How to Eat Slowly: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Eat Slowly: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Eat Slowly: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Eating slowly is not only a good ploy to lose weight, it is also a way to taste and enjoy food better. Eating slowly, however, is a habit that must be acquired and practiced. First, make sure you're eating in the right environment. a small change may be enough to encourage you to eat more consciously. Sit down at the table and commit to chewing each bite slowly to savor it thoroughly. Varying your general eating habits can be of additional help, so time your meals correctly and control your portions.


Part 1 of 3: Eating in the Right Environment

Eat Slowly Step 1
Eat Slowly Step 1

Step 1. Eat while seated at the table

If you eat while in a hurry or in front of the TV, chances are you'll gobble up the food in no time. You will not pay attention to what you eat if you are surrounded by distractions. Make it a point to sit down at every meal.

  • Sit down at the table even if you are alone. The meal experience will automatically become more intimate and personal and you will feel encouraged to eat slower.
  • Try to make mealtime even more special. For example, place a lighted candle or a bouquet of flowers in the center of the table. When you are at home, cook your meals yourself to be prompted to savor every bite.
Eat Slowly Step 2
Eat Slowly Step 2

Step 2. Try to eat together whenever possible

If you are engaged in conversation, chances are you will eat slower.

  • If you live with a family, make dining together an established habit. All family members will eat slower and your relationships will improve.
  • If you have roommates, consider having dinner together a couple of nights a week. Each of you can prepare one of your favorite dishes.
  • If you live alone, you can invite friends over a couple of times a week or alternatively you can have dinner together at a restaurant that specializes in healthy cuisine.
Eat Slowly Step 3
Eat Slowly Step 3

Step 3. Avoid doing anything else when you eat

If you are watching television, reading or doing something else, like crossword puzzles, you will hardly be able to pay attention to food. If you are distracted, you will tend to devour what you have on your plate instead of taking the time to savor it.

  • Eliminate distractions before you sit down at the table. Leave your phone in another room and turn off your computer and TV.
  • Don't bring books or magazines to the table. Try to turn the meal into a ritual where you commit to enjoying food.
  • Look at the food before putting it in your mouth. Make an effort to enjoy the meal itself.
Eat Slowly Step 4
Eat Slowly Step 4

Step 4. Pour yourself a drink

Don't overlook the importance of drinks during meals. Drinking forces you to stop by slowing the pace between bites. Plus, the liquid helps fill your stomach and make you feel full, taking away the risk of eating more than you need to. Don't forget to pour yourself a drink before you sit down at the table.

The ideal is to choose a low or calorie-free drink, especially if you have decided to eat slower because you want to lose weight. Still or sparkling water and diet drinks are a good option

Part 2 of 3: Strive to Eat Slower

Eat Slowly Step 5
Eat Slowly Step 5

Step 1. Chew more

Chewing your food longer will help you stay focused on the meal, plus it will spend more time between bites. Try to chew your food for 10-15 seconds before swallowing.

  • Especially at the beginning it is useful to choose foods that are difficult to chew. For example, try to eat lots of vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. Softer foods, such as soups and purees, are difficult to chew for a long time.
  • Focus on flavor and texture as you chew. Try to keep your focus on the real sensations instead of being distracted by the pleasure that comes with food.
Eat Slowly Step 6
Eat Slowly Step 6

Step 2. Sip some water between bites

This is why it is important to sit at the table with a full glass. Water is your best ally because it contains no calories. Remember to take a sip between bites to slow down the pace of the meal and feel full ahead of time.

You can flavor the water to taste to make it more pleasant. You can use bits of fresh fruit and vegetables or, for convenience, you can buy flavored water next time you go to the supermarket

Eat Slowly Step 7
Eat Slowly Step 7

Step 3. Place the cutlery on the table between bites

It's a simple but very useful strategy for slowing down the pace of the meal. If you never put your cutlery down, you will inevitably end up eating at a fast pace. Placing the cutlery on the table between bites will encourage you to take a break and savor the food with greater intensity.

  • You can also try using smaller than normal cutlery to make less generous bites.
  • Try replacing the cutlery; for example, you can try eating with chopsticks to slow the pace between bites.
Eat Slowly Step 8
Eat Slowly Step 8

Step 4. Time the meal duration

If eating slower is costing you a lot of effort, try using a stopwatch. It's a simple but effective trick to entice you to challenge yourself by slowing the pace.

  • The meal should ideally last around 20 minutes. Start the kitchen timer and keep an eye on it while you commit to eating slowly.
  • Try eating the dishes in sequence to slow down the pace; for example, you can start with a salad, continue with a side of cooked vegetables and finish the meal with the main course.

Part 3 of 3: Vary Your General Eating Habits

Eat Slowly Step 9
Eat Slowly Step 9

Step 1. Eat every 2-3 hours

If you let too much time pass between meals, you will end up feeling very hungry and will be prone to devour what you have on your plate. Instead of having 3 large meals, eat something light every 2-3 hours.

  • Keep your calories in check. If you eat every 2-3 hours, each meal should have a lower than normal calorie intake.
  • Eating little and often helps you to sit at the table without feeling hungry and therefore to eat more slowly and also speeds up your metabolism.
Eat Slowly Step 10
Eat Slowly Step 10

Step 2. Don't starve the body

If you get to the end of the day without having eaten enough, you will think of nothing but food and you will end up bingeing. If your stomach is rumbling and you feel hunger, it means that you have left too much time since your last meal. When you feel hunger starting to set in, decide what to eat and commit to a snack within the next half hour.

Eat Slowly Step 11
Eat Slowly Step 11

Step 3. Reduce portions

You will automatically feel prompted to taste food better and to eat slower. Commit to keeping quantities under control and prefer foods rich in nutrients to meet the body's daily needs.

  • Read the nutrition labels carefully. This way you will know how to dose the portions correctly. For example, a serving of potato chips might only provide 150 calories, but the serving size in the bag could be two servings.
  • Use a ploy to dose portions when you are away from home. Keep in mind that a serving of carbohydrates is about the size of a hockey puck. The protein portion should not be larger than a deck of cards.
Eat Slowly Step 12
Eat Slowly Step 12

Step 4. Snack on a shelled food

If you feel hungry between meals, treat yourself to a snack. Choose something to shell, such as peanuts or pistachios. Since you have to take them out of their shells to be able to eat them, you will automatically be forced to slow down between bites.

  • Be careful not to overdo the quantities because nuts are very high in calories.
  • Alternatively, you can choose a food that you eat one at a time, such as blueberries. Make an effort to put them in your mouth individually and savor them. Resist the temptation to eat them in handfuls.

Answers by the Expert

  • Is eating slowly good for your health?

    Yes, since when you eat slowly you chew your food better. By chewing each bite for a long time, you reduce the work on the digestive system and digestion becomes smoother. In addition, the body has time to recognize that the stomach is full.

    • How can I practice eating slower?

      Avoid eating in front of the TV or computer or while in a car. Nowadays we are so caught up in a rush that too often we do not give importance to the ritual of the meal.

      • How long should the meal last?

        There is no specific length of time to consume the meal, the important thing is to take the time you need to be aware that you are sitting down to eat.
