How to Defeat the Sadness of Monday Morning

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How to Defeat the Sadness of Monday Morning
How to Defeat the Sadness of Monday Morning

After a long and relaxing weekend away from the chaos of the office, school and life, waking up on Monday morning can be extremely difficult. Hurrying to be on time, throwing yourself out of bed to make coffee, remembering that parent-teacher meeting in 10 minutes, tripping over your work clothes, reading your boss's emails on your iPhone claiming to have that document right away, while all you can think about is that the weekend is over and you are again a victim of the upheavals of Monday. Haven't you just been there a week ago?

You don't have to worry - to make your Mondays more bearable, here's an approach to getting back to normal with less trauma.


Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 1
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 1

Step 1. Plan at least some fun on the weekend, between one errand and another

Then review the program to make sure you have done everything. Visit a museum, organize a family party, take a trip to a place you haven't seen for some time. Having a relaxing and carefree weekend (watching TV, sleeping, playing that video game you love, etc.) can be fun, but make sure you wrap up some of the things you intended to do; that way, on Monday you won't wonder what happened to the weather and why you didn't enjoy the weekend when you had the chance.

  • As important as having a great weekend is, make sure you do everything you need to do so you don't have to worry about an empty fridge on Mondays or anything like that. Still, you may decide to spread out supplies and errands throughout the week (lunch breaks and evenings) to free up the weekend more.
  • At the weekend, try to avoid constantly losing track of time, otherwise on Monday you will scream inside yourself, wondering where the 2 lost days have gone.
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 2
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 2

Step 2. Keep yourself organized

Keep the personal items you will need throughout the week close at hand so as not to lose them. That way, on Monday morning, you won't be frantically searching for your phone, wallet, or school (or work) badge. Keep your backpack or bag ready, with everything you need inside, except for what you will need on the weekend.

Pack clothes and accessories the night before. Yes, the preparation for Monday on Sunday evening might give you a bit of melancholy, but the next morning you will feel better being ready and fresh for the day, now that you are practically ready to go to work or school

Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 3
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 3

Step 3. Distribute commissions throughout the weekend

Of course, try not to spend the whole beloved weekend doing a homework or facing a job crisis! Rather, do a part every day and invest the time it takes to make your mark so you don't feel overwhelmed on Mondays. Gradual steps taken to complete similar things also help you do a good job because you will be fresher at the start of the week, thanks to your subconscious being more relaxed and ready to metabolize information with greater clarity.

Remember on the weekend that you are working now, so Mondays are not so scary anymore

Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 4
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 4

Step 4. Avoid sleeping late or staying too awake on weekends

There may be nothing you love more about the weekend than sleeping late, but it's important to your night routine that you get as much sleep as your body needs and that you keep any additional hours of sleep limited. Do not sleep more than 2 hours after your usual alarm, to avoid being a zombie on Monday; too much additional sleep on Sunday mornings could keep you awake longer on Sunday night, leaving you tired on Monday mornings.

Also, try to keep your usual night time on the weekend. Allowing yourself to stay up all night to watch a good movie or play 2048 on your mobile because it's the weekend will have a bad effect on your Monday. You go to bed too late and you will not be able to sleep well, and the sleep deprivation created by a longer night than usual on the weekend can negatively affect your energy levels on Monday. Keep the sleep bank in balance - not too much or too little

Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 5
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 5

Step 5. Eat healthily on weekends

Try to limit snacks and fast food. To stay healthy, eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible, as always, perhaps with a few more vices for the weekend. On Mondays, you'll be back for dinner with enough vitamins and green stuff, but you may be sorry to have to give up Nutella once again, now that your weekend messes have opened up your stomach and cravings.

