Do you have bad memories about a bad hairstyle or did you sneeze when the photographer pressed the flash button? Do the words "school yearbook" and the sound of a photographer's voice asking you to smile haunt you? Well, find out how to get a spectacular and fantastic yearbook photo; all by following these simple steps.

Step 1. Take care of your face starting a week before
Cleanse your face every night, and if you know a surefire way to prevent acne, put it into practice. The aim is to have a clean, smooth and gorgeous face!

Step 2. Choose what to wear to school
Don't wake up on the morning of the photo day to grab the first clean item you find! Carefully choose a beautiful dress that matches the tone of your skin, the color of your hair, your eyes and that shows your shape. Avoid choosing a top with writing on it or something too whimsical. If you wear a dress that is too lively, you will distract attention from your beautiful face. Unique colors are usually the best choice.

Step 3. Practice your pose for the photo and smile
Do you prefer to smile with your mouth open, or closed? How do you want your eyes photographed? Do you prefer to look directly at the lens, which will make it appear that you are staring at the person who is looking at the photo, or do you prefer to turn your gaze elsewhere for a more sophisticated look? One day before taking the photo, go in front of the mirror and practice making nice smiles. Try to smile naturally. Think about the things they do to you really smile, for example at a joke that made you laugh or a funny story that a friend of yours told you.

Step 4. Practice wearing makeup
Make sure you have all the right colors on hand and know what amount of makeup suits you best. Ask your family and friends what they think about your look and if they think it fits your outfit. Also, time yourself and see how long it takes you to apply everything, so in the morning you will know how long it will take you to put on perfect makeup. Don't forget to allow an extra five minutes in case you make a mistake.

Step 5. Get up earlier that morning and follow these steps:
- Take a nice shower on that fateful day, so you'll be fresh and clean.
- Brush your hair they must look clean and beautiful. Straighten your hair, curl it, or make it wavy, just the way you like it.
- Put on the clothes you plan to wear for the photo (or school uniform) and make sure they are clean. Iron them if you notice any creases and check that there are no streaks left by the deodorant. Also, remember to wear appropriate clothes for school.
- Wash your face and apply makeup if you wish.
- Put on some deodorant. Even though most school photos are cut just below the shoulders, you don't want to be seen in the photo with sweat stains.
Brush your teeth and floss thoroughly. After you eat breakfast, make sure you brush and floss so you have the best smile possible. Also, make sure you don't have any food residue stuck between your teeth!
Prepare For a School Picture Step 6 Step 6. Bring a small mirror to school
Before the photo, make sure you have your hair in place and your teeth clean.
Prepare For a School Picture Step 7 Step 7. Pose for the photo
Just relax and smile the same way you did in front of the mirror while practicing, and then have your picture taken!
- Think of something that will make you truly happy while you wait for the photographer.
- When they're taking your picture, sit up straight. Stretch your neck and lower your chin slightly.
Prepare For a School Picture Step 8 Step 8. Try to sleep for at least eight hours the night before, this will prevent you from getting dark circles
- Be sure of yourself. Do not think that the photo will be bad, because doing so would lower your self-esteem; smile and be proud of yourself.
- Find out what color the background will be, so you avoid wearing that color. Otherwise, you may end up looking like a floating head.
- Check school photos from previous years to find out what you could do to improve next time.
- If you have a digital camera, try taking selfies before you go pose for the photo. You will be able to see your test photo on the camera screen and decide which changes to make to improve.
- Colored shirts in light shades are usually not the best choice for taking a picture. Go for darker tones and try to find a top that frames your face well (i.e. a V-shirt or a low-cut or whatever suits you best). But white can make you look tanned and goes well with any kind of underlay.
- The school photo doesn't have to look like a Facebook photo - don't wear too low-cut clothes and don't sulk. You smile!
- Don't wear the most whimsical dress you own. A Hawaiian shirt, a red plastic flower in your hair, and the green skirt your parents brought you as a gift from their Hawaii vacation will make you look ridiculous in the class photo. Choose something simple and discreet - focus on your face, neck and shoulders.
- Make sure you smile naturally. If you see that it is fake, the final result may not be what you want. If you don't smile often, think about something funny or someone you like.