How to Be Proud of Your Appearance: 13 Steps

How to Be Proud of Your Appearance: 13 Steps
How to Be Proud of Your Appearance: 13 Steps

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In our society, where too much importance is given to physical appearance, the idea of being at peace with your body may seem unthinkable. The media do not cease to transmit messages that continually feed people's dissatisfaction: "you don't have smooth and velvety skin" or "you must have an enviable figure". To overcome the sense of inadequacy, one of the most effective methods is to accept and be proud of your external appearance. Otherwise, there is a risk of never feeling up to it. Fortunately, thanks to some strategies it is possible to learn to love your body and be proud of your appearance.


Part 1 of 3: Learning to accept yourself

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 1
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 1

Step 1. Become aware of all the physical and personal characteristics that make you exceptional

Instead of focusing on what you don't like, think about your best sides. If you get a lot of compliments for your smile or because you have beautiful teeth, appreciate these physical qualities. Go beyond the appearance and reflect on those qualities that have nothing to do with the outward appearance.

Make a list and hang it on the bathroom mirror. Write down all your most beautiful personal characteristics on a sheet of paper. You could write "I'm strong" or "I love animals". Include as many things as you can and re-read your list regularly to keep your spirits up

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 2
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 2

Step 2. Smile more

Smiling makes everyone more beautiful. In addition, it offers numerous health benefits, such as helping the body cope with stress. It lights up your face and makes you feel happier. Furthermore, by smiling, you can also give others the feeling of being more attractive and convey positivity to those around you.

  • Make an effort to smile as much as possible, even when you don't feel in the mood. Give yourself 24 hours. Practice smiling in front of the mirror as you dress up and get ready to go out. Smile at people you don't know when you catch their eyes on your way to school or work.
  • Notice the reactions of others. Pay attention to the feelings they awaken in you.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 3
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 3

Step 3. Take care of yourself

Each person's body is unique. It is impossible to radically change your appearance, but you can transform the perception of yourself. Direct all your efforts to lead a healthier life. When you treat your body right, you nurture your self-esteem and personal well-being.

  • Feed your body by consuming plenty of water and healthy, natural foods, such as vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Exercise regularly to not get sick, keep fit or lose weight, and fight anxiety and depression.
  • Reduce stress by doing whatever you like. Find time to rest and relax.
  • Get enough sleep to keep your attention and focus high and to be more likely to make healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Do not consume alcohol and drugs, because they can make you feel better immediately, but in the long run they tend to cause permanent psycho-physical damage.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 4
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 4

Step 4. Fuel your self-love by repeating encouraging phrases

In some cases it is necessary to pretend to believe it. Convince yourself that you look great by making some encouraging phrases. You can practice this exercise anytime, anywhere, aloud or silently. Over time you will end up feeling exactly the way your words suggest.

  • I always do my best;
  • I make continuous progress;
  • I am beautiful because I am unique;
  • I have a healthy body, a marked intelligence, a peaceful mind and a peaceful heart;
  • I have no negative thoughts or feelings;
  • I appreciate my life.

Part 2 of 3: Eliminate All Sources of Dissatisfaction

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 5
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 5

Step 1. Realize that you are an "independent" person

You may not be able to be proud of your appearance because you base your self-esteem on a series of expectations: you want to lose 10 pounds, you want to catch the attention of someone special or you feel conditioned by your mother's approval in choosing your clothing.. What you need to understand is that, regardless of your image, what people think or how you dress, you are a person who can manage himself.

  • Sometimes believing yourself pretty good or capable is a lot easier said than done. However, if you make this decision and act accordingly in everyday life, you can begin to introject this idea.
  • Whenever you feel the need, repeat this phrase like a mantra: "I am capable". Say it continuously until you begin to believe it.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 6
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 6

Step 2. Learn to love your body

This too can be much easier said than done. Yet, if you come to appreciate yourself for who you are, know that such awareness is invaluable. Let's say you have a scar on your chin that you don't like; to accept it you just need to think that it represents your strength against those who have tried to harm you. Here are other ways to learn to love your body:

  • Stand in front of the mirror and look at the area of the body you don't like. Identify something positive that characterizes it. If you don't like the shape of the nose, maybe you can appreciate the fact that it doesn't have blackheads. Do this exercise every day until you gradually stop judging yourself too harshly.
  • Try to relax. Indulge in long, relaxing baths. Get a manicure or pedicure. Try a new hairstyle or a new haircut. Go to a beauty center for some massage.
  • Wear comfortable clothes that flatter your figure. Don't hide inside your clothes. Choose fabrics, styles and colors that allow you to highlight your best features. If you wear fashionable clothes that fit perfectly, you will automatically feel more tidy and neat.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 7
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 7

