How to Overcome Your Fears Using Visualization

Table of contents:

How to Overcome Your Fears Using Visualization
How to Overcome Your Fears Using Visualization

Visualization is a relaxation technique in which pleasant places or scenarios are imagined. There are two basic ways to overcome your fears by using this method. You can imagine overcoming your fear, which could one day translate into success in real life, or visualize a relaxing scenario when you are in a panic.


Part 1 of 3: Visualizing Success

Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 1
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 1

Step 1. Be realistic

Visualization is very powerful. The reaction of the mind to an imagined scenario is comparable to the reaction it would have to a success or failure in real life. If you intend to overcome a fear, try to imagine succeeding. However, try to create a realistic scenario. Think of winning it by choosing a solution that might actually work.

  • Suppose you are afraid of public speaking and that for business reasons you have to lecture at a seminar. Avoid imagining yourself intent on a passionate and grandiloquent speech that ends with a standing ovation. Even if your exhibit will find favor with bystanders, they are unlikely to have such a reaction.
  • On the contrary, imagine that everything will basically go well. Imagine staying calm and focused while in front of an audience, keeping your heart rate relatively steady and quiet, articulating words well, and answering questions asked without too much hesitation.
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 2
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 2

Step 2. Try to gradually visualize your success

If in itself the idea of the final result (for example, related to the conference during a seminar) makes you terribly depressed, start breaking up your visualization starting from the preparation. This way, it will be much easier to imagine that your speech will be successful, because you will have gone through all the steps it took to prepare and succeed.

  • For example, imagine completing all your research and organizing your notes. Once you have finished this step in real life, first imagine that you are giving your speech in an empty room and then do it in real life. Next, imagine presenting a compelling relationship in front of a friend or colleague you trust, someone who can support you and give you a constructive opinion on where you could work to improve your speech. Then go ahead and take this step in real life. Finally, imagine giving a brilliant lecture in the office, a day or two before the appointed date, if possible.
  • Using this method, you will progress until you reach the final goal, increasing your self-confidence as you go.
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 3
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 3

Step 3. Visualize your success

When faced with something that scares you, try to imagine it regularly. Close your eyes and imagine you can do it. Before going to sleep at night, think about overcoming your fear for 10-15 minutes. If you do this exercise regularly, you may become calmer even in real life, eventually speaking more calmly in normal business meetings.

  • Again, it would be best to start gradually, imagining that you are making a comment during a meeting or endorsing someone else's opinions. Once you've really done this, move on to imagining something more decisive, such as recognizing what others have said in a meeting by condensing it into a sentence or two followed by a question. In this way, you will go through an evolution that will lead you to the main objective of participating calmly and casually in meetings.
  • Choose a place free of distractions. Without noises coming from outside you will be able to concentrate more easily on the scene to imagine. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. You need to be sure that no pain or discomfort will distract you from your visualization. Close your eyes and start imagining.
  • Some people prefer to write down what they viewed before or after exercise. This method can allow you to fix concrete details and imagine a successful scenario more fully.
  • Try playing some soft music or lighting a candle. If the atmosphere is relaxing, this exercise will be less difficult. Make sure you breathe slowly and steadily as you envision your success.
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 4
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 4

Step 4. Go into details

The more detailed your view, the better. When the imagined scenario occurs in reality, you will be calmer if the situation looks a lot like what you thought. Try to involve all the senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste.

  • Sight is probably the easiest way to get involved. Going back to the public speech example, you can easily see what the conference room looks like. You also have the opportunity to find some photos of the place where you will be holding your relationship on the Internet, so you will better imagine your success.
  • Smell and taste are slightly more difficult to stimulate in certain scenarios. However, do your best. For example, in a conference room you might smell the detergents used to clean it. If you are used to drinking coffee before speaking in public, you can imagine its aftertaste in your mouth.
  • Also use hearing and touch. Try to feel the texture of the sheets of paper in your hands as you flip through them. You may hear the noise of people coughing, moving chairs, playing with cell phones, and even whispering here and there.
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 5
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 5

Step 5. Get reminders

Many people use this system to make the visualization process easier. To do this, you could place a bulletin board in the bedroom to hang pictures of people who have been successful at what scares you most. They can motivate you to overcome your fears. For example, if you are afraid of heights, place a poster of someone climbing over the bed on top of the bed.

