Whether you want to doze off in the office in the middle of the afternoon sluggish, on a double shift, when you work at night or feel sleepy driving, a "power nap" can make you more alert and productive, provided it is done correctly. According to the findings of the scientists who studied it, following a few rules will help you make the most of its benefits.
Part 1 of 3: Finding the Right Place to Rest

Step 1. Find the right place to take a nap
To be able to truly benefit from a power nap, you need to find a space where you won't be bothered by anyone.
- Do you want to rest at work? According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, about 30% of Americans have the ability to sleep at work. Some garments even offer special spaces to take a nap. If you don't have this luck, you can rest in the car.
- Do you want to take a break while you are driving? Park in a rest area. Don't stop on the side of the road. Turn off the engine and engage the handbrake. At night, park in a well-lit and busy area, lock all the doors.
- Do you want to rest at school or university? If you have time and are allowed, the library is ideal for a nap. It is usually the quietest place in schools and universities. You can also do a power nap in the car if you have one.

Step 2. Choose a dark room
If you block the light, you will fall asleep sooner. Don't have access to a dark environment? Wear a mask or a pair of sunglasses to at least partially reproduce this optimal condition.

Step 3. Make sure it's not too hot or too cold
The power nap must be pleasant, so look for a cool but comfortable place to sleep. The optimum temperature is around 18 ° C.
If your resting place is too cold, have a comfy blanket or jacket handy. It is too hot? If possible, try to put a fan in this space

Step 4. Listen to recordings aimed at guided relaxation
There are videos, recordings and apps that have the function of guiding you in the relaxation technique appropriate for rest. They can be found online through streaming websites or you can download them to your phone or tablet.
If you use your phone to relax, put it in airplane mode. This will allow you to avoid being interrupted by calls or messages

Step 5. Listen to relaxing music
It can promote a correct mental predisposition. If it distracts you, you can also try white noise. Are you in the car? Turn on the radio, adjust it for interference between stations and use the emitted white noise to relax.
Part 2 of 3: Establishing the Duration of the Power Nap

Step 1. Determine how long you want your nap to last
Strictly speaking, a power nap should last 10-30 minutes. However, shorter or longer naps can still offer several benefits. You then have to decide how long to sleep and observe this time interval.

Step 2. Sleep for 2-5 minutes
If you don't have a lot of time but are feeling so sleepy that you can't concentrate anymore, a 2-5 minute nap, also called a nano-nap, can help you at least partially allay your sleepiness.

Step 3. Sleep for 5-20 minutes
These naps help stimulate mental clarity, stamina and motor performance. They are also called mini-naps.

Step 4. Sleep for 20 minutes
When it comes to power nap, this is the ideal reference duration for most people. In addition to providing the same benefits that shorter naps offer, a power nap can help the brain get rid of unnecessary information stored in short-term memory. It can also improve muscle memory.
- The power nap offers the same benefits as the first 2 stages of the sleep cycle (which are 5 in total). The 2 initial stages occur in the first 20 minutes. In addition to making you feel more rested and alert, the electrical signals of the nervous system strengthen the connection between the neurons involved in muscle memory, making the brain work faster and more optimally.
- If you are trying to remember a lot of important facts (for example for an exam), taking a power nap can be especially helpful.

Step 5. Sleep for 50-90 minutes
This nap lasts longer, so it allows you to reach the slow wave sleep stage, or deep sleep, and the REM stage. This means you have the ability to sleep a full sleep cycle.
If you have time and you are drained psycho-physically (for example when you spend the night in white to study), this nap can be useful because it allows the body to regenerate

Step 6. Naps that last longer than 30 minutes have side effects
Sleeping longer has benefits, but you also risk facing a phenomenon called "sleep inertia," a feeling of heaviness and lightheadedness that sometimes occurs after a nap.
Part 3 of 3: Making the Most of the Benefits of Power Nap

Step 1. Turn off your cell phone and any other devices that may be distracting
If you're using it as an alarm clock, set it to airplane mode so you won't be bothered by notifications.
If background noises are unavoidable or you suffer from tinnitus, you may find it helpful to put on headphones and listen to soothing music. You can also try using ear plugs

Step 2. If you are at work, post a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door
Specify when you will be available again. That way your coworkers won't accidentally bother you.

