3 Ways to Get a Girl to Care About You

3 Ways to Get a Girl to Care About You
3 Ways to Get a Girl to Care About You

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Every woman is different; if they were all the same you wouldn't be interested in one in particular, right? Furthermore, there are as many ways to attract a woman as there are women themselves. So let's see some basic rules for getting the woman you want.


Method 1 of 3: Get Noticed

Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 10
Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 10

Step 1. You must have your own life

If you have a tendency to be "only ever a good friend", this is an important recommendation. Real girls (those with strong personalities and self-esteem) don't like guys who don't have a life of their own or who stick to them like "mussels". Some people like it but for the wrong reasons: they are insecure and need attention or they are manipulators who need to dominate. Unless you want this to happen, focus on developing your friendships, interests, hobbies, and goals. This also allows girls to do something with you without the situation turning into a date.

Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 15
Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 15

Step 2. Look after your appearance

You need to be clean, combed and fit. If you want to please a woman, basic hygiene rules and appearance are essential. Girls notice things like bad breath, overweight, bad smell or greasy hair even before your winning personality. Give them a chance to dig deep into your qualities by making a good first impression.

  • Keep fit. Train regularly, run for a couple of kilometers, do situps, develop some muscles and so on. But remember that while fitness is important, you shouldn't overdo it; if you are too muscular you give the impression that you are more interested in the gym than in developing meaningful relationships. Also, some girls don't like having the Incredible Hulk as their boyfriend, you would look like a fool, a classic fit boy. For this reason you have to look fit but not "pumped".
  • Take care of personal hygiene. Brush your teeth, shave and so on. If you don't have a toothbrush handy, always keep some mints with you. When you take care of yourself, you are more attractive and this also increases your self-esteem. Make sure you always smell good, take a shower regularly, remember: there is nothing worse than the smell of old sweat, so use deodorant.
Get a Date in Middle School Step 2
Get a Date in Middle School Step 2

Step 3. Talk to her

A girl is unlikely to care if she doesn't even know about your existence. Make an effort and try to talk to her, even if you are afraid. Emphasize your compatibility as a friend and maybe something more, by sharing interests and hobbies you may have in common. Become friends with her, otherwise she won't become more intimate with you.

  • Find a hobby that both of you enjoy. It doesn't matter what it is, whether it's sports or school. If both of you are passionate about volleyball, invite her to a game. If you like video games, play together or ask her to cheer you on. Each girl loves different things.
  • If your conversation skills need to be brushed up, here are some tips:

    • How to Have a Brilliant Conversation.
    • How to Find Good Conversation Topics.
    • How to keep a conversation alive with a girl.
    Make a Person Happy Step 4
    Make a Person Happy Step 4

    Step 4. Make her laugh

    Telling jokes or funny stories is a classic technique for making a person laugh, but it is not the only one. Be bold and think of some antics to amuse, like some antics. Find out what his favorite comedians are, the funny movies and TV shows he loves to watch. Ask her to challenge you to do something and then do it (nothing illegal though!). Laughter arises spontaneously if both of you are relaxed and appreciate each other's company. The more he laughs, the more he will want to have fun.

    Get a Date in Middle School Step 3
    Get a Date in Middle School Step 3

    Step 5. Become his friend

    Girls don't fall in love with the first one they meet (actually they do, but these are relationships that don't go anywhere!). Start as a friend and try to get close in a non-invasive way. Give her a chance to get to know you and hang out with you as friends.

    • If you follow the same lessons, try to understand what it is called. Whenever she walks into the room, look at her and smile. Sometimes it takes a while for a girl to notice you. At the same time, try not to behave like this too often, otherwise she may think that you are obsessed with her. If you're worried about this happening, say hello to other girls as well when they walk in. If you have the impression that she doesn't even see you, approach and introduce yourself in a friendly way without interrupting the lessons or a conversation she is already having.
    • If she's a shy girl, she might be limited to half a smile, so don't think she doesn't like her.
    • If you want the relationship to develop faster, you need to avoid getting stuck in the quicksand of "friendship alone". Sometimes a girl may refuse to go out with a guy for the simple fear that the relationship will end badly and that the friendship will also end! To take your knowledge to another level, try flirting a bit. A woman will only become intimate with a man she already knows, trusts and cares about; to achieve this, you need to take the time to chat in a friendly way. Don't rush too fast though, the fun part of a relationship is often the courtship and patience. Girls hate feeling forced into something, especially in a relationship.