Part 2 of 3: Combating Anxiety with Visualization

Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 6
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 6

Step 1. List the places that calm you down

Sometimes, visualization can be used to calm down during an anxiety crisis and offer respite to the mind. Think of a relaxing place or scenery, close your eyes and imagine you are there. For starters, consider a number of places that inspire serenity.

  • Think about your past and present. What are the memories that soothe you? Is there a special place or moment that brings you happiness?
  • Make a list of the most relaxing places. They vary from person to person and can be vague or precise. For example, you can imagine that you are on the shore of a lake. However, you may also remember the room in your grandmother's house where you used to take a nap when you were little.
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 7
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 7

Step 2. First, find an environment that you feel comfortable in

Before using visualization in stressful times, you need to practice at home so that you understand how this technique works.

  • Find a comfortable place in your home that is free of distractions. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. If it helps, play some soft music or light a few candles. Plan to make this experience more relaxing.
  • Close your eyes. You will find it less difficult to focus on mental images and you will not be distracted by the surrounding environment.
  • If you have trouble relaxing and getting started, try taking a few deep breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale using the mouth, directing the air towards the lower abdomen. This way you will be able to relax your mind and you can focus on what you want to imagine.
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 8
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 8

Step 3. Use all your senses

Visualization is most powerful when all the senses are involved. As you relax mentally, pay attention to anything that stimulates sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste.

  • Suppose a relaxing image is a spring day along a lake watching a group of ducks swim by. First of all, what is the landscape like? What color is the water? What color are the ducks? How are the leaves of the trees around? Where do you place yourself in this scenario? Are you sitting on a bench nearby? Or standing on a bridge across a stream?
  • Put your other senses into play. What noises do you hear? Imagine feeling the softly flowing water. Think of the noise of the squawking ducks. What smells reach your nose in this area? For example, are there any blooming lilac trees nearby? Can you smell the mud by the lake?
  • Can you taste the air in your mouth? Do you feel the taste of dust mixed with moisture with each breath? How do you feel physically right now? Do you feel a pleasant sensation of warmth while wearing only a light spring jacket? Is there a breeze blowing softly on your face?
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 9
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 9

Step 4. Use visualization in moments of fear

When you are in a stressful situation, close your eyes and begin your mental journey. If you can imagine that you are somewhere quiet and relaxing, you will begin to enter a state of physical relaxation. By practicing this exercise regularly, you can get used to reacting calmly in times of high stress or fear.

  • When you are in fear, the body prepares to flee or fight, that is, it increases the production of certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol (known as the "stress hormone"), raises blood pressure and accelerates the heartbeat..
  • By using visualization to calm yourself down physically and mentally, you activate a relaxation reaction that causes the brain to send signals and hormones that calm the body and mind.
  • Many people find visualization to be a very effective technique for fighting fear at the worst times. If you are afraid of flying, try to imagine taking off. If you can't sleep due to some stressful thoughts, use the bedtime visualization at night.

Part 3 of 3: Move on

Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 10
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 10

Step 1. Consult a therapist if necessary

Anyone can be afraid from time to time. It's normal. However, if the fear or anxiety is strong enough to affect your daily life, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Make an appointment with a therapist to assess your discomfort. Trust your doctor to know which professional to contact. If you are attending university, ask your university if it offers a psychological counseling service to students.

Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 11
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 11

Step 2. Be patient

Visualization is a technique and, like all techniques, it takes practice. The first time you try to overcome your fears using visualization, you won't feel like you've achieved much. However, keep trying and eventually the situation will improve.

  • Practice visualization regularly. Even when you are not stressed, try to imagine a relaxing scenario involving all the senses.
  • Visualization is one of many ways to relax. It doesn't necessarily work with everyone. If you find it ineffective, even after several attempts, switch to another technique. You can try meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and many other relaxation techniques.
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 12
Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization Step 12

Step 3. Know your fears

Often the greatest fears are irrational. By learning about your fears and understanding that certain events are very likely to occur, you can sometimes relieve anxiety. For example, if you are afraid of flying, it might be helpful to know that the probability of being involved in a fatal plane crash is 1 in 7 million.