Step 3. Take caffeine just before bed
It will seem counterproductive because it is a very stimulating substance, but it will not work immediately, especially if you sleep for less than 30 minutes. Caffeine has to travel up the gastrointestinal tract, so it can take up to 45 minutes to be absorbed. Consuming 200 mg of caffeine just before a 20-minute nap can improve performance and make you feel less sleepy upon waking.
In any case, it would be better not to take it in the late afternoon, as it may prevent you from falling asleep in the evening. Avoid it even if you are trying to give it up

Step 4. Set the alarm
Once you're almost finished drinking your coffee (but you can also try green tea or caffeinated jellies), set your alarm clock by calculating the length of your nap. This will help you relax, because you will be sure that you are not sleeping more than expected.
- Consider how long it takes to fall asleep. If you want to take a 20-minute nap and usually takes about 5 minutes to doze off, then allow 25 minutes to set the alarm. If you fall asleep very quickly, it may only be necessary to add a couple of minutes to your overall nap time.
- If you're in the habit of hitting the snooze button on your alarm and going back to sleep, leave your phone on the opposite side of the room or as far away as possible (when you're in the car) so it won't be easy to turn it off.

Step 5. Close your eyes and relax
If you will be consuming caffeine, try falling asleep immediately after taking it. If not, you can doze off after sitting down and setting the alarm.

Step 6. Try the 4-7-8 exercise to fall asleep quickly
If you have trouble dozing off, give this exercise a try. Close your eyes and exhale deeply. Then, slowly inhale for a count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7. Then, emitting a kind of hissing sound, exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Inhale deeply and repeat the whole exercise 3-4 times again. It will only take 60 seconds and should help you fall asleep right away.
- You can also try to get rid of all thoughts. Try to focus only on your breathing. This exercise is very similar to meditation, but it can also help you relax and fall asleep quickly.
- Try to do the countdown slowly starting from 100. If you lose the count, start over. This will help you get rid of the thoughts that keep you awake.
- You can also buy a device (called a power nap machine) or a power nap CD: it plays a specific sound track to help you sleep.

Step 7. Keep your eyes closed
Even if you can't fall asleep, keep your eyes closed and meditate. You may not doze off, but you can still allow your brain to recharge at least a little. In addition, having short naps in your daily life (for example every day after lunch) can accustom the body to expect a nap at a fixed time, so it will be easier to fall asleep.

Step 8. Get up as soon as the alarm goes off
Resist the urge to sleep longer. In theory, you need to feel refreshed when you wake up, but sometimes you want to sleep more. Do your best to resist, because otherwise you could upset your habits and on the second awakening you risk facing a phenomenon called "sleep inertia".
- After waking up, get moving right away. Do jumping jacks or push-ups to slightly speed up your heart rate. You can also try running on the spot.
- Wash your face and expose yourself to bright light (such as the sun). If you still feel groggy after your nap, it can help you wake up a little more.
- Forced to get up. Of course, resting is very relaxing, but you have to wake up and get back to work. Overdoing naps can mess with your habits, so they need to be short.
- If you feel sleepy, don't wait - take a short nap.
- Remember that sleeping too much during the day will keep you awake at night.
- Sleeping until late in the afternoon can keep you from getting a good night's rest and make you feel tired in the morning.
- Prefer a caffeine nap, or try the caffeine method before your nap. In any case, remember that this substance alone will not give you the same benefits as a power nap, especially in high doses.
- Calculate the most suitable duration for your needs. Some people feel like new after a 20 minute nap, others after 30.
- Try using a dedicated power nap device or CD: it plays a particular audio track that guides the brain during short naps. It accompanies the brain through the stage of deep sleep and the REM phase, thus allowing you to feel recharged after only 20 minutes of rest.
- Remember that a power nap makes you more productive. Some are reluctant to rest because it seems like a lazy habit. If this were the case, why would successful executives and athletes rely on this method? Reportedly, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison regularly used the power nap.
- A power nap can only help up to a point and cannot replace the benefits of a good night's sleep. If you get little sleep, you need to learn how to cope with sleep deprivation before you can fully reap the benefits of the power nap.
- Caffeine is found in many commonly used products, such as carbonated drinks, coffee, tea and energy drinks, but remember that it is a powerful substance and can be addictive. Abuse can cause addiction and side effects such as interfering with normal sleep cycles. Consequently, it is important to limit their consumption to a minimum.