4 Ways to Detoxify the Colon

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4 Ways to Detoxify the Colon
4 Ways to Detoxify the Colon

Having a healthy colon greatly affects the overall health of the body. The colon, also known as the large intestine, is the last organ traveled by food and toxins. Factors such as stress, constipation, poor diet and medication can make it inefficient. When the colon fails to function properly, instead of being expelled, toxins build up in the body. To improve your health, natural medicine experts recommend periodic cleansing. Continue reading the article to find out more.


Method 1 of 4: Detoxify the Colon Through Diet

Detox Your Colon Step 1
Detox Your Colon Step 1

Step 1. Avoid certain foods

The best way to start detoxifying the colon is to eliminate the foods that cause ailment. Start by avoiding all those foods that force the liver and colon to overwork: coffee, white sugar, refined flours, dairy products, and alcohol.

Stop eating packaged desserts, they are mainly composed of white sugar and refined flours. Also, don't overdo the amounts of cheese and ice cream

Detox Your Colon Step 2
Detox Your Colon Step 2

Step 2. Eat the foods that help you detox

Certain varieties of food help cleanse the body. Vegetables that belong to the cabbage family, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and the cabbage itself, contain multiple nutrients and specific complexes known as sulforaphanes, excellent allies in detoxifying the body.

  • Get your fill of fiber too. Foods rich in fiber scrape the walls of the colon and allow for faster expulsion of waste. Among the most recommended foods are: green leafy vegetables, apples, berries and brown rice.
  • A diet rich in fiber allows you to improve the health of the colon because it favors the expulsion of accumulations of waste and toxins.
Detox Your Colon Step 3
Detox Your Colon Step 3

Step 3. Avoid foods that cause allergies and intolerances

If you've never had a food intolerance test before, it may be time to see your doctor, or naturopath, to get to know you better. Taking a food that your body is intolerant to means hindering the functionality of the colon and increasing the chances of intestinal inflammation.

Detox Your Colon Step 4
Detox Your Colon Step 4

Step 4. Reduce toxins by consuming foods rich in chlorophyll

Some foods are able to reduce the percentage of toxins in the blood. Research has shown that chlorophyll hinders the absorption of toxins and promotes their expulsion. Green leafy vegetables are rich in this precious substance, so increase your consumption of spinach, kale, kale, parsley, weed of doctors and seaweed.

Try incorporating these foods into your every meal. For example, lay the eggs on a bed of steamed cabbage leaves or add some seaweed to your smoothies. In organic food stores you can also find seaweed in the form of delicious snacks

Detox Your Colon Step 5
Detox Your Colon Step 5

Step 5. Take probiotics

Probiotics help improve overall colon health, particularly by helping it detoxify. Their function is to reduce an enzyme that forces the colon to retain toxins rather than excrete them. It is a good idea to take one or two probiotic tablets regularly and, during colon detoxification, it is advisable to further increase the dose to three or four a day.

  • Some foods, such as yogurt, are good sources of probiotics.
  • If you take a probiotic supplement, choose one with 1 billion CFU per serving. Buy them at a reputable store and make sure they aren't expired. Probiotics are living organisms and should be kept in the refrigerator.
Detox Your Colon Step 6
Detox Your Colon Step 6

Step 6. Drink more water

The body needs it in large quantities to be able to eliminate toxins. For your intestines to function properly, you should drink water in ounces (1 ounce = 30 milliliters) equal to half your body weight in pounds (1 pound = 450 grams). This means, for example, that if you weigh 140 pounds (63 kilos), you should drink 70 ounces (2.1 liters) of water per day, especially if you intend to improve the health of your colon.

  • It may seem like a difficult milestone to reach, but by simply drinking a glass of water every hour, after 8 hours you will have already drunk two liters. Do not try to drink it all at once, you may experience serious ailments.
  • When you increase your fiber consumption, either through diet or by taking a supplement, it is extremely important to drink a lot more water to allow for proper digestion.
  • Check with your doctor to find out how much water you need, especially if you have kidney problems.

Method 2 of 4: Detoxify the Colon with Supplements

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Detox Your Colon Step 7

Step 1. Ask your doctor for advice

There are many products on the market that allow you to detoxify the colon. Some are intended to promote the expulsion of intestinal toxins, while others are intended to support the body during the detoxification phase. Before taking any supplement, you should speak to your doctor to make sure you are not affecting your health.

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Detox Your Colon Step 8

Step 2. Use laxatives

The function of laxatives is to stimulate the colon to work faster to eliminate what it contains. Be very careful about taking them, if taken in excessive doses they can cause painful dysentery and cramps. Among the other possible side effects it is worth mentioning: belching, swelling, flatulence and stomach cramps. Some of the best known products are: Pursennid, Portolac and Dulcolax.

  • Prolonged or regular use of laxatives can cause colon addiction, so use them only infrequently and for no more than a few days.
  • If you prefer a less invasive laxative, try taking an herbal tea against constipation, which will usually be enough to help detoxify the colon. Ask for advice in your trusted herbalist's shop and drink your herbal tea during the evening hours. After about 6 to 8 hours, you should have a natural bowel movement.
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Detox Your Colon Step 9

Step 3. Take a fiber supplement

In addition to the foods that are rich in it, fiber supplements attach themselves to toxins and promote their expulsion by the colon. Also in this case ask for advice in herbal medicine. Oat or rice bran and psyllium are among the best known products. A great way to get them is to add them to your morning cereal or smoothie.

