7 Ways to Make a Pirate Costume in 7 Different Ways

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7 Ways to Make a Pirate Costume in 7 Different Ways
7 Ways to Make a Pirate Costume in 7 Different Ways

Making a pirate costume from scratch isn't that difficult. If you are not good at sewing, don't worry, it is not necessary! This article suggests several ways to create an awesome pirate costume, starting with things you probably already have at home or that you can easily find in thrift shops and the like. And here's how to get started.


Method 1 of 7: The First Steps

Make a Pirate Costume Step 1
Make a Pirate Costume Step 1

Step 1. Decide if you want to be a female or male pirate

You will probably want to be a pirate if you are a woman and vice versa, but the choice is yours. Many representations of pirates are quite inappropriate, but if you want to go for a more understated style, just make the male pirate costume a little more feminine.

Make a Pirate Costume Step 2
Make a Pirate Costume Step 2

Step 2. Find a picture of a pirate

It will serve as a point of reference in the creation of the costume but, clearly, it is not essential. It can be very useful if there is an unusual and particular element in the pirate costume you want to copy.

Method 2 of 7: Create the Pirate Costume Top with a T-Shirt

Make a Pirate Costume Step 3
Make a Pirate Costume Step 3

Step 1. Choose a rather generous white shirt that you no longer use

If your character is part of the crew, the shirt does not need to be as elaborate as the one you would wear if you were the captain or one of the officers. A plain shirt will do just fine. If you choose a large one, it will make the sense of sloppiness typical of all pirates better.

Make a Pirate Costume Step 4
Make a Pirate Costume Step 4

Step 2. Start creating the costume

You've been at sea for months. While you don't have to pretend you have scurvy, the costume should be worn out from the long journey. Cut pieces of jersey to give the impression that you have faced a lot of adversity:

  • Cut the ends of the sleeves irregularly.
  • Cut the bottom of the shirt. Pirates don't need hems.
  • Cut the neck of the shirt. This part is also not piratical at all.
Make a Pirate Costume Step 5
Make a Pirate Costume Step 5

Step 3. Paint blue lines on the shirt using fabric paint

Also paint them on the sleeves. They don't need to be perfect; the more housewives they look, the better.

Let the color dry, turn the shirt and repeat the same operation on the back as well

Method 3 of 7: Create the Pirate Costume Top with a Shirt

Make a Pirate Costume Step 6
Make a Pirate Costume Step 6

Step 1. Find a suitable shirt

If you prefer to wear a shirt instead of a T-shirt that's fine, especially if you want to play the captain. A beautiful white blouse is ideal. Try to find one that has wide sleeves.

For women, it is best to use a men's shirt that will certainly be plentiful and will swell, giving the character a slightly swaying air. For men, clothing that is tight or too short should be avoided

Make a Pirate Costume Step 7
Make a Pirate Costume Step 7

Step 2. Forget the stiff collar

Pirates don't wear stiff office collars. Get rid of it (hang it from the main yard!) By cutting it off and putting a ruffle or soft collar on it. If sewing isn't your forte, you can surely get it off with fabric glue to attach a ruffle. However, make sure that the cut part does not fray.

If possible, try just tucking the ruffle into the crewneck. The volume of the flounce will cover all the imperfections due to the home modifications you tried to make to the shirt

Make a Pirate Costume Step 8
Make a Pirate Costume Step 8

Step 3. Make yourself beautiful

Since you're already wearing a discreet shirt, now it's about making some improvements rather than turning it into a rag. Consider some of these improvements:

  • Fancy buttons to be applied on the front but also on the cuffs.
  • A gold or silver chain to put around the neck.
  • Volant! Yes, you can put them pretty much anywhere: on the cuffs, on the neckline, along the button line and so on.

Method 4 of 7: Create the Pants and Vest

Make a Pirate Costume Step 9
Make a Pirate Costume Step 9

Step 1. Find some dark pants for a traditional and simple look

Let the rest of the costume take center stage. Once upon a time, no pirates walked around in floral pants, so don't waste your energy making them special.

If you prefer, you can wear a long shirt and a slip underneath. It's even better if you can get a glimpse of it from the hem, as it will give you freedom of movement. This is a perfect solution for pirates who don't want to wear pants

Make a Pirate Costume Step 10
Make a Pirate Costume Step 10

Step 2. Modify a pair of regular pants

You could draw stripes on a pair of plain pants to accentuate the pirate look. Draw vertical lines with fabric colors. Choose a color that matches the pants or any part of the pirate costume. Maybe you are part of a pirate gang?

Another alternative is to wear trousers with a tailored long coat, which completely wraps around the front, dropping two flaps in the back. You will probably have to make the coat yourself or have it sewn by a seamstress, but the result will be incredible and you will get a magnificent look worthy of a pirate captain

Make a Pirate Costume Step 11
Make a Pirate Costume Step 11

Step 3. Try wearing an open front vest

Choose a simple and dark model; if your pirate's style is casual and easy-going enough, you can leave the vest unbuttoned to show the shirt or shirt. The finest pirates may want to leave it buttoned up.

For cooler evenings, wear a long, wavy coat. Even though it has seen better days, the important thing is that it isn't tight. Look for the right model in thrift stores. It would be better if it was a dark color, but it can actually be any color you like or even decorated if you are an eccentric pirate

Method 5 of 7: Making a Hat

Make a Pirate Costume Step 12
Make a Pirate Costume Step 12

Step 1. Measure your head

Use the measurements to find the right pirate hat size. This is the main part of the pirate costume. Fortunately it is very easy to make such a hat.

