Barbie is a world-famous doll loved by young and old alike. Over time, however, it may happen that it loses its original freshness and beauty, and in that case it will need an emergency restyling!

Step 1. Take off all her clothes
Find a suitable sink or tub in which to submerge it completely. If it is very dirty, wash it with soap or detergent. Warning: do not do this on wooden floors!

Step 2. Wash her hair with shampoo or soap
For best effect, use fabric softener after shampooing, rinse well and let them dry.

Step 3. Remove all the knots from her hair with a fine-toothed comb (some Barbies come with them in the purchase package)
For larger knots, use a wide-toothed comb.

Step 4. Get some scissors (if you are too young, get an adult for help) and cut the Barbie's hair to give her a new look
Make her something simple like a short cut, a yoke, or a parting if you prefer. Don't hold your hair between your fingers as you cut, you risk not seeing the real amount of hair you are going to cut.

Step 5. If you want to add a touch of creativity to your Barbie's new look, use some food coloring powder to dye her hair
Massage it into her damp hair. Then dry them. It should go away with warm soapy water. Washable markers will also work well for dyeing her hair.
If you don't like the idea of using food coloring, you can dye her hair with a permanent marker, but remember it's indelible!
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If you don't want to dye her hair, but give it a touch of light, you can use a highlighter. The highlighter liquid is not permanent and you can rinse it off whenever you want.
Give a Barbie a Makeover Step 6

Step 6. If you know how to sew, you can get some fabric and design a cool, stylish dress for your Barbie
If you don't like her dress, you can change it to your liking (by adding beads for example).

Step 7. You can also do her makeup again if you want
Use acrylic paint and a small brush. You can use black for eyeliner, red for lips, pink for cheeks and so on. You can dilute the paint with water. When the paint is dry, you can go over it with polish to make sure it sticks to the doll. If you want to remove your makeup before you start dyeing it, you can do it using pure acetone and a cotton swab. You can give your lips the final touch by smearing some petroleum jelly to make them shinier or you can use a clear gloss varnish.
Never use ink on any doll, especially the Barbie. The ink will spread over the material the doll is made of, permanently damaging it. So don't use a pen to redo her make-up, otherwise you'll end up with a ruined doll
- Before you start, decide how you will use the Barbie after the makeover.
- Dress her well.
- This is a guide only. You don't have to follow her step by step, unless your Barbie is in a desperate condition.
- Be careful in handling scissors, especially if you are young and don't know what to do.
- If you decide to sew, be careful, especially if you use a sewing machine. However, it is preferable to simply use a needle and some thread.
- Barbie's hair will no longer grow back. Once cut it is forever. You can always buy her a wig.
- To revamp your Barbie, try to use only toy tricks.