Do you like a school friend of yours but you don't know how to grab his attention? Read this article!
Method 1 of 5: Get Noticed

Step 1. Surprise him
If you want that special guy to know you exist, you need to get noticed. Dress well, smile and be friendly - he'll be close to you in no time.
- Dress to make him fall in love. Wear a floral print dress when it's hot or a cute black sweater when it's cold. Choose garments that highlight your best features. If you don't know what they are, ask a friend or your mother for advice. Always dress well - you never know when you might meet him.
- Shower at least once a day and after sports and wash your face in the morning and before bed. Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day: bad breath drives anyone away.
- Smile when you talk to him or when he is around, so you will communicate a positive image of yourself. Look at him from time to time when you are in class to let him know that you care. Don't overdo it - one or two looks are fine.

Step 2. Don't worry about makeup; it is not necessary and many guys prefer a natural look
If you really want to apply some makeup, don't overdo it.
- Make up should be minimal, highlight your main features and create a natural look. Foundation, mascara and lip balm will do.
- Play with the hairstyles. Be yourself but don't overdo it, or you'll look like a girl desperate for attention. Trim your hair if you have split ends and experiment with curling or straightening hairstyles.

Step 3. Start a conversation but try to be yourself
If you can't stay calm, pretend that you don't have a crush on him and that you are talking to another person, so you will release some tension.
- Talk about mutual friends, a weird thing that happened to you, or a party you're both going to. If you can't get through the conversation, ask him lots of questions.
- Make eye contact all the time. The eyes are the window to the soul but they are also one of the most beautiful characteristics of a person and, looking at him, you will make him understand that he has all your attention.
- Laugh at his jokes, even if they're not funny. This way, you will make him feel appreciated. That said, don't force yourself to laugh, or you'll play fake. If the joke is aimed at you, respond in kind.

Step 4. Tease him
You don't have to tease him too much but joking around is okay for flirting.
Method 2 of 5: Becoming Friends

Step 1. Break the barriers but don't invade his personal space
Enter intimacy a little at a time.
- Touch his arm or knee or place your hand on his shoulder when he teaches you his science homework.
- When he tells you a joke or teases you, lightly tap his shoulder. Your body language will let him know that you really enjoy receiving his attention.
- If you want to be daring, run your hand over his back or press his foot.
- Tickling is another way to flirt. A lot of guys don't like it, but if you tell him you're ticklish and make your sensitive parts vulnerable, he'll have fun too.
- Play with her hair. Don't overdo it or it will look a little weird, and it will keep it away from you.

Step 2. Make friends with his friends
Guys of this age are easily influenced by their group, so if you become friends with his peers, he will know that you are cool. If you join her group, you can go out more often without feeling uncomfortable.
- Do you feel uncomfortable with his friends? Don't worry, but don't avoid them or leave when they get close to him.
- If you have brothers or sisters of the same age, you will automatically have something to talk about, especially if they are friends. Suggest that they all go out together.
Method 3 of 5: Do Your Own Research

Step 1. Get to know him better by asking him questions about his interests, family, musical tastes, etc
Find out if you have anything in common.
- Listen to it! Call up details from previous conversations to prove you're a good listener (don't overdo it or you'll sound like a stalker!).
- Do you have things in common? Do you both play guitar or do you like the same bands? Suggest that they play together or go to a concert. Do you play sports? Offer to watch a game with you.

Step 2. Support it
Once you understand what they like, support them.
- Do you play sports? Go see his games or training and see if he is looking for you in the audience. Be sorry when you can't go.
- Encourage him when he feels grounded. Everyone has moments like this, so cheer him up. By showing him your affection, you will bring him closer to you.
- Don't flatter other guys or you might make him jealous. If you like more than one person, decide who you prefer before going “hunting”. In fact, should one of your crushes find that you are interested in several guys, you could miss out on a lot of chances.

Step 3. Study together
If you excel in a subject while he limps, offer to help him, and vice versa. So you will spend some time alone and get to know each other better.
You may already know this, but these sessions won't allow you to focus as much as you will be distracted by his presence. Prepare for the class test on your own a couple of days before meeting the boy who stole your heart
Method 4 of 5: Probe the Ground

Step 1. Put it to the test
There are various ways that you can tell if a guy likes you. Here's how to find out without asking him directly:
- Ask him to help you carry the backpack by telling him that it is heavy and that he seems strong enough to help you. If he says yes, he probably likes you and is flattered by your compliment.
- If you want to say something to a friend of yours while he is around, tell him to plug his ears: if he absolutely wants to hear, he is surely interested in what you have to tell.

Step 2. Make sure he is not already engaged and that none of your friends like him
- If one of your friends likes him, you should come to an agreement based on variables such as who liked him first or who he might like. Didn't you succeed? Both of you should take your eyes off the boy in question.
- If you "leave" it to your friend, don't hold a grudge. Rejoice for them and remember that you will know the right one for you.

