How to be cool in high school (for boys)

How to be cool in high school (for boys)
How to be cool in high school (for boys)

Table of contents:


Being cool is an attitude, something you don't have yet. If you want to be the guy everyone at school knows for the right reasons, read on.


Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 1
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 1

Step 1. Take care of your hair

Everything is in the hair. How can you claim to be the coolest guy if you don't have cool hair? If you usually have bad hair, learn how to care for it. If you have curly hair, ruffle it. If you have them straight, put the gel on them, but never use too much, it would be disgusting. Take a cue from the people you admire, like your big brother, your cousins, celebrities, male models. YouTube is also a good source of inspiration.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 2
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 2

Step 2. Develop your sense of style

Having a sense of style means being cool, but remember that there is a limit to everything. You don't always have to show off brand names, rather you need to sharpen your perception of what's going and what's wrong. Low-waisted jeans but not too much, cute tight t-shirts, Snapback hats, sports clothes, as well as sports must be the shoes, but not limited to the style of Air Jordan, Van's and Nike. Not having a lot of money is not an acceptable excuse. Cigarette pants and jeans, sweatpants, low-top sneakers, pullovers. Shops for surfers and skaters sell this kind of stuff, but also department stores.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 3
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 3

Step 3. Develop your skills

You won't be very cool if you have nothing to do or nothing to talk about. Play a sport, play a band instrument - guitar, bass, drums - but don't do something you don't like just to impress, do it because you want to have a passion - dancing can be another example, join a class hip-hop, or self-taught how to do jerkin ', dougie, shuffle, cat daddy etc. Learn to skateboard, surf, buy a car, or start saving for one. One of the things that makes girls want you more than anything else is four wheels.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 4
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 4

Step 4. Train

To be cool "for real" you need to exercise. Get a gym membership, or go for a run. It's easier to go to the gym, but you can also do most of the resistance exercises at home. Eat healthier, but don't be so good about your diet, or you'll make people dislike you.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 5
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 5

Step 5. Get a phone

You will need it to meet people. Text and learn how to get conversations and plans out of a chat. Don't use too much texting language, it's not cool, but phrases like 'lol' are fine.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 6
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 6

Step 6. Exudes charm and confidence

You need to do this to be cool, and that will largely depend on your looks, but not entirely. Charisma will make people available to do things for you… and that's cool, isn't it? Being a little cocky or cocky also helps, but be right to be. Security is always paramount.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 7
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 7

Step 7. Focus on the girls

Flirt with them, charm them, talking to them will be easier over time. Don't be rude, and don't make too many promises to them. Take them somewhere, go out with someone you like. Be the playboy or the mystery boy, you decide how you want to behave. Girls melt for both types, but more than anything else, they will melt for you.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 8
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 8

Step 8. Be fun

Play games, organize jokes and stupid things, make people laugh, make yourself laugh. Push yourself to the limit if you want. A bad boy always remains a cool guy.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 9
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 9

Step 9. Refine your musical tastes

Having a cool musical taste means having a ticket to cool. Indie, rock, metalcore, techno, dubstep, hip-hop, rap and alternatives are good starting points, while the top 40 are not at all.

Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 10
Be Cool in High School (Boys) Step 10

Step 10. Be active on social networks

Don't take pictures of yourself shirtless, you'd be a puppet. Put pictures on groups, pictures of you with your girlfriend, of your friends or family, pictures of you skateboarding / playing the guitar / reading a book, be active from this point of view.


  • Take care of hygiene.
  • Do your homework in class, but don't keep your head down on books all the time. Interact with people.
  • Make sure you look good all the time.
  • Be intriguing, and honest, when talking to girls.
  • Being adventurous will also make you cool.
  • Be friendly to anyone you meet.
  • Don't look at the ground.
  • Get a job.


  • Don't focus on being cool all the time. Everything goes wrong when people find that you have had a bad score under the test of facts.
  • Some schools forbid any kind of extreme anomaly. To be safe, keep your hair color the same and don't get any inappropriate piercings or hairstyles.