  • Make sure you drink plenty of water when using a fiber supplement. Otherwise you could suffer from constipation or cause a dangerous bowel obstruction.
  • There are also soluble fiber supplements on the market, including Benefiber and Metamucil.
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Detox Your Colon Step 10

Step 4. Try magnesium

Its action is to attract water into the colon and cause a slight laxative effect. Unlike normal laxatives, medicinal or natural, magnesium is not addictive even with prolonged use.

  • Take 300 to 600 mg of magnesium citrate daily. Never exceed the dose of 900 mg per day otherwise you could put your health at risk.
  • Magnesium citrate is also available in liquid form. Again make sure you don't exceed the dose of 900 mg per day.
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Detox Your Colon Step 11

Step 5. Collect information on n-acetyl-cysteine or NAC

It is a precursor of glutathione, which is one of the body substances with the greatest detoxifying power. NAC is contained in many natural foods, including some types of yogurt and poultry meat; Furthermore, it can be taken as a supplement during the colon detoxification process. Once taken, the body transforms it into glutathione, favoring a faster and more effective intestinal cleansing.

During colon detox, take 500 to 1,500 mg of NAC per day in capsule form. Ask your pharmacist for advice

Method 3 of 4: Detoxify the Colon with Natural and Home Remedies

Detox Your Colon Step 12
Detox Your Colon Step 12

Step 1. Make compresses with castor oil

They will promote colon cleansing and detoxification. Prepare a flannel cloth (cotton or wool), plastic wrap, a towel, a hot water bottle (or a heating pad), and castor oil. Soak the cloth in castor oil, then place it in direct contact with the skin of the abdomen. Wrap the plastic wrap around your waist to avoid staining your clothes with oil. Now do the same thing with the towel: place it on your abdomen, on top of the plastic, then put the hot water bottle (or the heating pad) on it. Leave it on for about 10-30 minutes.

  • Then remove the towel, the film and the flannel cloth, which you can also reuse in the following days without the need to wash it. Finally washed to remove any residual castor oil.
  • Make sure you don't fall asleep with a hot water bottle on; you may get burned.
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Detox Your Colon Step 13

Step 2. Try an enema

Its purpose is to promote bowel movements during the colon detoxification process. Doing an enema means injecting fluids into the colon in order to stimulate the expulsion of impurities through the stool.

Like laxatives, when used too frequently, enemas can be addictive; appropriate and short-term use, for example during colon detox, is however wholly healthy and effective

Detox Your Colon Step 14
Detox Your Colon Step 14

Step 3. Consult a naturopath

Its main goal is to help patients effectively cleanse the body. By analyzing your medical record and the medicines taken, he will be able to indicate the detoxification procedure that best suits your needs. They may recommend bowel irrigations and prescribe herbs, supplements, and home remedies to help cleanse your body safely and naturally.

Step 4. Avoid toxins

Environmental toxins found in cigarette smoke, drugs, pesticides and herbicides can be counterproductive for detoxification purposes. It is important to avoid these types of toxins in general, but especially during the detoxification process.

Method 4 of 4: Detoxify the Colon with Colon Hydrotherapy

Detox Your Colon Step 15
Detox Your Colon Step 15

Step 1. Collect information about colon hydrotherapy (also known as "bowel irrigation")

Experienced doctors practice numerous colonic irrigations every day in their private practices. It is a therapy that could be annoying, but at the same time very effective in purifying the intestine. Get informed and choose a highly qualified practitioner to be sure that they practice hygienically and safely.

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Detox Your Colon Step 16

Step 2. Ask your doctor for advice

If you have a colon disorder, ask him questions about colon hydrotherapy and the potential outcomes, and ask about the procedure. In order to perform colonic irrigation, the therapist gently inserts a tube into the patient's rectum. The tube is connected to a pump that pushes water, or another liquid, into the patient's large intestine. When the colon reaches saturation, the first tube is removed and carefully replaced by another. At this point, the doctor massages the person's abdomen to help expel the liquid and waste from the intestine.

  • The therapist may want to repeat the process to ensure a complete colon cleansing. During irrigation, up to about 65 liters of water can be pumped and expelled.
  • In subsequent irrigations, the water can be added with probiotics, herbs or coffee to further facilitate the expulsion of waste.
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Detox Your Colon Step 17

Step 3. Monitor your bowel movements and make sure you have a bowel movement at least once a day

Holding stool in the colon for a long time means giving the body a lot of time to reabsorb toxins. The remedies suggested in this article should help you regularize your bowels if necessary.

  • If you've started taking care of your diet and experienced the advice in this article, but are still unable to have a regular bowel, it is advisable to see your doctor.
  • If you pass body more than twice a day or if you have frequent diarrheal discharges, talk to your doctor before experimenting with the advice given.


  • Remember that before taking any medications, supplements or natural remedies to detoxify the colon, it is best to talk to your doctor.
  • Do not undergo a colon detox if you have recently undergone surgery in the abdominal region or if you have any serious medical condition, including heart or kidney disease, digestive system cancers, Crohn's disease, internal or severe hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, colitis ulcerative and rectal prolapse.
