Being indie is based on self-representation that highlights your uniqueness. It means independent thinking, making decisions based on your internal compass instead of listening to external voices. It's more of what you wear and the bands you listen to; indie is a culture and a way of thinking. If you want to embrace this subculture, read this article to find some helpful tips.
Method 1 of 3: Have the Indie Aptitude

Step 1. Don't care what other people think
Why on earth should you? You only have one life to live, so do it and spend your life openly loving the things you love. Wear clothes that show who you are, listen to music that expresses your soul, and never pay any attention to haters. They are just envious that they cannot enjoy their life so much.

Step 2. Appreciate new or forgotten things
This is what indie is actually all about. It is based on pleasuring and appreciating things that are neglected or that deserve more attention than what they get. From amateur musicians trying to get by to amiably created (instead of amiably funded) films, indie culture mostly revolves around finding diamonds in the rough.

Step 3. Be independent
Like the indie filmmakers and musicians you admire, make sure you approach life on your own. Do the things that make you happy and don't be afraid to deviate from the norm. Dye your hair in extravagant colors just because you feel like it. Wear clothes that are uncoordinated between them because you like how the geometries collide. Engage in a hobby that is considered strange by others because you don't think it is.

Step 4. Don't even feel the need to have a normal relationship if you don't want to
You can stay totally single, date whoever you like (to the detriment of what society would think), date more than one person at a time (assuming other people you see agree), and make sure you maintain your independence in whatever. relationship you have.

Step 5. Express yourself
State your opinions, let your appearance express your individual personality, and take actions in your life that express who you are and what you believe in. If it is extremely important to you that a company's employees are treated fairly, volunteer with an organization committed to advocating for workers' rights. If you don't like something happening in your country, protest and work to get your problems to the polls.
Method 2 of 3: Access the Culture

Step 1. Have a discerning taste
In mainstream culture, people tend to like things just because everyone else likes them, not because they are really good. In indie culture, people take quality seriously, and you must too. People of course may have different opinions about what's good, but you should evaluate new things to think about whether they are actually of quality or not in your opinion. Set a high standard bar for music, food, clothing, and everything else in your life (especially regarding generic consumer products).

Step 2. Look for the timeless things, not the ephemeral ones
Mainstream culture tends to be really trendy and most of the things that are popular will only be considered good for a short amount of time. You should look for things, both past and present, that have an eternal quality. This is why indie music tends to absorb so much influence from folk music and fashion usually draws inspiration from the 1940s-1970s.

Step 3. Get inspired by the music
The word indie means "independent record company" after all. We won't bore you with a list of well-known indie bands for you to listen to; there are new bands with new sounds that are perpetually leaping into the limelight and telling you what to listen to would defeat that purpose. Being indie from a musical point of view means being open to new productions.
- Do some research. There are many online services like Pandora and Grooveshark that will allow you to write the name of an artist you like and have personalized recommendations for you to try listening to new musicians. Try new things and discover some new bands!
Go to your town's record store, if it still exists. Watching records for hours was the method by which our predecessors found their music and there is so much to say about it. If you are lucky enough to still have a record store in your area, become an advocate.
Be Indie Step 08Bullet02 - Talk to your friends about music. The best way to get to know artists you will really like is to talk to other music-loving people. Being indie is based on exchanging new ideas and sharing new things; when you find a group you like, share it with your friends!
Get involved with the local music scene. No matter where you live, there are people playing in your area. This is the heart of indie music and a great way to get involved with your community. If you are a musician yourself, find people to create new sounds with! There is no better way than indie music to participate in this culture.
Be Indie Step 08Bullet04 - Don't worry about the popularity of your tastes or ask yourself if they are "indie enough". Listen to what you love. There is no "official indie playlist" that tells us which songs are cool and which aren't.

Step 4. Try your hand at DIY
Part of being indie is all about making your own stuff and absorbing new skills.
- Take your existing interests and hobbies to a new level. Do you love to eat? Learn to cook! Do you love scarves and knitting? Learn to do it! Are you very busy with your smartphone? Learn to develop apps yourself! Out there you will find information to learn for yourself, and the potential is limitless.
- Don't be afraid to be creative. Indie record companies have always been known for new types of music that go beyond borders. Push the limits even in your creative endeavors.
- Get your friends to try DIY too. You can complete more ambitious projects when you have help! Build a community garden or volunteer for a cause you share with your friends. Being indie also means doing things together. There are many organizations in your community that you can get involved with to take action in the local area.

Step 5. Constantly expose yourself to new things
New movies (from new directors!), New books (or old and forgotten ones), new music or new looks, you should always be open to new things. Also with regard to philosophies and ideas. Indie culture is all about finding things you love that people have overlooked or forgotten, or maybe haven't had a chance to like yet.
Method 3 of 3: Dress Up Indie

Step 1. Express yourself with your wardrobe
Almost as if you were a blank canvas and your style is your art. What would you like to tell people? Indie culture is all about finding your own voice and being proud to speak.
- Find some vintage clothes that you like. Vintage cuts and fabrics often get lost over time and some of them are completely worth bringing back into fashion!
- Don't be afraid to wear something you might consider a little crazy. Being indie is about being yourself! If you think a dress will look good on you, give it a chance.

Step 2. Stay away from big brands and shops
Visit your city's second-hand shop instead: you'll save money, help the Earth by recycling, and find treasures you'd never see in the mall.

Step 3. Create your accessories
Jewelry, watches, hats, scarves - they are all means of expressing yourself. Search for treasures on your travels, but don't forget you can make them yourself! Your pieces should give the idea of having some personal meaning.

Step 4. Go for a natural look
Indie culture tends to focus on a minimal look. Minimize your makeup, wear organically woven clothing (loose tops and airy pants) and make sure your hair looks good but should look like you've just got out of bed or come back from the beach.
- Be humble. Don't let your cool become a head-turning image of yourself.
- Just be yourself.
- Recycle. It is cheap and good for the environment and makes you really cool. Modify or give away old clothes, create small works from things that would otherwise be junk, and think of new ways to use unused elements.
- Be ingenious! They make a lot of money selling indie items on sites like Craigslist or Etsy.
- Raise awareness whenever you can about the issues that matter to you.
- Use an indie person as your role model, but allow yourself to be your own person! You can't really be indie if you're someone else's copy.
- Think about the things you buy and where they come from. Or not. Spend your money on supporting the local economy or companies that employ business practices that you agree with. If you are unfamiliar with the business practices of a company you give your money to, find out.
- Make sure everything you say sounds indie. But you say what you want.