How to Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7

How to Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7
How to Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7

Table of contents:


Windows Mail, the email client, and Windows Calendar are both part of the Windows Vista software suite. These programs, however, were not included on Windows 7. Although there is indeed a Windows Mail folder in Windows 7, it is not active. There is a way to re-enable Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7, read on to find out.


Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 1
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 1

Step 1. On Windows 7, go to the Windows Mail folder

This folder is typically located in C> Program Files. Before installing Windows Mail from Windows Vista, you will need to delete the Windows Mail 7 file. So what you need to do to install Windows Mail on Windows 7 is to delete the Windows Mail files from Windows 7, and replace it with the Windows Mail files. Windows Vista.

The Windows Mail program, on Windows 7, is blocked by the system. To cancel this program you will need to download Take Ownership. This program allows you to receive maximum permissions on any file to be able to delete it later. Alternatively, you can download Unlocker, to unlock and delete any file

Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 2
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 2

Step 2. Delete the Windows 7 Windows Mail file

To do this, use Take Ownership or Unlocker.

Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 3
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 3

Step 3. Once the Windows 7 Mail folder is cleared, go to your Windows Vista computer

You will need to copy both the Windows Mail and Windows Calendar files to Windows 8. First of all, copy the Windows Mail and Windows Calendar file to the Documents folder. After that, right click and select “Send to> Compressed Folder” for both files. Now, you should be able to create a zip file containing for both Windows Mail and Windows Calendar files.

Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 4
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 4

Step 4. To transfer Windows Mail and Windows Calendar files from Vista to 7, do one of the following:

Transfer both zip files from Vista to 7 using shared folders or Team Viewer. This allows you to transfer files from computer to computer, otherwise, upload both zip files to a file sharing site like Mediafire and then download the files to your Windows 7 computer. Otherwise, you could transfer the files using a USB stick. Either way, save both files to your Desktop or Downloads folder.

Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 5
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 5

Step 5. On Windows 7, open the folder where you saved both files

To install Windows Mail, extract the archive to drive C. Go to programs, you should now be able to see a folder called Windows Mail. Open the Windows Mail program, you should see a file called Winmail. Create a shortcut to this file on your desktop. Windows Mail has now been installed on your Windows 7 computer. To install Windows Calendar, extract the respective archive in C> Program Files and create a new folder. Go to programs, you should see a file called New Folder. Rename the “Windows Calendar” folder. Now, open the folder and look for the file called Wincal. Create a desktop shortcut to this file. Now, Windows Calendar has been installed on your Windows 7 computer

Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 6
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 6

Step 6. If you don't have a computer with Windows Vista, you can download these two programs directly from the Internet

Also on the Internet, you will be able to find log files that allow you to enable or disable the Windows Mail home screen and / or set Windows Mail as the default mail client.

Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 7
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7 Step 7

Step 7. Both programs have now been installed and running on your Windows 7 computer


  • If you intend to upload both Windows Mail and Windows Calendar zip files to a file sharing site like Mediafire, know that these files will always be available, and you can always download them to any computer. To download the file, you will be provided with a link to access the file, which you can share with whoever you want. This way your friends will also be able to install these two programs on their computers.
  • You can use Windows Mail and Windows Calendar in conjunction with Windows Live Mail, with no problems.
  • Both programs should now run on Windows 7. If you want, you can set Windows Mail as your default email client. Windows Mail is now part of Windows 7.


  • Make sure you delete the original Windows 7 Windows Mail file first, otherwise the program won't work.
  • Windows Mail and Windows Calendar will run smoothly on Windows 7 as well, if you follow the instructions. Outlook Express, however, will not work on Windows 7 or Windows Vista. This is because Outlook Express uses Internet Explorer 6.dll files, which are not compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7.
