How to raise the level of platelets in the blood: how effective are natural remedies?

How to raise the level of platelets in the blood: how effective are natural remedies?
How to raise the level of platelets in the blood: how effective are natural remedies?

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Platelets are small elements in the blood that are involved in clotting, an essential process in wound healing. When your platelet count is too low - that is, if you have thrombocytopenia - your blood does not clot properly, so you may experience quite severe bleeding and bruising, especially if you already have an illness or are a patient undergoing chemotherapy. It may sound terrible, but fortunately it is a disorder that can be cured and resolved by following proper treatment. However, it is not possible to use only natural remedies. If you experience symptoms of thrombocytopenia, consult your doctor immediately to have the necessary therapy prescribed. Later, you can take the right precautions in your lifestyle to prevent a relapse or injury.


Part 1 of 3: Get Medical Care

While some natural treatments can be helpful, thrombocytopenia should be treated by following your doctor's advice. Treatment depends on the etiological factor. If your platelet deficiency is mild, your doctor may simply be monitoring your health condition, advising you to avoid activities where you risk getting hurt. If the situation is more serious, he may prescribe some of the following treatments.

Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 1
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 1

Step 1. See your doctor if you have symptoms of a platelet deficiency

Thrombocytopenia is characterized by symptoms that can be seen by the patient himself. The most common are bruises, small red spots under the skin due to trauma, urine or stool with traces of blood, menorrhagia and fatigue. In such cases, get examined immediately.

  • Even if the platelet count is normal, these symptoms could still indicate another blood disorder. That's why it's important to see your doctor right away.
  • If you suffer trauma and can't stop the bleeding, you need to get urgent medical attention. Call emergency services, such as 911, or go to the emergency room right away.
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 2
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Take corticosteroids to slow platelet depletion

It is the first step in the treatment of thrombocytopenia in milder cases. Corticosteroids help protect platelets and keep them alive longer, thereby increasing their overall amount. Take them carefully following your doctor's prescription so that the therapy is effective.

  • Your doctor may also tell you about steroid medications if the thrombocytopenia is caused by an immune system disorder.
  • The most common side effects of corticosteroids include mood swings, increased appetite, water retention, high blood pressure, and mild weight gain. They should decrease once the intake is finished.
  • Sometimes, platelet values drop again after the corticosteroid treatment is finished. If this happens, your doctor may try other treatment approaches.
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 3
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Get a platelet transfusion if your health condition is severe

It is similar to a blood transfusion and is given in severe cases of thrombocytopenia. During the procedure, usually performed in the hospital, the doctor intravenously infuses new platelets into the patient's body, in order to restore blood values and prevent any worsening of thrombocytopenia.

  • Doctors can also choose this option in case of bleeding, internal or external. The newly infused platelets promote blood clotting and stop blood from escaping.
  • If you have an autoimmune disease or other health problem, you will likely need several transfusions to keep your platelet levels normal.
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 4
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Have your spleen surgically removed if you have immune thrombocytopenia

Immune thrombocytopenia occurs when the spleen produces too many antibodies that destroy platelets. It is an autoimmune disease. Since it is possible to live without the spleen, the main treatment for immune thrombocytopenia is surgical removal of this organ, which is called a splenectomy. Prepare for surgery by following your doctor's instructions, and then follow up on post-operative care to prevent infections.

  • Thanks to modern techniques, splenectomy is performed with the use of video cameras and other small equipment, so it is much less invasive than in the past. Therefore, you should only spend one night in the hospital or may even be discharged the same day. If you have open surgery, you will likely need to be hospitalized for 2-6 days.
  • Once your spleen is removed, you will be more at risk of infection, so take precautions to strengthen your immune defenses. Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep, and exercise regularly to keep yourself healthy.

Part 2 of 3: Preventing Injury

After receiving the necessary medical treatment, you can take some steps to manage your physical condition yourself. You will need to make some changes in your daily life, which will also be good for your overall health. If you have thrombocytopenia, it is very important to avoid cuts and injuries so that you don't bleed. When your condition improves, you can resume your normal daily activities with your doctor's permission.

Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 5
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 5

Step 1. Moderate your alcohol consumption

Alcohol abuse can damage the liver and decrease platelet counts. So, limit your alcohol intake if you need to treat thrombocytopenia.

