The colon is responsible for excreting food from the body after all nutrients have been absorbed. The regularity of bowel movements and the health of the digestive system depend on the proper functioning of the colon. A healthy person, who does not suffer from digestive disorders, does not need to perform a colon cleanse, but in the case of constipation this practice could help eliminate the waste that afflicts the digestive system to alleviate the problem. It is possible to cleanse the colon by changing your diet and lifestyle. In addition, you can ask your doctor for help to make sure you detox effectively without risking compromising your health.
Method 1 of 3: Change Your Diet

Step 1. Add more fiber to your diet
The fibers make the stool softer and more voluminous, favoring peristalsis: light rhythmic contractions of the colon that encourage its elimination. A greater amount of fiber in the body helps the colon to expel waste more quickly and efficiently. Aim for around 20-35g of fiber per day. Make sure you eat five servings of fruit and vegetables daily, as well as plenty of whole grains.
- When choosing grains, opt for 100% whole grains. Quinoa, oats, millet, corn and brown rice are great for colon health.
- Flaxseed, wheat bran, and oat flakes are excellent sources of fiber. You can grind flax seeds at home to add them to a salad or smoothie.
- Fruits such as strawberries, apples and blueberries are high in fiber. Beans, seeds, and nuts are also good sources of fiber.

Step 2. Eat more leafy greens
In addition to containing a good number of fibers, leafy vegetables provide the body with the nutrients necessary to repair the intestine. Aim to eat at least one serving of leafy greens with each meal or snack.
- Alfalfa, wheat grass, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, barley grass and spinach are leafy vegetables with excellent properties.
- You can also eat them as a snack accompanied with a sauce such as hummus, tzatziki or babaganoush.

Step 3. Drink lots of water
The colon needs water to function properly and be able to expel bacteria and waste from the intestine. Try to drink at least 13 glasses a day if you are a grown man or at least 9 if you are a grown woman. When you exercise strenuous and in the hottest periods you should drink even more.
- Make it a habit to always carry a bottle of water with you, even outside the home, to keep your body regularly hydrated throughout the day. Initially, it may be useful to set several alarms on your phone to remind you to drink a glass of water.
- Try adding lemon, lime, or cucumber slices to the water to make it tastier. You can also use fresh herbs, such as mint.

Step 4. Avoid alcohol
Try not to drink any alcoholic beverages, such as wine, beer, or spirits. Alcohol dehydrates the body therefore it can cause a state of constipation, which is an obstruction of the colon by bulky, compact and difficult to pass stools. In addition, alcohol can suppress intestinal peristalsis and urge to go to the toilet, increasing the likelihood of constipation.

Step 5. Limit your consumption of dairy products
Milk and dairy products can aggravate the symptoms of constipation, especially when taken in large quantities. If you suffer from constipation while staying active and drinking plenty of water, try cutting back on dairy products or temporarily avoiding them altogether.

Step 6. Have a cup of tea or coffee
Caffeine can stimulate the digestive system, sometimes promoting a bowel movement. Drinking a cup of hot drink can help encourage the passing of stool. Try drinking a cup of coffee or tea, green or black, in an attempt to awaken the colon.

Step 7. Eat fermented foods
They contain probiotics, which are bacteria considered beneficial for colon health. Fermented foods populate the gut with good bacteria, allowing the colon to function properly. Yogurt, miso, kimchi and sauerkraut are four examples of fermented foods. Kefir, apple cider vinegar, and kombucha tea are drinks that contain probiotics.
You can also take probiotics through a dietary supplement. In this case, rely on the experience of your doctor or pharmacist
Method 2 of 3: Change Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Exercise regularly
Physical activity stimulates the digestive system to increase bowel movements. Having a healthy lifestyle helps keep the colon healthy and efficient. Make sure you exercise regularly: every day or at least three times a week. Walk every day for at least 30 minutes or hit the gym three times a week to make sure you are burning enough calories and staying healthy.
You can also try exercising at home using resistance bands to make your muscles stronger and more flexible. Alternatively, you can take a class, such as yoga or aerobics, to feel more encouraged to exercise regularly

