Have you recently started to feel attracted to the mysterious male world? How to win that guy you like so much?
Part 1 of 4: This is me

Step 1. He must know you exist
If he knows you and tends to look at you a lot, he probably interests him, otherwise, you should step forward and introduce yourself.
- Laugh a lot: guys are attracted to sunny girls. But don't laugh in a coarse way or if that's not the case.
- Find out what they like to do and randomly find yourself in the same place where they practice a certain activity (sports, music, etc.).
- Make friends with other people to enhance your social interactions.

Step 2. Greet him when you meet and when you leave, especially if you don't know him well
If you don't give him hints of life, he may not notice you.
- Ask him what his homework is for tomorrow, even if you already know.
- Ask him how the last weekend went and what he did.
- Tell him about the holidays and events you attended recently.

Step 3. Feel at ease when you are with him and do not copy the attitudes of those girls who seem more daring to you with the opposite sex
- If you go to school together and he sits next to you, good sign! If he doesn't, don't worry and take the opportunity to ask him if he wants to study with you or if he can help you with a certain subject.
- If you see that he has a problem, big or small, be there for him and let him know that he can talk to you about anything and through any means you want.

Step 4. Try changing your style to feel more confident:
boys are attracted to girls with high self-esteem. You don't have to become a supermodel, just improve yourself.
- Give yourself new clothes. You don't have to change your entire wardrobe but add elements that will allow you to stand out.
- Cut your hair. Find a style that works for your face by asking your mom or hairdresser.
- Do you want to lose weight? Ask your mom if you can go to the gym or join a team. Physical activity will do you good even if you don't have to lose weight.
Part 2 of 4: Let's become friends

Step 1. After you get close to him, become his friend
The best girlfriends are also the best friends of the guys they are with.