Make a Pirate Costume Step 13
Make a Pirate Costume Step 13

Step 2. Draw the shape of a pirate hat on a sheet of paper

Use it as a template. If you have any doubts about success, look for a ready-made online template.

Place the template on the tissue paper and draw the outlines. Do this twice, because you also need the back of the hat. Cut out the design

Make a Pirate Costume Step 14
Make a Pirate Costume Step 14

Step 3. Attach or glue the two parts of the hat

Put glue or double-sided tape on the edges, avoiding the base where the head will enter. Let the glue dry.

Make a Pirate Costume Step 15
Make a Pirate Costume Step 15

Step 4. Color the hat black

Go over the dye at least twice and let it dry. Then draw the skull and crossbones on top of them in white. If you don't get along very well with the design, search for an image on the internet, print it out, cut it out, and then glue it onto the hat.

If you use paint, it will probably take two coats; initially, white on the black background will appear gray. Be patient, the hat is one of the most important parts of your costume, so take the time to make it right

Make a Pirate Costume Step 16
Make a Pirate Costume Step 16

Step 5. Cut a strip of paper exactly to the size of your head

Attach it so that it forms a circle. Insert it into the hat, then glue or tape it. It will help maintain the shape of the hat by keeping it straight on the head.

If it is very windy and you are forced to flaunt your pirate costume in the open air, add a piece of elastic to the hat to keep it in place. Only do this if you don't have any other options, as it's a little annoying and a little ridiculous too

Method 6 of 7: Additional Accessories

Make a Pirate Costume Step 17
Make a Pirate Costume Step 17

Step 1. Wear a bandana around your neck

The bright red bandana around the neck is a hallmark and it is likely that a pirate would have worn it. If you don't have one, do it!

  • Cut a large square of red fabric.
  • Fold the square into a triangle.
  • Tie it around your neck. Knot the ends behind your neck so that the tip of the bandana is in front of your chest.
Make a Pirate Costume Step 18
Make a Pirate Costume Step 18

Step 2. Add a belt

A belt on the shirt or shirt is a very pirate touch. You can wear a high belt that you found in the closet or buy it second hand; alternatively, make one out of fabric or cardboard.

Some pirates wore (or "wear" in Google images) a belt that looks more like a sash. If you have a black or red scarf, it can easily transform into your pirate belt

Make a Pirate Costume Step 19
Make a Pirate Costume Step 19

Step 3. Get a bandage

Eye patches can be found in costume shops or online, otherwise make it yourself:

  • Draw the shape of an eye patch on lightweight construction paper.
  • Cut out the bandage.
  • Color the outside in black. Let it dry.
  • Make two holes in the top of the bandage on both sides. Pass a thin elastic band and tie both ends. Check that the length of the elastic is right for your head size before cutting it and tying the final knot.
Make a Pirate Costume Step 20
Make a Pirate Costume Step 20

Step 4. Put on some old shoes or boots

Even if they have holes in them they will be fine, unless you want to jump into the snow or puddles. Add a buckle to make them look even older, especially if you play the captain.

The more worn they are, the better. Go raid your trusty junk shop for shoes you will probably never wear again or, at least, not until next year

Step 5. Wear skulls or gold jewelry such as chunky necklaces and earrings

Method 7 of 7: The Extras

Make a Pirate Costume Step 21
Make a Pirate Costume Step 21

Step 1. Put some black makeup around the eyes

Mascara and eyeshadow are sufficient. If you are a bad pirate, put more. Create a shade on the eyelid to give more depth to the look.

You don't have to look like Jack Sparrow, but he sure looks good

Make a Pirate Costume Step 22
Make a Pirate Costume Step 22

Step 2. Wear at least one earring

Put on a pair of large round gold earrings if you are a woman; one will suffice for men. Don't have pierced ears? Many jewelery items simply attach with a clip.

Make a Pirate Costume Step 23
Make a Pirate Costume Step 23

Step 3. If you are a woman, put a scarf in your hair or around your head

You can arrange it as a headband for a more graceful look, but a true pirate would wear it as a headband. If you prefer, your pirate can be much more fashionable and a little bohemian.

Make a Pirate Costume Step 24
Make a Pirate Costume Step 24

Step 4. Bring a saber or a cardboard sword

Cut a saber or sword out of the cardboard. Color the blade in silver and the handle in brown. You can slip it into your belt when you are not holding it.

Plastic weapons are quite inexpensive and can be found at any costume and toy store. It's guaranteed fun all night long, just be careful not to drop too many things and not put it in anyone's eyes

Make a Pirate Costume Step 25
Make a Pirate Costume Step 25

Step 5. Take a spyglass

Use a paper towel tube or something similar. Color the tube black, then attach a silver stripe about a quarter of the way from the end to divide it into sections. Put another thinner silver stripe on the other end so that it looks like the side the pirates are looking from. You can attach the telescope to your belt with a rubber band.


  • The jewels are perfect for making the disguise look more realistic.
  • Put a parrot on your shoulder. You can find toy birds in thrift stores or online. You can attach it with velcro or sew it directly on the costume.
  • Pirates are like seagulls, they love shiny things (and they are very loud!). Anything that glitters and has a pirate look will do just fine with your costume.
  • You can buy the hat, parrot, sword and jewelry if you don't feel like making them by hand.


  • If you use glasses, it would be preferable to wear contact lenses to wear the blindfold as well.
  • If you get yourself a bird know that you will need crackers.