Step 2. Do not take laxatives without first talking to your doctor
In many cases, increasing your fiber intake, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly is enough to improve the functioning of the colon. If you continue to suffer from intestinal problems even after changing your diet and lifestyle, ask your doctor for help before trying laxatives. The disorder could be caused by a latent disease. If your doctor advises you to take them, ask him to give you all the necessary information. Read the instructions contained in the package insert and always respect the recommended doses without ever exceeding them. Do not take laxatives for a long time, as they can cause serious health problems.
- If you suffer from digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, or constipation, you can try using fiber-based laxatives to increase stool mass (such as Metamucil or psyllium fiber-based laxatives). Laxatives of this type should be taken with plenty of water. Possible unwanted side effects include bloating, cramps and gas, and worsening of constipation.
- If you have a hard time passing stool, you can try using a laxative that hydrates and softens it. Generally, drugs of this type are safe for health and less likely to cause bloating than those that increase stool mass.
- Using laxatives to try to lose weight is extremely dangerous to your health. Indiscriminate use of these drugs could cause the onset of serious diseases.

Step 3. Find out before taking colon cleansing products
If you are considering using daily supplements to cleanse your colon, do some thorough research before you begin. In most cases, there is no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness. It is also good to keep in mind that in Italy there is no legislation that regulates the online sales market regarding these products, so you risk running into scams that are dangerous to health. To avoid this, it is important to contact only pharmacies or parapharmacies, to be sure that the supplements are packaged in the correct doses, have passed quality controls carried out in authorized laboratories and are produced according to current regulations. Just because a product is labeled "natural" doesn't mean it's safe!
- Talk to your doctor before taking any colon cleansing products.
- Read the ingredients list carefully and make sure they are clearly specified, including natural ones. If you are concerned that you are allergic to some of the substances contained in the product or if you cannot clearly identify some ingredients, do not use it.
- Drink plenty of water if you decide to take a colon cleansing supplement. This will prevent the body from dehydrating and allow the product to work effectively.
- Do not use colon cleansing products in an effort to lose weight. It is a very dangerous way to lose weight that can cause the onset of serious diseases. In addition, it has been shown that it does not allow tangible and lasting results to be achieved.
Method 3 of 3: Ask the Doctor for Advice

Step 1. Learn about colon washing
The term "hydroncolon therapy" refers to a colon wash performed by irrigation with water to facilitate the expulsion of waste. Your doctor may be able to perform the procedure in your office, or alternatively may recommend a qualified specialist. In any case, be sure to rely on a professional operator, who uses certified machinery. Before undergoing treatment, discuss your health conditions (current and past) with your doctor to make sure you can undergo treatment without risk.
- During the wash, the therapist will insert a flexible tube into the rectum and a machine will pump about 20 liters of warm water into the intestine over a set period of time. Once the water has reached the colon, he could perform an abdominal massage to circulate it in the intestine and facilitate the expulsion of waste. The whole procedure can take about 30-45 minutes.
- In case of diseases affecting the intestinal system, such as diverticulosis, haemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, bowel or rectal cancer, recent surgery involving the intestine, heart or kidney disease, colon washing it is highly discouraged.

Step 2. Discuss with your doctor about cleaning the colon with an enema (or enema)
He could practice it himself in his own studio. In general, it is a recommended therapy in case of constipation or infrequent bowel movements.
Your doctor may recommend a particular type of enema based on your needs. In any case it is a practice that must be performed by a qualified professional, in a sterile place using clean tools

Step 3. Discuss medication with your doctor
If you have been suffering from chronic constipation for more than 6 months, ask your doctor to prescribe a medicine to help stimulate the bowel. You can resort to this solution if, after trying to change your diet, lifestyle or taking other treatments, you have not been able to obtain concrete results. Medication can also be a viable option if you have developed a bowel disease, such as irritable bowel syndrome.