    Method 2 of 3: Become More Than Friends

    Approach the Guy You Like Step 5
    Approach the Guy You Like Step 5

    Step 1. Flirt

    This way you will begin to stop acting just like a "simple good friend" and will remind her that you are attractive as well as likeable. When you see or meet the girl you like, make short eye contact and smile. Start a conversation for no real reason, flirt, and see how she reacts. If you avoid looking her in the eye and seem nervous, you force her to guess where you want to go. Girls react more to body language and emotions. If you make them feel happy, they'll think of you as a fun and caring guy. If you give them the chills, they will feel nervous, you will force them into a gut reaction, and they will prefer to get away from you.

    • Take it easy. Don't put pressure on yourself and the girl into thinking she's the woman of your dreams. Try not to think too much about what will happen if you make an inappropriate joke or say something wrong. She is probably just as nervous and may not notice a little lack of style or may choose to ignore it. Don't worry if flirting isn't that simple at first. The more you talk to girls, the more natural you will become. Girls are often the most agitated due to the multiple responses their brains generate to each word. They worry about having the right tone of voice and are so upset that sometimes they don't even realize the unhappy joke you made in trying to overcome embarrassment.
    • Have fun interacting with that attractive, friendly girl you met. While you don't have to worry too much, remember that your ultimate goal is to make her like her. Don't say offensive or vulgar things.
    Caress a Girl Step 5
    Caress a Girl Step 5

    Step 2. Give her compliments

    If you really like a girl, there are probably many aspects of her that you appreciate. Why not let them know? If there is something different or new in her appearance (hairstyle, nail polish, blouse and so on), tell him. The more original the compliment is, the more it will be appreciated.

    • Most girls like to be complimented for something unique and not a trait that most women possess. If you focus on its appearance, try to be original, specifying its peculiarity. Better yet, compliment her on her personality or skill. If you are not sure if this is a nice compliment, read this article.
    • Don't tell her too often that she is beautiful. If she is really very pretty, there will be lots of other guys who already tell her; after a while it becomes a trite topic. If you want to compliment her, try to stand out from the others and make comments on her personality, how good she is at an activity and so on. Physical appearance is an obvious feature and if you only deal with this theme you will look like a superficial guy who just wants to have sex with her, in other words you will not make a good impression.
    Be Romantic Step 2
    Be Romantic Step 2

    Step 3. Try to make a good impression

    For this there are no universally valid solutions. What impresses one girl (positively) could bore another. Do your best to be yourself. Show off your unique skills, talents or skills in difficult tasks that you are very proud of, so you will stand out in the crowd. This way not only will she have a good memory of you, but you will also improve your self-esteem.

    Be careful not to be presumptuous. Make a good impression but don't spend all your time bragging about your achievements and projects. Although self-confidence is an attractive feature, impudence is not the same

    Be a Gentleman Step 18
    Be a Gentleman Step 18

    Step 4. Break the barrier of physical space

    There are many ways to touch a girl without being slimy. Help her put on her coat. Offer your hand when she has to walk on an uneven or unstable surface. Hold her hand when you have to walk through a crowded place, hold her if she stumbles, hug her and "high five" when she's elated. If she is worried, place your hands on her shoulders and try to comfort her. These are all kind and polite gestures that make you become a little more intimate without being annoying.

    Women are much more sensitive to touch than the average men. Even if they barricade themselves behind a tough facade, always make sure the touch is gentle; for example, do not give them a violent pat on the back, but just touch the shoulder. As soon as you feel discomfort, stop

    Love Your Girlfriend Step 8
    Love Your Girlfriend Step 8

    Step 5. Probe the terrain

    After some time in which you have shown mutual interest, try to "raise the bar" to see if she is willing to date you too. Try to "throw the hook" in a playful and light way, even if perhaps ambiguous. This is also the technique women use to flirt, so try to be very receptive to situations or statements that seem like a "joke" or that can have a double meaning.

    There is a particular look that women give you if you behave in the right way (and if she is the right girl for you). It is as if you have secretly shook hands. He'll look at you for a couple of seconds wondering if that's your intentions or if you've just stumbled upon the right words. When a girl does this, keep eye contact, half smile, and don't react. This is like being on the verge of victory: it's the most delicate moment for both of us. Wait for her to say something and cross her fingers hoping it's a yes

    Be a Gentleman Step 26
    Be a Gentleman Step 26

    Step 6. Take your time

    Don't be rushed otherwise you will look "desperate". Cute girls usually need more time to develop deep feelings. Keep courting her following the instructions outlined so far, but don't rush things. If you manage to establish a relationship with her, she will always remember how you made her feel when you were just starting out.

    Make her feel appreciated, not invisible and above all do not suffocate her. Woo her gently but consistently to minimize the fear of sexual advances, avoid looking like a "desperate" guy, and give her time to get used to your new presence in her life. Don't force the relationship, be careful to understand where and when you can see her again

    Method 3 of 3: Ask her out

    Attract a Woman Step 8
    Attract a Woman Step 8

    Step 1. Invite her for a date

    Once you feel comfortable, ask her to go somewhere or do something with you. Make sure it's something interesting (for both of you). If you wish, show her your world, take her to a place that makes you feel good and that you feel proud of.

    • Alternatively, show interest in what she likes. Is she a musician? Ask her if you can see one of her performances. Is it a math? Ask her if you can read her thesis.
    • If you are not yet ready or comfortable with the idea of sharing personal things with her, simply have lunch together or do something that allows you to get to know her better.
    Be a Gentleman Step 19
    Be a Gentleman Step 19

    Step 2. Make her feel important

    Keep opening the door for her, shelter her from the rain with an umbrella, help her by bringing her objects when her hands are full, lend her your sweater and, in general, take care of her. The hallmark of a true gentleman is the ability to make a woman feel like a real lady. When you talk to her, try hard to be talkative and try not to be generic, take the topic to a personal level. When you want to invite her out or have to ask her something, do it in person, even better if you go to her house. This shows her that you are willing to put in a little more effort and that you are not a wimp.

    Show a Woman That You Care Step 7
    Show a Woman That You Care Step 7

    Step 3. Be romantic

    The classic icons of romanticism (roses, candles, chocolates and teddy bears) never go out of style but are often discounted. Think about what can really turn on this person who is so important to you. Try to understand what makes her unique, find objects and practice actions that only she can appreciate. Being romantic means being aware of how unique she is and showing her that you know, better than anyone else, how to make her even more special.

    Pay attention when he speaks! Make a mental list of the things she loves that make her so special in your eyes. What are his strange (maybe secret) interests, his obsessions and his fantasies? What turns that light in her eyes? Girls notice right away when you remember what they told you months ago

    Maintain Your Relationship After a Diabetes Diagnosis Step 8
    Maintain Your Relationship After a Diabetes Diagnosis Step 8

    Step 4. Confide in her and let her do the same

    Tell her what you really appreciate about life, what you like, and try to figure out what turns her on. Be positive. If you've had a bad day, welcome your girlfriend with a nice smile anyway. Above all, listen to what he has to tell you. Whether he has to tell you about himself, his family or his hobbies, pay attention. There are things you need to know that will come in handy when the relationship goes deeper. You nod to show her that you are attentive and answer her questions to give her feedback. Women greatly appreciate guys who show a sincere interest in what they have to say.

    Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 9
    Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 9

    Step 5. Be yourself

    You are unique and you have to show your true self. Be the best you can be, let her know who you really are. Use your talent, your gifts and your strength to make yourself appreciated. If you have a great sense of humor, share it with her. If you love science, music, poetry, politics or sport, let her know your passions. The right woman will fall in love with you just the way you are.


    • Be honest, never lie to a girl just to impress her.
    • Don't talk about yourself all the time. People have a tendency to focus the conversation on themselves, especially when they are nervous. If you feel you need to say something, ask a question. Remember to listen a lot more than you talk.
    • Try not to compare her to other girls you've dated, not even mentally!
    • Good manners help you get noticed. For example, you can open the door for her or move her chair to accommodate her (and put in place the whole repertoire of the true gentleman). If you're just trying to get to know him, even the most delicate precautions will come in handy. You don't want to look stupid by moving her chair at the school cafeteria if you only know each other by sight! Also, if you do, don't stand there with a goofy smile waiting for her to thank you. Move the chair, wait for him to sit down, and then sit down as well. Open the door for her, keep paying attention to what she says and exit after her. Continue to do what you were doing, if she thanks you just nod, smile and answer: "It's a pleasure" without giving too much weight to your gesture.
    • Don't be afraid to smile. Even if you have no reason to, try to appear friendly and helpful. A kind smile makes you more "approachable" especially if you are trying to get to know him.
    • Girls like guys who are honest with themselves. This shows that they are not fake and that they are not making fun of them. Pretending to conform to an image in an attempt to make a good impression will only make things more difficult because she won't know whether or not to trust you.
    • Don't talk about women you've dated before, especially on a first date. You can definitely find better and more polite topics to talk about.
    • If you know her birthday, you could bring her a gift card from her favorite store (it doesn't need to be of great value, she'll appreciate it anyway) or a new scarf she talked about with her friends. Just the fact that you 1) remembered her birthday and 2) that you brought her a gift will get you noticed and she will remember you as a nice guy.
    • Remember that girls love "bad boys" is just an urban legend. Most prefer a kind companion rather than a bully who only appreciates her for her physical appearance. If you try to be a sweet guy, instead of a "bad" guy, you will have more lasting and stronger relationships.
    • Never forget that the girl you want is not a trophy to show off or a goal to achieve; you have to come to understand if the relationship can last a lifetime and, if so, you will both be happy.
    • If you want to show a girl how important she is to you, spend some time preparing for the date. A well-organized date is not only nice but it shows that you really spent all afternoon taking care of it, so that everything is perfect.
    • Don't forget that if a girl doesn't fall in love with you, you haven't failed; however, you will have had the opportunity to learn more about yourself and sooner or later you will find the right woman. There is no perfect technique to make every woman fall in love; however, as you improve as a person, you will be more attractive.
    • Take the initiative in courtship. For example, strike up a conversation, decide what to do during the appointment and also when to bring her home. This way you reduce the chances of failure or being rejected.
    • Do not point your body towards her as you approach her or she will think you are desperate.
    • Make her feel good and comfortable.
    • To find girls online, you need to be able to post some personal information such as the school you attend and your interests or hobbies. If you want girls to fall at your feet, you need to improve your type of job, be richer, have a business started or have a good career.


    • Take care of your personal hygiene. You have no idea how much it can help you. Bad smell and dirt are universally recognized repellents! This includes bad breath, flatulence, burps, and smelly feet. Shower and brush your teeth every day (especially before you see her), trim your nails, wash your clothing and shoes regularly. Some girls do not even like the smell of cigarettes or the too strong smell of cologne.
    • Don't try to be perfect and don't expect perfection from her as no one is. Accept that both of you have flaws, that you make mistakes, and that sometimes you have bad days.
    • Never try to make her jealous. This is a double-edged sword and the guys who try to use it always get hurt. If you're trying to figure out if she likes you, ask your friends or check how she behaves with you and other guys. If she acts differently when you're around, then she might like you. Trust your instincts. If you believe there is "chemistry" between you, be patient and let things develop on their own. Don't talk to her or show her the girls you've dated in the past even if she asks you all the time. If you show her that you are sincere and trustworthy, the relationship will continue naturally. A woman might invest a lot in a relationship and have serious intentions, so watching and showing interest in other girls in front of her is numb and stupid behavior. Just focus on her eyes and on her.
    • "Too much is good". If you are too worried about her, if you take every opportunity to touch her, if you pay her too many compliments, and if you overdo your jokes enough to pass for a clown, then you will ruin all your chances of winning her. Try to be more natural.
    • Don't make too explicit sexual innuendo when flirting. He may think that you are only interested in his body and not his person. Many girls don't like vulgar guys who talk about various parts of the body. Some (very rare) girls are quite vulgar and perverted, but not the majority.
    • Don't play bad jokes; you would be rude. It is 99% sure that girls don't like comments about their body parts and other stuff like that. They just think they're dealing with a disgusting immature kid and they'll stay away. However, there is 1% who like it.
    • Seek her out, woo her, and ask her personal questions whenever you can. You must show that you are courageous, that you have faith in yourself and that you are courteous. If you have her address and you live in the same city, don't ask her personal questions via email. Do not use means of communication that leave room for misunderstanding or behind which it is easy to hide.
    • Don't persecute her. If she doesn't want to go out with you, it also means she doesn't want to be bothered either. Choose another girl.
