can cause pain, discomfort and, therefore, cause stress. There are several ways to relieve the pain caused by the first teeth coming out. In these cases, a variety of home remedies can be used or medical attention can be sought.

3 Ways to Control the Frequency of Contractions

3 Ways to Control the Frequency of Contractions

Towards the end of pregnancy and during labor, women experience contractions: spasms and rhythmic distension of the uterine muscle that lead to childbirth. Determining the frequency of contractions is a good way to determine how long it is to deliver.

How to Get Pregnant Quickly (with Pictures)

How to Get Pregnant Quickly (with Pictures)

When you decide that you feel ready to start a family, you want the process to be very simple and not cause any stress. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to get pregnant faster. By taking steps to boost fertility, calculating the best days to conceive, and having effective intimate relationships with your partner, you will be striding towards the time when you can hold your puppy.

How to balance the size of breasts while breastfeeding

How to balance the size of breasts while breastfeeding

Many new mothers who are breastfeeding become discouraged when they wake up one morning with one breast that has become a cup or two larger than the other. It is not the end of the world, and with a little patience it is easily resolved. Steps Step 1.

How to Switch to Cow's Milk (with Pictures)

How to Switch to Cow's Milk (with Pictures)

Up to one year of age, babies should be breast-fed or formula-fed, even after the introduction of solid food. After the first birthday, you can switch to cow's milk. Read on to learn how to make this change as easy as possible. Steps Part 1 of 2:

How To Lose Weight During Pregnancy: 10 Steps

How To Lose Weight During Pregnancy: 10 Steps

Losing weight while pregnant is generally not recommended by doctors - even overweight or obese women are almost always advised to gain weight while pregnant. However, this article will show you what you should know to avoid gaining unnecessary weight during your pregnancy.

How to Calculate Ovulation with an Irregular Cycle

How to Calculate Ovulation with an Irregular Cycle

Your menstrual cycle can be irregular for a variety of reasons, but unfortunately it creates some discomfort as it doesn't allow you to prepare for your next period and be able to tell when you are ovulating. It is important to know when you have your childbearing period, especially if you are planning on having a baby.

3 Ways to Weigh a Baby

3 Ways to Weigh a Baby

If you have recently had a baby, you will probably know the importance of adequate weight gain in a newborn. In the first days after birth, many babies lose weight, but in a short time they also begin to regain it: in the first six months of life, they tend to grow by about 150 - 200 grams per week.

How to Calm Overactive Children: 7 Steps

How to Calm Overactive Children: 7 Steps

Hyperactive children can be tiring and, frankly, become a torment. Here are some ways to calm them down … Steps Step 1. Identify the reason for their hyperactivity Keep track of when they are hyperactive, and the events that preceded their behavior.

3 Ways to Use a Scale

3 Ways to Use a Scale

Scales are commercially available in many different shapes and designs, from the cheapest to the highly accurate ones found in doctors' surgeries. Regardless of whether you want to weigh the flour to make a cake or know your body weight to figure out if you can afford to eat another slice, remember that using the scale correctly is the key to getting accurate values.

How to Use Epsom Salt: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Use Epsom Salt: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Epsom salt (or English salt) may be considered one of the simplest remedies for relieving foot pain, but it is also useful as a household cleansing product. Integrating it into daily life is easy and a non-toxic way to successfully perform a variety of activities.

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol (with Pictures)

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol (with Pictures)

If you are reading this page, you are most likely going to make your life better. If you feel this urge, it means that it is the right time to put in place a concrete plan and act immediately. Getting out of the alcohol tunnel is a long way, but don't be discouraged.

How to Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on an Adult

How to Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on an Adult

Knowing how to perform both methods of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on an adult could save a life. However, the most recommended one has changed relatively recently, and it is important to know the difference with the other. In 2010, the Association of American Cardiologists made radical changes in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure for victims of cardiac arrest, after studies have shown that CPR with compression only (without mouth-to-mouth resuscitation) is ef

How to Give a Newborn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

How to Give a Newborn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Although CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) must be performed by properly trained individuals in a certified first aid course, even ordinary individuals can significantly contribute to the survival of children who experience cardiac arrest.

How to Give an Intramuscular Injection (with Pictures)

How to Give an Intramuscular Injection (with Pictures)

On occasion, learning how to administer an intramuscular injection may become necessary, especially when you or a member of your family have a medical condition that requires this type of treatment. Your doctor will make this decision at the time of providing treatment.

3 Ways to Increase Oxygen Saturation

3 Ways to Increase Oxygen Saturation

Oxygen saturation (Sa0₂) refers to the circulation of oxygen in the bloodstream; levels above 95% are normally considered healthy and those below 90% problematic. Patients with conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often have low oxygen saturation levels, which can lead to shortness of breath, lethargy, fatigue, weakness and many more serious problems.

4 Ways to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver

4 Ways to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver

If someone is choking, it is important to know how to intervene. The Heimlich maneuver (abdominal compressions) is an emergency technique that can save a life in a matter of seconds. This is a simple procedure that often allows you to move food or another object that is obstructing the airways, as it increases abdominal and chest pressure allowing the person to expel the foreign body.