If you have liver damage or frequent episodes of thrombocytopenia, your doctor may instruct you to completely eliminate alcohol from your diet. Follow her instructions to improve your overall health

Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 6
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 6

Step 2. Do not take NSAIDs or other blood-thinning medications

Some medicines may further lower your platelet count and put you at a high risk of bleeding. The most common are NSAID pain relievers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Check with your doctor to find out if you can take them.

Check with your doctor before taking any herbal or dietary supplements. Some of these products are also capable of thinning the blood - such as feverfew, ginseng, ginger and ginkgo

Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 7
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 7

Step 3. Avoid sports and activities that can cause trauma

Even if thrombocytopenia is under control, there is always a risk of internal and external bleeding caused by minor trauma. So, avoid contact sports altogether because they can lead to injuries. Also, watch out for other physical activities, such as running. If you slip and hit your head, you could be in a serious accident. If you are a rather active and dynamic person, you will probably be reluctant to accept these conditions, but respect them for your safety.

  • You can always engage in certain types of activities, such as biking or running, but consult your doctor first to find out if you are at any risk.
  • Remember that even if you don't injure yourself externally, internal bleeding may occur. If you notice severe bruising or bumps heavily while playing sports, get examined to rule out serious injuries.
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 8
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 8

Step 4. Fasten your seat belt when in the car

Even a small car accident can cause internal bleeding, so try to protect yourself. Put on your seat belt every time you travel in a car.

Consult your doctor in the event of a car accident, even a minor one. You may have internal bleeding without realizing it

Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 9
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 9

Step 5. Protect yourself when working with tools or knives

Even a small cut could cause you to bleed excessively if you have thrombocytopenia. So, whenever you use a knife, a pair of scissors, a screwdriver, or any tool that could tear your skin, wear thick gloves to prevent any injury.

Part 3 of 3: Eating Properly

Nutrition plays an important role in overall health care. While there aren't many foods and nutrients that can directly raise platelet counts, some vitamins stimulate the body to produce blood cells and heal wounds. Therefore, they can be useful in cases of thrombocytopenia.

Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 10
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 10

Step 1. Get plenty of Vitamin B9 and B12

A deficiency of B9 (folate) and B12 could trigger thrombocytopenia. Generally, an intake of 200 mcg of B9 and 1.5 mcg of B12 per day is recommended. You can get both nutrients by consuming green leafy vegetables, chicken, red meat, eggs, dairy, legumes, and fish.

  • Hypovitaminosis is rare if you eat a balanced diet, so you probably won't need to make major changes to your diet to get enough vitamins.
  • Sometimes, vitamin deficiency can be a symptom of another health problem, such as anemia or an infection. Your doctor will likely order further tests if you have a vitamin B deficiency.
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 11
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 11

Step 2. Help the bone marrow with vitamin D

The bone marrow is responsible for making new red blood cells, and vitamin D is important for supporting the health of this organ. You need 8.5-10 mcg of vitamin D per day, which you can get by eating dairy, red meat, fish, eggs, and fortified foods.

  • Your body also produces vitamin D when you expose yourself to sunlight, so try to spend some time outdoors when you can.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread problem because it is not present in many foods, so your doctor can tell you to take it daily as a supplement.
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 12
Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Step 12

Step 3. Improve your healing ability with Vitamin C

Vitamin C does not directly raise the platelet count, but it is a useful tool for the body to heal the lesions that affect it. This is important for bleeding disorders, such as thrombocytopenia, so stock up on vitamin C to make sure cuts and wounds heal quickly.

Excellent sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, peppers, green leafy vegetables and berries. The daily intake fluctuates around 40 mg per day, which is the amount you consume by eating 1-2 servings of fruit or vegetables

Step 4. Improve clotting with vitamin K

Vitamin K promotes proper blood clotting, so it's very important if you have thrombocytopenia. You can assimilate it by consuming green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, red meat and eggs. To improve the body's ability to clot, take around 120-140mcg per day.

Health reminder

Thrombocytopenia can get worse, but you can cure it by taking the right measures. The most important thing to remember is that you cannot self-medicate, so see your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. In this way, you can manage it peacefully. While you are waiting for the treatment to take effect, you must absolutely avoid injuries and cuts in order to prevent any bleeding.
