If you are reading this, you are probably close to going back to school. Here is a list of things you can do to help you prepare for the school year.

Step 1. Stock up on school items in advance
Beat everyone else on time, avoid going to more than one store and relax.
Consider letting someone else do the shopping. Optionally, use a service where you pay a flat fee to have all of your child's items shipped to class on the first day of school.
Get Ready for Going Back to School Step 1Bullet1

Step 2. Prepare the wardrobe
Instead of buying everyone clothes on a whim, plan - check out what's still good and still in fashion from last year. Look for the "holes" in the closet (in other words, what is missing) and shop accordingly. You will save time, money and avoid stress.

Step 3. Prepare your suits
To make the first week of school stress-free, prepare 5 beautiful outfits. Make sure they are comfortable and that you like them.

Step 4. Arrange the cabinet
Try to organize your closet and keep it tidy. Try using containers, shelves and labels.

Step 5. Make a plan for success
What worked last year (in terms of studying and homework) may not be perfect for this year. Be open to new ideas and willing to make changes if necessary.

Step 6. Create a place to study
Many students find it helpful to have a desk full of tools in a quiet place. In this way, they have a quiet and well-stocked workplace. Organize your study space long before school starts.

Step 7. Play with your knowledge early
If you are a student about to start your first year of French, consider buying a phrasebook or dictionary and getting some practice before the course really begins. You may also find it helpful to review previous notions that might help you in this year's courses.

Step 8. Prepare your lunches
It is important that a student has delicious and healthy meals already prepared when he goes to school. In this way, he will not eat foods from bars or from automatic machines: these have a high number of calories and few nutrients. If you are a student, create a healthy meal plan, or if you are a parent, be sure to prepare nutritious foods for your child.

Step 9. Make updates on a regular basis
It will only take you a few minutes to verify that things are going well and to make any necessary adjustments. It doesn't have to be anything formal like a "family reunion," but rather a simple five-minute conversation with your child and a quick sweep of the room.
- Make sure you get quality school supplies - you don't want to buy ten folders for a single course, within the same school year, do you?
- When shopping make sure you buy clothes that a) you like, b) fit you well, and c) are things you know you will wear.
- Be prepared and eating healthier for a few weeks before school starts can boost your confidence.
- Be yourself - it may seem sloppy, but it's the most honest thing to do!
- About two weeks before school starts, anticipate bedtime and waking time.
- Remember to get at least 9-10 hours of sleep!
- Review some of last year's notes to prepare yourself.
- Avoid extreme diets for rapid weight loss, as it would be bad for your health.
- Avoid doing things to get the attention of others. So, if people want to know you, they will know you for who you are and for your personality!