If you need to do a kidney biopsy, you may want to know how to prepare. Your doctor will give you some information to follow, but you can also read this article to understand what else you can do.
Method 1 of 3: One Week Before the Procedure

Step 1. Report any bleeding problems
Your doctor will ask you if you bleed a lot after even a minor injury. You will need to confirm that you have no such problems by doing some laboratory tests such as clotting and bleeding time. They will be used to make sure your kidney does not bleed too much after being stung. The kidney is a highly vascularized organ and at risk of bleeding even after minor trauma. A bleeding problem would simply increase the risk.

Step 2. Tell your doctor about all medications and supplements you are taking
Some medications increase the risk of bleeding so you will need to stop them. The effect of thinning drugs such as warfarin lasts up to a week. For this you will have to stop it 7 to 10 days before the biopsy.
- You should also stop anticoagulants such as aspirin a week before.
- Also stop taking pain relievers like ibuprofen, non-steroidal herbal supplements like ginkgo, garlic, and fish oil.

Step 3. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant
Pregnant women have the highest blood pressure, which increases the risk of bleeding during the procedure. Furthermore, the pregnancy itself makes it difficult to identify the actual disease. The biopsy should only be done if it can lead to a change in the treatment plan.
- Before doing it, your doctor may ask you to take an autotransfusion sample as a preventative measure.
- They may also ask you to postpone the biopsy until after delivery. Once delivered, the effect of pregnancy on the kidney structure would wear off and the problem would become clearer.

Step 4. Prepare the information for the anesthesiologist
The anesthesiologist is the doctor who administers the medications so that you don't feel pain during the biopsy. You will need to give him information such as:
- Family history. The anesthesiologist will need to know if you or someone in your family has had anesthesia problems in the past. This way he will be able to correct the drug during the procedure.
- Allergies and drug reactions. Tell him about any allergies or drug reactions you have had in the past.
- Medical history. Tell everything, especially if you have had bleeding, take thinners, anticoagulants such as Coumadin or Aspirin. Other drugs that can cause bleeding are non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as Advil, Ibuprofen, Motrin and the like. You will need to stop these medications a few days before the operation.
Method 2 of 3: One Day Before the Procedure

Step 1. Make sure you don't have skin infections
Examine the skin on the abdomen and back. If you have any infections, the needle used in the procedure could enter microorganisms into the body. The organ in this way could become infected.
Common signs of skin infection are: redness, itching, pain, pus, etc. An open wound will likely become infected

Step 2. Sign the consent form
Your doctor will inform you about the whole procedure, the risks and benefits of the biopsy. Then you will have to sign the consent as for any other surgical operation.

Step 3. Clean and shave the area
You will need to remove any hair from your back and abdomen. Doing so will simplify the procedure. A smooth surface will help visualize the area to be operated on and reduce the risk of infection.
Take a shower and wash the area with soap after shaving it. You will need to be as germ-free as possible

Step 4. Take your doctor's prescribed anxiolytic
Most people become anxious even before a simple injection, let alone surgery. Anxiolytics such as bromazepam or lorazepam will greatly reduce fear or anxiety. Take them according to your doctor's prescription.
- If you don't want to take any medications, there are other ways to relax. Deep breathing can help you get better if you feel anxious. Slowly inhale through your nose and hold for two seconds, then exhale through your mouth. Repeat five times. Use this technique before going to bed and in the morning before the operation.
- Meditation is also a way to relieve anxiety. Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a place full of peace. Concentrate for a few minutes then try to slow your breathing. You can do this the night before and the morning of the surgery, before leaving the house.

Step 5. Do not eat after midnight before the biopsy
You will need to be completely fasting from 00.00 before the surgery. It is important that the stomach is empty to avoid aspiration during the procedure. Aspiration occurs when stomach contents enter the respiratory tract, causing problems such as pneumonia.
Method 3 of 3: One Hour Before the Procedure

Step 1. Take the prescribed medications
Since you cannot eat in the morning before surgery, take a few sips of water with your medicine. This way the pills will go down better. Don't eat foods of any kind.

Step 2. Do not take insulin if you are insulin dependent
Taking insulin lowers blood sugar levels too much and makes biopsy difficult. You will be given some with a saline infusion to keep your sugar levels optimal.

Step 3. Find a ride home
Once the biopsy is done, you can go home. However, you will be groggy all day from the sedative and anesthetic. You will need to ask someone to drive you home as driving in this state could be dangerous.
- Reasons why a kidney biopsy might be needed: check of function, exclusion of kidney tumor, detection of a kidney cyst and its evaluation.
- The two types of kidney biopsy are needle biopsy, in which a needle is inserted into the kidney through the back, and percutaneous biopsy, which involves taking a sample of tissue to determine its health.