Step 3. Forget the comparisons

For example, if you notice how tall your best friend is, you will think, "I'm too short", or if you see your sister in a whole new outfit, you will find your clothes "ugly". You probably don't know why you come up with these considerations, but one thing is certain: comparisons compromise personal happiness and self-esteem. Therefore, to get rid of this negative habit, consider the following:

  • Making comparisons leads to nothing, on the contrary it undermines personal dignity, pride and enthusiasm.
  • By comparing yourself to others, you will be destined to systematically lose, because there will always be someone better than you in some respect (for example, he is taller, more beautiful, smarter, and so on).
  • This attitude only detracts from your personality and leads you to believe that individual interests, style and path are the same for everyone.
  • There is no way to know what another person's life really is like. Usually, we tend to make comparisons between our worst sides and those we think are best in others based on our perception.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 8
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 8

Step 4. Get away from the people who judge you

What you think about yourself is not always based on your personal beliefs, because the way you see yourself is also conditioned by the criticisms and judgments of others. A close friend or family member who demoralizes you or makes constant comments about your physique can prevent you from being proud of your appearance. How others treat you has a strong influence on your happiness and emotional well-being. Here's how to deal with an overly critical person:

  • Set limits if a relationship negatively affects your self-esteem. Don't accept invitations from the other side and spend less time with her.
  • Choose carefully the people to whom you confide your innermost thoughts and feelings. If someone doesn't care what you say, don't talk to them. Keep him informed of the bare essentials.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 9
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 9

Step 5. Challenge the mass media representation of beauty

If you spend a lot of time watching television, browsing social networks or browsing fashion and beauty magazines, there is a risk that your perception of what is beautiful is affected.

  • Although images are retouched or altered with special programs, the way men and women are portrayed through the media can lead you to judge yourself and make comparisons. If you don't let go of this attitude, your self-esteem and self-confidence can take a hit.
  • Try to limit exposure to illusory representations of the body and physical beauty. Rather, give preference to more realistic body images, whatever the shape and constitution.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 10
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 10

Step 6. Don't be a perfectionist

If you tend to seek perfection in everything, this attitude may prevent you from feeling proud of your appearance. Every time you look in the mirror, you find a flaw. Whenever someone gives you a compliment, point out what you miss instead of being grateful or feeling gratified. It is self-defeating to set high standards because they continually undermine one's happiness. Therefore, try to overcome your perfectionism delusions by doing this:

  • If you find that your life is centered around too high expectations, try to be more realistic. Remember that no one is perfect and that, as a human being, everyone makes mistakes. Think: "Do your best!".
  • Expose yourself to your fears. For example, if you fear going out without makeup, avoid indulging this insecurity. At first, go out without lipstick or lip gloss. Then give up on foundation. Finally, come out completely removed, but with a clean and fresh face. Periodically, repeat to yourself: "You are beautiful just the way you are." Have your fears turned out to be true? Maybe people laugh or make fun of you?

Part 3 of 3: Redefine the Idea of Beauty

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 11
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 11

Step 1. Find the beauty in others beyond their appearance

If on the one hand you go out of your way to discover beauty in yourself, on the other hand you should also look for it in the people around you. Sometimes, you are able to see in others what you cannot see in yourself. When you notice beauty everywhere and in every individual, you are more likely to believe that you also have it within you.

Beauty can come in any form. Notice in others that kind of beauty that goes beyond physicality. Think about those around you, how they laugh, how understanding they are, how enthusiastic about life, how intelligent and affectionate they are. Aren't they beautiful qualities? Is it possible that others see some of these qualities in you?

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 12
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 12

Step 2. Discover the beauty in nature

Another way to let go of the stereotypes of modern beauty is to observe nature. Plants, animals and landscapes represent the widest deployment of beauties offered by nature.

There are thousands, if not millions, of beautiful and wonderful places and creatures in the natural world. Different views literally take your breath away. If you consider all these forms in which beauty manifests itself, you will come to understand that beauty is something that is perceived on an emotional level, it is not seen only with the eyes

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 13
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 13

Step 3. Engage in activities that make you feel more beautiful

As you continue to redefine your perception of beauty, also try to notice how beauty manifests itself in your daily life. Since it involves all the senses, there are several ways in which it expresses itself. Physical appearance is only part of what constitutes a human being. Think of all the things you can do to feel more beautiful.

  • Keep in mind that this talk is not about activities that enhance physical beauty, although they can help you look more attractive to yourself and others. Rather, they are gestures to be performed with the body and the heart that promote inner beauty.
  • For example, by volunteering you can make a contribution to the community where you live. You can give beauty expression by listening to your favorite music and dancing. Laughing can be good. Running and playing with young children can also allow you to feel like a beautiful person. If you get used to doing these things, you will eventually feel better about yourself, inside and out.