Step 3. Don't give up
If you can't win the person you like, don't get sad and take care of yourself to improve inside and out.
- Sometimes when a guy finds out he likes a girl, he starts to see her in a different light, and even if he says no, he may subconsciously start thinking about the things he likes about the girl in question or why she might be a good one. fiancée.
- Shy kids don't always have the courage to tell others how they feel, or they don't know how to express themselves. If you like someone like that, don't confuse their shyness with their lack of interest in you. Put him at ease and meet him in places where he feels good.
Method 5 of 5: Putting It All Together

Step 1. Balance your life
Going to junior high is difficult, but you will learn to balance everything, including love.
- If he feels neglected, he may get nervous and think you are out of his league. If you are very socially active, invite him to hang out with you and your friends so you can see him outside of school in your usual environment. Don't ignore him, and if he goes out with you, make him feel comfortable.
- On the other hand, don't dedicate yourself to him alone. You will want to fill your life with interesting activities and friends; so, if the relationship ends, you will still be satisfied with your existence.

Step 2. Be yourself
People are more attractive when they are themselves, and those who can't love and respect you for who you are aren't worth it.
Don't try to be someone you're not. He'll like you for who you are. You may also have something in common

Step 3. If you think he likes you, let him know that you are interested but not desperate
In any case, if after taking a test he doesn't seem to be advancing and doesn't invite you to go out again, better let it go.
- Ask him, "Hey would you like to go out together sometime?" If he answers yes, agree on the time, smile at him and go away.
- Suggest a movie or play together. Asking to go see a movie makes the date more formal, but you can always add "with other friends". Suggesting a game, on the other hand, may not be an actual "date", but simply spending time together.
- If you are in a club, invite him to dance: take heart!

Step 4. Send him a love letter letting him know that you are interested in him and that you have been informed about various aspects of his life
Again, if you don't impress and the other strategies don't work either, change direction.
- Don't be with him day and night. Give it some space. Don't bombard him with calls and messages. A pinch of mystery never hurts.
- If he asks you to borrow something, be nice.
- Do you know that he will ask you out? Keep calm, smile at him when you meet him (because he is certainly as tense as you are) and send him signals of interest from you.
- Always make sure the things they tell you about him are true. Don't get wrong ideas.
- If he keeps you a seat next to him in class, go ahead and sit down, and if he looks at you while you're in the gym, he stares back.
- If he's dating someone else, step aside. Should they break, wait for a while before making the first move.
- Don't take the advice you read in teen magazines at face value.
- If you know they like a certain color, incorporate it into your outfits, but don't overdo it.
- Will you watch a movie together? Choose a horror, so you have an excuse to get hugged.
- Flirt but don't make it too obvious if you're not sure what he is feeling.
- Don't forget that school comes first. Your education is crucial for your future.
- When he drives you home after the first outing, give him a peck on the cheek and leave. Don't turn around!
- If he does or says something weird, maybe it was just a joke.
- Try to connect with him by having a conversation and joke with him.
- Take the time to figure out if it interests you while waiting for the first move.
- Don't pretend that you have the same hobbies as her because she'll find out about your lie sooner or later.
- Bring some mints and eat them when you need them; in this way you will always have fresh breath.
- Don't try to make him jealous by flirting with another guy, or he'll think you don't like him or that you're actually interested in the other guy.
- If he has a cell phone, ask him for the number.
- You are not the only one looking for the perfect guy. If your friend likes a friend of hers, help her win him over and try to organize a four-way outing.
- Invite him to your home to be alone for a while. If the idea of having your family around bothers you, ask them to go out.
- If he is trying to impress you but makes a mistake, smile to show him that you were careful but don't laugh out loud - it could make him uncomfortable.
- Don't flirt in places where you don't feel confident, or the nervousness will be double.
- If you meet him in the hallway of the school, say hello and smile at him.
- If you hug him when you meet him, you will encourage him to think more about you.
- He is not the only boy on the face of the earth. There are many others equally wonderful.
- Don't go out with a guy just to show you're great; attend it only if you feel like it.
- After getting familiar with him, in addition to smiling at him you can start holding his hand.
- Your smile must be natural.
- Don't always talk about yourself and ask him questions to see if you have things in common.
- If you see him sad, cheer him up.
- Send him funny messages but don't be the one to take the initiative (wait for him to send you the first text message) and don't overwhelm him.
- Try to keep him entertained.
- If he thinks he needs more space, give it to him.
- If you see him hugging another girl, don't get jealous, especially if he's not your boyfriend yet.
- Don't be afraid to invite him out!
- If he tells you he wants to go out with you but hates being made fun of because "he has a girlfriend," let him know that it is an unnecessary concern and that the people who say these things are probably jealous.
- Open up and tell him about yourself and don't be afraid to ask him questions about him and his family.
- Don't worry if they don't like you. Even the most famous models and the most powerful women have had at least one disappointment in love in their life. What you are and what you are worth does not depend on his opinion.
- Don't make vulgar jokes in front of him - he may think badly of you.
- Don't change for anyone and don't get stomped on by any guy. If you didn't need him before, you don't need him now either. Does the guy you like get into trouble often? Don't imitate him just to impress him.