Rome: Total War offers many gameplay options, but there are factions that you can only unlock by editing the game files. Fortunately, this isn't difficult if you have instructions to follow. After a few minutes of work, you can play your campaign with Macedonians, Pontus and more.
Method 1 of 2: Using the In-Game Unlock Methods

Step 1. Defeat a faction in the campaign
If you want to play a specific faction, eliminate that faction in the campaign by killing all of its generals. If this is your priority, try to produce a large number of assassins and send them to take out the generals directly. This is not only a great victory strategy, but it will allow you to unlock the faction faster than if you tried to defeat it on the battlefield.
Without the hacks described in the following section, you can only unlock the Greek Cities, Egypt, the Seleucid Empire, Carthage, Gaul, Germany, Britain and Parthia

Step 2. Complete the campaign to unlock all factions
If you complete the campaign with any faction, you will unlock all playable factions. Choose the short campaign to complete it faster.
Of the three starting factions, the Julians are probably the easiest to use

Step 3. Use the hack methods for the remaining factions
Some factions are not meant to be played, typically smaller and less powerful ones. If you're up for the challenge, use one of the methods below to unlock them.
In the Barbarian Invasions expansion, all playable factions are unlocked. Use the hack methods described below to unlock the other factions
Method 2 of 2: Alter Game Files to Unlock All Factions

Step 1. Find the Rome game files folder:
Total War. Search one of the following locations, depending on the version of your game. This is the first step in unlocking the factions.
Steam version:
On Steam, right click on the Game and select Properties → Local Files → Browse Local Files (or from the desktop, go to C: / Program Files / Steam / Steam Apps / Common / Rome - Total War)
Rome: Total War base edition:
C: / Program Files / Activision / Rome - Total War
Rome: Total War gold edition:
C: / Program Files / The Creative Assembly / Rome - Total War

Step 2. Find the campaign data
Once you have reached one of the above paths, find the file that contains the information on the playability of the factions, which is located in one of the following paths:
To unlock all factions in the Rome: Total War core campaign:
data / world / maps / campaign / imperial_campaign
To unlock factions in the Barbarian Invasions campaign:
BI / data / world / maps / campaign / barbarian_invasion

Step 3. Create and open a copy of the file
Right click on the file, copy and paste it on your desktop. Open it.
This way you can edit the file even if you don't have an administrator account, and you can create a backup copy to avoid any errors

Step 4. Move the faction names to the playable list
The file should start with a list of faction names, sorted under the words "playable," unlockable "and" nonplayable ". Select all factions under" unlockable ", cut them and paste them under the ones in" playable ". same with factions under "nonplayable", read the following warnings:
- In the original campaign, the maximum number of playable factions is 20. Leave at least one faction under "nonplayable" to avoid bugs.
- In the original campaign, most players experience frequent crashes when using the "romans_senate" (SPQR) or "slave" (rebel) factions. Read the Tips below for a possible solution.
- In the Barbarian Invasions, you should leave the following factions under "nonplayable" (the game will crash if you try to play them): romano_british, ostrogoths, slavs, empire_east_rebels, empire_west_rebels, slave.
- Each faction name should be indented with a "Tab" and should be the only word on the line.

Step 5. Move the edited file to the correct folder
Save it without changing its name. Move the original, unmodified file to another location so you can restore it if the game encounters errors. Drag the edited file to the source folder and open Rome: Total War to check its status.
You may need to close and reopen Rome: Total War before the changes take effect

Step 6. Edit the faction description file if this method didn't work
This is only needed in older versions of Rome: Total War. If the game does not offer additional options for the factions and you are sure you made no mistake in the changes, try making this further change:
- In your Rome - Total War folder, make a backup copy of / Data / Text / campaign_descriptions, then open the file.
- Paste the following code into the file, then save:
- There are many user-created mods that add other factions to the game. The most complete is Europa Barbarorum, which completely transforms factions, campaign and units to respect historical accuracy. Play as the Ptolemaics, Arverni, Sabines and more.
- If your version of the game crashes when playing with the SPQR faction (called romans_senate in the game file) or the Rebels (called slaves), try going back to the same folder that contained "imperial_campaign" and open the son_of_mars / descr file instead..stat. Repeat the same changes.
- Some people are able to play the campaign as SPQR without blocking the game, without ever clicking on the Senate tab.
- To unlock the Rebels in the custom battle mode, find the Rome - Total War folder (see the first step of the hack method) and open data / descr_sm_factions. Find the section titled "Faction slave" at the bottom of the file, and change the custom_battle_availabilty item from "no" to "yes."