Do you wanna be cool in high school? Here are some tips that will help you become more popular. It is not enough to always be kind and good to everyone, you need to apply yourself more, but proceed with caution: some of these tips are not suitable for underage children.

Step 1. Make friends with the most popular guys
It might seem obvious, but it's the first step in becoming popular. Expand your friendships a little at a time, start with the less popular people and work your way up to the highest levels. Less popular students probably need friends more, so they'll be happy to have your company. At the beginning it will be difficult because you will be the new one in the group, but accept the competition that may arise and ignore the scenes. And above all, always be yourself! Read also the other tips to be able to become friends with the coolest guys.

Step 2. Show yourself proud and determined
Eat healthy and exercise, you need to be fit and have a beautiful body. Join the gym, eat a balanced diet, wash your face and take care of your personal hygiene. If you look scruffy and dirty you will not be well accepted in the group of the most popular guys.

Step 3. Develop a good sense for fashion
Find your style, browse teenage fashion magazines and get inspired by the looks you see in the photos. To impress popular guys you have to be attractive, if you're going to a party with them ask how they'll dress for ideas. Compliment your new friends, ask them where they bought their clothes and which shops they go to. But don't imitate them too much, you don't have to be a copy: customize your look your way. Learn to stand out from others.

Step 4. Lots of friendships and a few little scenes
Moments of tension are normal, but try never to be the cause of any scene, behave yourself and don't worry if everything doesn't go smoothly at first. Make friends with students older and younger than you too, and it becomes more and more popular.

Step 5. Attend the parties
Everyone likes to have fun - be sociable but try not to get drunk. Don't think that alcohol makes you cooler, on the contrary, it will make you look stupid and awkward. Make friends with the people who usually throw nice parties, move early so they can invite you to their next event. Maintain a good friendship with whoever invited you, parties increase your popularity.

Step 6. Participate in different activities
Engage in your favorite activities and follow the initiatives of your new group, try to practice their same sport: if they play rugby, learn to play too. Meet new people and increase your popularity.

Step 7. Find out what's hot
The popular guys are the ones who follow and dictate the fashions of the moment, find out what are their favorite looks, their activities, their sports. Take inspiration from them only for the features you find interesting, you don't have to do everything they do if you don't want to. Don't be too critical and don't comment on what you don't like, remember to always be yourself, you don't have to change just to chase popularity. Learn to get what you want, don't stay on the couch on Saturday nights. Go out, make friends, make yourself known and be appreciated. If everyone likes you, it will be easier to settle into the group.

Step 8. Don't forget the other guys
By the time you manage to be part of the most popular group, continue to behave well with all the other students as well. Say hello to everyone, have conversation, don't judge anyone, don't listen to gossip. The approval and sympathy of others will make you more and more popular: make yourself appreciated for who you are, not just because you know the coolest kids in school.
- Don't always agree with the most popular guys. If you are too condescending you will be unpleasant.
- Don't let them take advantage of you. Keep your head on your shoulders and avoid problems!
- Parties are a lot of fun but you don't need to get drunk.
- Be careful: becoming popular at school can be very stressful and put you under pressure. If you are smart and confident you will be able to make yourself appreciated and conquer the popularity you are looking for.
- Help other students with their homework. Don't be too helpful, though, or others will start exploiting you.
- Sit next to the most popular guys, take advantage of every opportunity you have to socialize with them. Be nice, make jokes, get them a laugh.
- Compliment the most popular guys. When they compliment them back, thank them.
- Once you make new friends with the most popular kids in school, say hello and chat with them every now and then, but try not to be clingy.
- Don't gossip. Behaving well is the best way to please everyone.
- If you have an iPhone or iPad, flaunt it in front of the most popular guys.
- Laugh with them.
- After meeting new friends, ask for their mobile number and add them to your contacts on social networks.
- First impressions are very important, so if you are going to meet someone, wear nice clothes and be confident.
- Always be nice, everyone will want to talk to you.
- Take advantage of every opportunity to hang out with the most popular kids.
- Send your new friends funny videos and photos. Send them messages, chat with them on social networks.
- Surround yourself with new friends but don't neglect your studies.
- Be careful and keep your head on your shoulders, especially if you choose to have sex. Take precautions.
- Don't give up on your moral values just to be "cool" in the eyes of other students. Remember that these are just general advice, it is more important to express your personality.
- Proceed with caution. You don't have to follow all the advice, especially if you are still a minor and can't go to parties.