If your family is used to eating out or messy on weekends, try to indulge in at least one home cooked meal every weekend! Ask the family for one meal a day all together at the table, regardless of what else happens that weekend

Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 6
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 6

Step 6. Do something special or fun to end the weekend

When you are in bed on Sunday night, thinking about how little this weekend has been, when you have not done anything fun or useful, you will feel sad to have to go back to your routine after wasting the last 2 days off. Give yourself the opportunity to make up for lost time and recharge yourself with something that makes you feel good at the last moment. This way you will lift an otherwise wasted weekend and be happy to remember the previous night, Monday. For instance:

  • Prepare a special meal for the family or go out for dinner.
  • Go see a movie.
  • Take a walk in the park and play with your dogs or just enjoy nature.
  • See your friends in some club; grab yourself an ice cream or cake at your favorite cafe.
  • Call a friend or relative you haven't talked to for a while, and get back in touch.
  • Do something unexpected; you would normally watch TV and throw yourself into bed upset, and instead try to skip the TV and go out to watch a game or workout of some sport; go to the sea or stroll down a crowded street; go visit your parents and make them dinner. Treat yourself to something very different from your usual Sunday night!
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 7
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 7

Step 7. Start your Monday on the right foot

Waking up irritated or tired on the day you get back to routine won't help you escape the sadness of Monday morning. In any case, even if it happens, you could convince yourself that you are ready for the week with a few tricks:

  • Wake up a few minutes earlier than usual. Waking up earlier gives you precious minutes to get ready without rushing. It can also allow you to welcome the sun as it rises and see the morning take shape around you. If you enjoy writing, exercising, or meditating, this is a great time to do it.
  • Take an aromatic shower. Your usual shower may not be very exciting. However, the addition of aromas can infinitely lift your spirits, transforming a banal hygienic activity into a fragrant and sweet refreshment. Some find a splash of cold water at the end of the shower useful to pull themselves up.

  • If it's sunny, pop outside and take a quick walk to appreciate the look of your neighborhood early in the morning. The dawn light will remind you of the morning, and make you feel much more enthusiastic about the day ahead.
  • Make your usual favorite drink. Coffee, tea, milk, whatever it is, it is very pleasant to take the time to have a drink before leaving the house. Drinking something in a hurry will leave you unsatisfied and confused, so take the time to enjoy your first drink of the day in the comfort of your own home.
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 8
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 8

Step 8. Get used to the rhythm of Mondays at your own speed

As you get used to Monday's routine, take it easy so your first day at work isn't too stressful. By planning ahead, there are fewer things to "look for". By allowing yourself to get up in time to eat comfortably, you won't feel the day run away. And by working during a short break between leaving home and meeting expectations on Monday, you can slowly get back into everyday life. For example, instead of getting off at the usual stop, pass by a park near the office or near the university and stroll the last part of the journey, taking the time to observe nature, the people around and the scents of the prepared breakfasts. around. A rejuvenating walk can do wonders to ease your transition from weekend to work or study week.

Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 9
Beat the Monday Morning Blues Step 9

Step 9. Look forward to next weekend

Right now, start planning the next weekend to have fun with your friends, or cancel your plans to take a day off. That way, on Monday (and for the rest of the week) you'll have something to strive for.


  • Find a good routine or activity that you are looking forward to on Monday, whether it is a dinner with someone you like, or one of your favorite hobbies or after school or after work volunteering. This will make Mondays go by faster.
  • Try to put some order. Prepare a washing machine ready to go on your return in the evening, tidy up the desk, sweep the floor, etc. The restoration of order will give you a momentum of satisfaction, a great way to start the week in a great way.
  • Do some physical activity to get back in motion. Go for a run or do some yoga, or work out your abs and arms.
  • Have a good laugh as soon as you wake up. Share a fun time with your child, and read something fun online.


  • If, on the other hand, you think you have been suffering from depression since Sunday evening, read the dedicated article. For some, Sunday night depression can worsen Monday hatred, so it's important to address both conditions.
  • If you find that you hate Mondays especially, but also the rest of the week, you may have mild depression, or maybe you are going through a midlife crisis (it can happen at any time, despite the name). If it is so severe that it makes you feel sick, unstirred, or close to worsening the situation, see a doctor.