Step 2. Listen to their opinions and suggestions but don't let them sway you too much:
you too have your thoughts: discuss with him.
- Always listen to him carefully and take the opportunity to learn new things from him. Respect what he says but form your own opinion on things.
Talk to him. The attraction begins when an emotional bond is created with the other person. Launch ideas for interesting and fun dialogue to establish the relationship.
- Ask him about his family and childhood. However, as this is a personal issue, be respectful. Let him know your background as well.
- Ask him about his goals: what he dreams of, what interests him, what makes him happy. You can learn a lot about a person from his purposes. Share yours with him.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 8 Step 3. Don't speak badly of him to your friends as much as you trust them:
you might argue with him at some point and they might go and blurt it all out to him.
- Stand up for him if he gets involved in a fight, don't make him doubt that you are his friend - this must be absolutely clear.
- Don't gossip about him - as well as not being honest about him, these rumors will backfire.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 9 Step 4. If possible, approach his friends
At the beginning, talk about this and that and do not rush to become friends with them, or they will become suspicious. Be kind and kind: you'd better get along with it.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 10 Step 5. Share some activity, even if you have to propose it yourself
- At first, go out with a group of people. You could go to the beach, the lake, the park or a game.
Here are some options of things to do as friends:
- Go to the amusement park.
- Go to the cinema.
- Go to a fair.
- Take a ride after school.
Part 3 of 4: Do you know I like you?
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 11 Step 1. Start sending signals
After getting into confidence, let him know that you want something more:
- Ask him to help you carry the backpack and see how he reacts.
- Invite him to dance.
Flirt with him:
- Flirt with your eyes; look at him and smile sweetly at him. Hold your gaze a little longer than usual.
- Flirt by touching his shoulder as you speak.
- Flirt with words: tell him he's good at a sport or compliment him on the new haircut; he will be delighted.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 12 Step 2. Don't be discouraged if he doesn't answer you
Some kids your age may not pick up on the signals you send out. Girls reach puberty and emotional maturity earlier.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 13 Step 3. Ask for their phone number:
"Hey, I just realized I don't have your number." It is also important to see you outside the school environment.
- Wait for him to call you - guys don't like talking on the phone as much as girls do.
- Text him but don't insist. A short exchange is more than enough. Plus, kids hate small-talk.
- Flirt with him on Facebook or via email. Tell him “hey, I didn't know your team had won; surely you scored!”.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 14 Step 4. Be patient
Boys hardly respond to these cues with words. Trust your instincts.
If he seems nervous when he's with you, maybe he likes you:
- Does he sweat or blush when he talks to you? He likes you!
- He stares at you and then moves his gaze when he sees that you have noticed: he was daydreaming (guess who was the protagonist of his thoughts?).
- Does he always try to be close to you but without telling you he wants to spend time with you? Another good sign.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 15 Step 5. There are more obvious signs that will allow you to understand that he likes you
Hugging or taking you by the hand is common but there are others:
- His pupils dilate when he looks at you and sometimes his eyes change color slightly.
- He touches you, caresses you and any excuse is good for having physical contact.
- He finds it difficult to work out even the simplest sentences.
- However, don't trust these signals completely - you could misinterpret them.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 16 Step 6. If all the signals you sent were not enough, tell them
Remember that it is better to try and fail than to be in doubt. Wait for the right time.
- Don't confess it in front of other people or he may tell you he's not interested in you.
- Keep calm when you ask him if he wants to be your boyfriend. Look him in the eye, smile, be sure of yourself. It's hard to ask such a question but you're up for the challenge, aren't you?
- Ask him if he wants to go to the movies or have a bite to eat. Do not refer to the meeting with the specific word "appointment".
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 17 Step 7. If he's not interested, don't be offended
Of course, it will be difficult for a while to deal with it. But it won't last forever. Remember that you have so much to offer and you will find the right guy for you.
- If he says no, smile and walk away, without emotions taking over.
- Don't act weird when you're around him or be hard on him, even though he might change his mind.
Part 4 of 4: Finally together
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 18 Step 1. Don't rush ahead
In the early days, hug and hold hands. Don't kiss him if you don't feel ready and until you decide to be together.
- The first kiss does not have to be French: reserve it for another moment, so you will indulge yourself a little at a time.
- Don't be persuaded to do things you don't want. Relationships are based on mutual respect.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 19 Step 2. Don't talk about breakups or bad situations
At the beginning of a relationship, some people make a pact to remain friends even after they break up. Do not do it.
- This gives the guy a sense of security because he thinks he will never lose you.
- Furthermore, it is strange to talk about the end of the story at the beginning. How do you know how you will feel? That's right, you don't know. Better to talk about cheerful themes.
- Instead of talking about the relationship, live it. Sometimes it's easier to act than to argue.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 20 Step 3. Give it space and freedom:
we all need it. Just because he's dating his friends doesn't mean he doesn't like you anymore or that he's interested in someone else.
- Let him see his friends. Don't be overwhelming. Of course, he will have to dedicate time to you too, but life is made up of other aspects as well.
- If he never has time for you, however, you should worry and address the issue with him.
- Don't feel bad every time you talk to someone else. It is not forbidden to be friendly with the opposite sex. Trust him until he gives you reason to do the opposite.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 21 Step 4. Don't talk to him obsessively via Facebook, Twitter or other social networks
Create a bit of mystery around you and he will show up immediately!
- Spend more time talking to him personally than on the phone. Call him but avoid starting an internet-based relationship and then feel uncomfortable when you meet.
- It's okay to text him sweet from time to time and surprise him. Do it irregularly so he won't expect it. However, you will not always receive an answer.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 22 Step 5. Make sure there is equality in the relationship
Don't treat it like a doormat but remember that you deserve respect too.
- Don't let him tell you what to do. Show what you're worth.
First, love yourself. If you can't, it will be hard to love him. You will discover so many things that you like and hate about yourself while you are in a relationship, which will be a kind of mirror.
Change the things about yourself that you don't like and take care of the ones you adore
- He'll have to show you love too: if you're doing all the work and he doesn't lift a finger, you're not doing yourself any favors.
Make a Guy Like You (Pre Teens) Step 23 Step 6. If you break up, act mature
Breakups happen often, with the chance to get back together or close forever.
- There is no need to delete it from your Facebook friends list. Avoid talking to him and spying on him.
- Be friendly but distant to avoid confusion. What you want is to make him repent for causing you suffering.
- Walk with your head held high. You are becoming a beautiful young woman. Be confident and people will appreciate you.
- If you find that he likes you, don't expect to be his girlfriend right away. The time will come gradually. Give him the illusion of choosing.
- Pick the Right Guy: Don't rush to get engaged just because your friends are.
- Take care of your personal hygiene.
- Always smile at him when you meet him. Let him know you're glad to see him.
- If he sends you a message, don't reply right away. Wait two or three minutes, so you won't give him the impression of being glued to the phone waiting for him to show up.
- While investigating her account, do not look for personal data such as address or telephone number: she should give it to you personally, or you will look like a stalker.
- Don't trust friends who can't keep a secret - they could ruin your opportunities. You don't want to tell people about your crush who would laugh like crazy just to see the person you like pass by.
- Being with this person is not a matter of life or death. Don't be the kind of girl who feels incomplete if she doesn't have a boyfriend.
- If he asks you to leave him alone, don't think he hates you. Maybe he just needs to be alone. Give it time and don't be pushy. Greet him as if nothing had happened and wait for him to get closer to you.
- Don't try to sabotage their relationship with another person. A true friend would never do anything like that. And a girl unable to be a good friend cannot be a good girlfriend.
- If he calls you two or three times a day, don't answer all the time, so you'll keep him on your toes. You have to let him know you have a life and make him wonder what you are doing.
- Did you go out of your way to tell him you like him but he doesn't react? Go on your way. Maybe he's not ready to be with someone who is as mature as you are. Don't take it personally: girls grow up sooner.
- If kids of your same age are too childish for your tastes, there is nothing wrong with being attracted to an older one. Or, in another school there are your peers who might interest you.
- Don't try to kiss him if he doesn't feel ready.
- If your friends or family alert you to the guy you like, listen to them. Maybe they are wrong, but you never know.
- His pages on social networks can allow you to get to know him better, but remember that it is in person that you really understand what someone is like.
- Be sure of yourself to attract him - he'll like you a lot more.
- Be yourself. If you have nothing in common, don't change your tastes for him. If he doesn't like you for who you are, he loses us.
- Let him know that you care about his life and that he can confide in you.
- Don't be nagging.
- If he tells you a lot of things, he probably trusts you.
- Be interested in her life.
- When you are sitting, try to notice which direction his feet are pointing: if he is towards you, it means that he is looking at you with the subconscious.
- Worry about him if he does the same for you.
- If he's new to your school, offer to help him settle in.
- Do not send a friend to tell him that you like him: it is an attitude that seems strange and childish.
- Dress according to your body shape.
- Do not rush!
- Behave normally, without being clingy - guys don't like it!
- Observe how she behaves with others: if she is alone with you, she smiles and laughs more than usual, good for you.
- Don't get obsessive. Keep in mind that his activities are not always your business. He needs privacy, just like you.
- Don't stare or follow him.
- Don't give up on yourself for a guy. You should be with someone who appreciates you for who you are, not who you pretend to be.
- Don't do things that make you uncomfortable just to please him.
- Don't be rude when he tries to talk to you just because you don't want him to know you like him.