How to tell if you have a lipoma: 15 steps

How to tell if you have a lipoma: 15 steps

Lipoma is a term used to refer to a benign neoplasm of adipose tissue. This type of cancer usually occurs on the torso, neck, armpits, arms, thighs and internal organs. Fortunately, lipomas are almost never dangerous and can be treated if they cause discomfort.

How To Know If You Have Entered Puberty (Guys)

How To Know If You Have Entered Puberty (Guys)

Puberty can be one of the most confusing and exciting stages in a boy's life. The body changes and begins to look more like that of a man. You grow taller, hair grows, body odor becomes more intense, and sexual instincts develop in addition to organs.

4 Ways to Relax the Mind

4 Ways to Relax the Mind

Do you feel stressed or unhappy? Do you really need to calm down? Training your mind to relax will help you feel refreshed and refreshed at all times. Once you have identified the most suitable methods for your person, practice them frequently.

4 Ways to Control Negative Thoughts

4 Ways to Control Negative Thoughts

Negative thinking is as common a problem as it is easily solved. It can be the enemy of health by increasing stress and can prevent you from seizing personal and professional opportunities to improve your life. By curbing your habit of pursuing negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones, you can achieve that mental shape that allows you to achieve full happiness.

How to Read a Foot Reflexology Map

How to Read a Foot Reflexology Map

The foot reflexology map shows the reflex points found in the feet. Thanks to acupuncture and massage, a certain amount of pressure can be applied to it, which in turn triggers the healing of certain ailments in the rest of the body. With a little patience you can learn to read one of these tables that show you the reflex points located in the feet and the parts of the body to which they are connected.

How to Maintain a Balanced Diet: 12 Steps

How to Maintain a Balanced Diet: 12 Steps

Maintaining a balanced diet means eating a wide range of foods to make sure you are getting all the components necessary for the body to function properly. Following a balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health. The tissues and organs of the body need to be nourished to perform their role correctly and effectively.

How to cure a headache without drugs

How to cure a headache without drugs

If you are against using prescription or over-the-counter medications, or if you don't have any available, it helps to know how to treat a headache without using medicine. There are many natural remedies, alternative treatments, and preventative measures that you can try to relieve headaches and migraines.

How to lose weight in a healthy way (with pictures)

How to lose weight in a healthy way (with pictures)

Going hungry is not only unnecessary for weight loss, it is also highly discouraged. Losing weight healthily requires a good deal of patience and a willingness to stick to a set plan. Respecting a healthy conduct is also the key to maintaining the result achieved over time.

How to Prolong the REM Sleep Phase: 9 Steps

How to Prolong the REM Sleep Phase: 9 Steps

The REM phase (Rapid Eye Movement) is a stage of sleep in which the brain is very active and tends to dream. During the REM phase, your eyes really make rapid movements. The amount of REM sleep depends on age and other factors, but on average it is 50% in infants and 20% in adults.

How to Live Longer (with Pictures)

How to Live Longer (with Pictures)

Do you want to be counted among the future centenarians? If so, the best thing to do is to start taking care of your physical and mental health right away. By doing so, not only will you be able to extend your life expectancy, but your health will allow you to fully enjoy every day at your disposal.

4 Ways to Draw Blood

4 Ways to Draw Blood

Nurses draw blood to perform a series of medical tests. This article will teach you how professionals draw blood from patients. Steps Method 1 of 4: Prepare the Blood Draw Step 1. Take all precautions in favor of the patient Take note of the information on the medical record or chart hanging on the edge of the patient's bed.

How to Remember to Take Medicines: 7 Steps

How to Remember to Take Medicines: 7 Steps

Have you just started a new treatment regimen and need to take pills every day? Would you like to have the consistency of taking a multivitamin daily? Remembering your medications every day can be a daunting task, but essential for your health.

3 Ways to Use Crutches

3 Ways to Use Crutches

If you can't keep weight on one leg due to injury or surgery, you need to learn how to use crutches. It is important to use the correct technique to avoid doing more damage to the injured leg or foot. Learn how to use crutches for walking, sitting, standing, and climbing stairs.

How to Cure a Sprained Ankle: 15 Steps

How to Cure a Sprained Ankle: 15 Steps

Almost everyone has to deal with a sprained ankle sooner or later; it can happen while climbing stairs or while playing a sport. When the ankle is forced into an unnatural position, the ligaments stretch and can even tear. Thankfully, most of these injuries can be easily treated at home with good self-medication procedures.

How to Swallow Medicine Loving: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Swallow Medicine Loving: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

We live in an age where many diseases and conditions can be cured simply with a couple of pills or a spoonful of syrup. Unfortunately for us, many drugs have a bitter and unpleasant taste, which makes them more difficult to take. However, there are ways to correct the flavor of a medicine and stay healthy.

3 Ways to Fight Negative Thoughts

3 Ways to Fight Negative Thoughts

If some negative thoughts tend to come to your mind, know that you are not alone: an expert has estimated that 80% of our thoughts have some negative content. Negative thinking may even be innate in the psychological makeup of human beings: