How to find out if you care about the girl you like

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How to find out if you care about the girl you like
How to find out if you care about the girl you like

Many guys get heartbroken when they ask a girl out and she refuses. In this article you can find some tips to find out if she likes you too.


Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 1
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 1

Step 1. Try to find an interesting theme

If he likes you, he will usually look you in the eye. When she talks to you, look her in the eye, let her see you interested, because if you stare at the wall you will give her the impression of not being interested in what she is saying.

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 2
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 2

Step 2. When you approach her or her friends, do they smile?

Do they look at you like they know something about you? If so, it could mean she likes you.

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 3
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 3

Step 3. Does he make fun of you?

For example, does he invent nicknames for you? That might be good, but some girls don't use this method when they like someone.

Step 4. Keep looking her in the eye

If she also stares at you for more than a split second, or a little longer than usual, she probably likes you!

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 5
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 5

Step 5. Smile

Girls usually like guys who smile and are happy. But, if you're having a bad day, try to tell him. This will show her that you trust her and that her opinion is important to you.

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 6
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 6

Step 6. Make a not very funny joke, and pay attention to if she laughs

If he laughs sarcastically, don't worry. He's probably just teasing you a little. Limit yourself to one bad line to give it a try, because if she likes your humor, she may not like you anymore.

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 7
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 7

Step 7. Does he rush to you to tell you about his problems?

If she does, she surely has faith in you and knows that you will listen to her. So when she comes to you and talks about a personal matter, don't look bored, you will discourage her.

Step 8. Does he suddenly become happy when he is with you?

This shows that he likes you.

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 9
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 9

Step 9. Do you have the impression that you feel in every way that you are in the same place as you are?

It's one of the signs that you care

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 10
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 10

Step 10. Is she often seductive with you?

If so, flirt a little too! But not too much, you would give the impression of being desperate.

Step 11. When he talks to you, try to broaden the conversation, so that from one conversation to another, it becomes natural and pleasant to chat

Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 12
Know if a Girl Likes You Back Step 12

Step 12. Girls don't like to make the first move, so don't feel like they don't like you just because they don't ask you out

You will probably have to be the one to make the first move. But first make sure she likes you.


  • Realize that many girls are happy to please guys, so tell her you like her and she may begin to appreciate the best in you.
  • If he talks to you (and only you), that's a great sign.


  • Each girl is different. Sometimes, despite all the positive signs in the world, she only likes you as a friend.
  • If she's having a bad day, don't make any new moves. You could annoy her and get a sharp "No".
  • If you like a girl, go to her and tell her the truth. Girls like it when a guy tells them honestly about how he feels, proving he is a confident person. Then you never know, maybe she likes you too!
