Heat stroke causes a feeling of fatigue and general malaise, along with dizziness and nausea; occurs when the body loses too much salts and fluids as a result of heavy sweating. Heatstroke is quite common and can happen to people who train or work in very hot weather conditions. While not particularly dangerous in itself, it is temporarily debilitating and can worsen to life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Step 1. Go to a cool place
Place yourself in the shade or in an air-conditioned environment. If you can't reach any cool place immediately, direct an oscillating fan towards you to lower the temperature.

Step 2. Loosen or remove clothing
If you are wearing tight-fitting clothes, open them up a little. Cooling will be more effective if you remove or spread your clothes.

Step 3. Lie down with your legs elevated
Raising them improves blood flow to the brain.

Step 4. Drink plenty of fluids slowly
Some water, sweet liquids (sports drinks, not soda) or a solution of 5 g (1 teaspoon) of salt dissolved in 1 liter of water can quickly help replenish the liquids lost through sweating. While drinking, sit or support your head to avoid choking.

Step 5. Get wet with a damp cloth
Soak a washcloth or sponge in warm water and scrub your entire body, especially your head. Alternatively, you can fill a spray bottle with cold water and spray yourself with this. Sweat helps the body cool down when it evaporates, so moistening the skin can perform the same function.

Step 6. Take acetaminophen (tachipirin) for headache if needed

Step 7. See a doctor or call 911 if symptoms persist for more than an hour
If you have a fever of 39 ° C or higher, if your condition worsens, or if nausea or vomiting prevents you from drinking fluids, see a doctor right away. Even if you start improving fast, you should still get a checkup.
- Bring water bottles to keep you hydrated when out in the sun.
- If you have a hose available, cool off with a light sprinkling of water every 20 minutes.
- Just you feel that you are about to have heat stroke or sunstroke, go to the shade and lie down.
- Sports drinks contain electrolytes that can quickly replenish the necessary fluids and salts.
- Always wear a hat when in the sun, especially if you are susceptible to sunstroke.
- Long exposure to the sun without protection can cause even more than one sunstroke. Always be attentive and prepared.
- Don't drink alcohol during a heat stroke.
- Avoid excess hydration or water poisoning by sipping drinks containing electrolytes rather than "gulping" water.
- Although these indications can help successfully manage most minor cases, they are not sufficient to treat the most serious cases and the damage caused by heat stroke, which instead require the intervention of a doctor. Always ask a doctor for professional advice in addition to self-medication.
- While a mild saline solution can replace the salts your body needs, make sure you don't consume more than 5g (1 teaspoon) per liter of water.
- Don't get cold by just sitting in front of a fan, this can cause severe dehydration, which often leads to death.