How To Treat Thick Hair: 7 Steps

How To Treat Thick Hair: 7 Steps
How To Treat Thick Hair: 7 Steps

Table of contents:


Many people have thick, dry hair, but few know there is a solution! Follow the steps in the tutorial to have shiny, beautiful and silky hair!


Manage Thick Hair Step 1
Manage Thick Hair Step 1

Step 1. Wash your hair with warm water

The heat will relax them. Do not use boiling water to avoid damaging them.

Manage Thick Hair Step 2
Manage Thick Hair Step 2

Step 2. Apply a small amount of shampoo to your palms and massage it into your hair

Don't use shampoo too often.

Manage Thick Hair Step 3
Manage Thick Hair Step 3

Step 3. Rinse off the shampoo and apply the conditioner

Wrap your hair in cling film and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. If possible, use a hair dryer or wrap a warm towel around your head. The hair will become soft and easily manageable and the conditioner will be absorbed deeply.

Manage Thick Hair Step 4
Manage Thick Hair Step 4

Step 4. After 30 minutes, comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb

Start at the tips and slowly move towards the roots. Patiently remove any knots.

Manage Thick Hair Step 5
Manage Thick Hair Step 5

Step 5. Rinse with cold water

Manage Thick Hair Step 6
Manage Thick Hair Step 6

Step 6. Let them air dry to make them more manageable

Manage Thick Hair Step 7
Manage Thick Hair Step 7

Step 7. Comb your hair with a brush or wide-toothed comb

Do not use a boar bristle brush, it could damage or tear your hair.


  • Avoid the use of chemicals, heat and straighteners, they will only damage your hair. Limit yourself to using classic curlers, and do not use spray fixative products.
  • Use only a wide-toothed comb.
  • Apply a monthly warm oil treatment.
  • Before going to sleep, make a mixture of water and white wine vinegar and apply it to your hair. Wrap your head in aluminum foil and cover it with a scarf. Wash your hair in the morning as usual. Repeat for 3 weeks for extra shiny hair.
  • Monthly, shorten your hair to get rid of split ends.
  • Go to a sauna. Apply the conditioner to your hair and enter the sauna for a period of 10-30 minutes. The hair follicles will absorb the product deeply.


  • Do not wash your hair daily, otherwise you will deprive them of their natural and beneficial essential oils.
  • Do not use rubber hair ties, they can create knots and break the hair.
  • Never use the hair dryer for more than 30 minutes. The hair would be irreparably damaged and could fall out.
