Super Mario 64 DS is a Nintendo DS remake of the classic game Super Mario 64 from the past. Contrary to the original game, this version allows you to use three characters besides Mario: Yoshi, Luigi and Wario. To unlock Mario's burly yellow alter ego, you'll need to search behind Wario's painting in the mirror room on the second floor of the castle.
Part 1 of 2: Unlock Wario

Step 1. Play as Luigi
To get Wario, you must have already unlocked Luigi. His ability to go invisible allows you to reach the room where Wario is hiding.
If you haven't unlocked Luigi yet, read our article explaining how to do it

Step 2. Make sure you've beaten Bowser twice
You cannot unlock Wario until you have access to the second floor of the castle. By defeating the boss for the second time, you will get the key to the upper floors of the castle.
- The first level with Bowser is "Bowser in the Dark". You will find it behind the star door on the main floor of the castle. To win, grab the monster's tail and throw it at the bombs on the edges of the arena!
- The second level with Bowser is "Bowser in the Lava Lake". To reach it, you must drop into the hole in the floor in the room with the blue portal to the Water Abyss. After getting the first star in the underwater level, the portal will move back and you will have a chance to fall into the hole. Watch out: Bowser has learned to teleport and the entire arena shifts from side to side as the boss jumps.

Step 3. Reach the second floor of the castle
From the front entrance of the castle, go up the stairs and open the large door with the padlock. You will arrive directly on the second floor.

Step 4. Go to the mirror room
On the second floor, look for a door with a star, no numbers. The right room contains many paintings and a large mirror on one of the walls.
If you are in a cross-shaped room with three copies of the same painting in different sizes, it means that you are in the one that leads to Granpiccola Island. Exit and try to enter the other door

Step 5. Obtain the Power Flower
You will find this upgrade in the mirror room. Luigi should become invisible.

Step 6. Walk through the mirror
You should now be on the other side! This is why you need Luigi - other characters cannot reach this area.

Step 7. Jump into Wario's portrait
You will reach a secret area where you can unlock Wario.

Step 8. Complete the level
It's pretty short, but you'll still need to finish it for a chance to unlock Wario. Read the following instructions to get to the finish in one piece:
- Drop down and slide to the lower platform, then jump to the next one. Jump onto the moving metal platform.
- Jump onto the ledge. Turn right and throw yourself into the void. A puff of air will drag you up.
- Go over the two platforms and reach the ice pillars. Continue to the other side.
- Climb to the top of the level and go down the hole to reach the level boss.

Step 9. Defeat the boss
You will have to fight Great Ice to unlock Wario. To do this, you have to throw it in the water three times. Avoid falling into the water - it will damage you as if it were lava.
- Take on High Ice as you did with the Bullies in the lava levels. You can get close and punch him, but you will be vulnerable to his attacks. If you are confident in your prowess, you can use the running attack to push him back several meters. When it hangs on the edge of the platform, push it into the water with a simple punch.
- Once you beat the boss, take the key he drops.

Step 10. Choose Wario in the character change room
This is the downstairs room where you chose Luigi for this challenge. Enter the door with the "W". You will open it with the key you obtained from Great Ice.
Congratulations! You have unlocked Wario
Part 2 of 2: Playing with Wario

Step 1. Learn about Wario's strengths and weaknesses
Wario is bigger and bigger than the other characters. This means that hits harder of the others. You will find that you defeat enemies faster and push them further away from you. His strength makes him the perfect character for fighting and breaking particular objects.
The downside is that Wario is less agile of the other characters. He moves slowly and jumps less, so his exploration abilities are limited.

Step 2. Use the power of Wario's metal by collecting a Power Flower
Wario's special ability is to transform into metal, which makes him extremely heavy and invulnerable to enemy attacks. It also causes it to sink into the water. When it reaches the bottom, it is able to walk rather than swim.
For example, you need Metal Wario to get the seventh star of Pirate Bay. His ability allows him to walk underwater, through currents and catch the star

Step 3. Use Wario's moves to your advantage
This character has some moves that are different from the others, due to his size. Learning how to use them is essential to obtaining all 150 stars in the game. Read later:
- Press A to deliver a powerful blow, which allows you to break objects that other characters cannot destroy. You can also use Wario's Ground Dunk (performed with the same commands as Mario) to smash objects. For example, you will have to use this move to break the ice in the Mount Refrigerio pond, in order to get the seventh star.
To throw an enemy, press A, rotate the directional pad in a circle, then press A again. You will spin the enemy in a circle and let him go with a throw. This move only works in Mode Vs.
- Wario is probably the character you will use the least. It is not very useful for exploring new levels because it is very slow and cannot jump well, so you will only use it when you need its strength to overcome specific points.
- Don't forget that after beating Great Ice, you can go back to where you fought it to collect red coins and earn a star.