It's easy to admire indie girls. With their eclectic style, their unique musical tastes and their rebellious attitude they conquer many girls, who want to become like them. Because of the uniqueness that characterizes them, indie girls can be very difficult to understand (when compared to other people), but this is the key to being strong and independent women.

Step 1. Be independent and unique
Indie people are individualistic. Become aware of what you really care about. For example, if you like hardcore folk, do a Google search and look for as many bands as possible that play this music, find out about the genre. Being yourself is the core of being indie. There are no other secrets. If you like football, try playing! Don't worry about what people will say, because they won't be the ones to help you pursue your dreams or become independent. Being indie doesn't mean you can't participate in school activities. You just have to do what you like. If all your friends are dancing but you don't care, leave it alone. If you like swimming, then sign up for the pool. Cultivate hobbies that interest you, don't get carried away by what others like. Also, read books that aren't as popular with people (or don't think they are). Read old comics, biographies of historical groups, like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, whatever you want! Or, ask the library for suggestions for finding unusual books; if you like them, let your friends know them too.

Step 2. Bring clothes you like and create your own style
Being indie means having an original look. You don't have to follow trends or try to adapt to a trend. If you see an item in a store that you really like, buy it. It is not a problem to buy branded clothing, as long as it fits your individual style. Don't be obsessed with wanting to go against the grain at all costs. This is useless because no one is completely unconventional. By claiming to be, you will comply, so stay away from these misjudgments. The ideal places to shop are second-hand shops, private second-hand sales and various markets. Dress uniquely, but don't obsess about looking different. Dress bravely. Not everyone will like it, but you should love what you wear! Remember that you can find relatively cheap clothes at a thrift or second-hand store.

Step 3. Use the accessories
There are many accessories that you can add to your outfit. You could wear a small cap, long beaded necklaces that you can wrap around your neck several times, or some cute bracelets and earrings. Triangular link necklaces are very "indie".

Step 4. Try to grow your hair and leave it natural
Curly or wavy ones are very indie, as is the bangs. You can add a headband or pick them up, but leave them slightly messed up.
Work on your hair. The hairstyle will complement any look. Wear a hat if you can't handle them properly that day. Aside from that, any length and any natural color will work. Having your hair down is fine, but avoid overdoing it otherwise your look will be more "scene" than "indie". A side fringe looks good on many, but a full fringe too; then choose the one you prefer

Step 5. Accessories are important to any style
It's hard to be considered indie without a huge assortment of eclectic accessories! You can buy cheap and suitable pieces to complete an indie wardrobe at stores like H&M. But if you don't want to drop a penny, try DIY. You can get beads and other such items at home. Can't find anything you like? Try attaching small objects, such as an old key, to a chain. If you want, invest in gold bangles, earrings, rings and maybe some anklets.

Step 6. Try to have class
Indie girls are cute and sunny. Since they prefer to be individualistic, they respect the spaces of others and are never intrusive. People might argue with the way you dress or the music you listen to, but the point of being indie is to be brave enough to show who you are. When you go out with others, don't be afraid to voice your opinions or participate in conversations. Joke, but don't hurt anyone. Be fun and have fun!

Step 7. Try to find a unique or artistic hobby
Take art lessons if you don't think you're good. Start taking photographs, gardening, painting with inks or reading old books.

Step 8. Be cultured
Indie girls try to mature their culture. They pursue what they love, even if they are not popular hobbies among their peers. You don't have to be a genius or average 10, but focus on your education and try to get good grades. Make sure you are cultured and don't act like you don't care about school just to be "cool".

Step 9. Find people who can inspire you from an artistic point of view
Get inspired by the ideas and style of your muses. Some of the highest rated indie celebrities are Christofer Drew, Zooey Deschanel, and Alison Sudol.

Step 10. Take care of yourself and your body
Apply sunscreen (tanning is too mainstream, so try to avoid it), exercise and eat healthy.
Exercise your way, do whatever you like to keep fit. Many indie girls have retro bikes. Cycling also allows you not to pollute

Step 11. Enjoy the music
It is very important for indie girls. Research the history of your favorite genres and upload a wide variety of songs to your MP3 player. You don't have to like what's considered indie. Again, you have to develop an independent style, so if a piece communicates something to you, listen to it and don't be ashamed!
- Explore the boundaries of your personality. Find what you like and cultivate it. Understanding yourself is the key to understanding others and becoming independent in your choices.
- Never use phrases like "This is gay" or "This thing is retarded". Indie girls respect everyone, and these phrases show no respect.
- If you think reading old books is boring, give it a try with novels with weird names and covers. They often reveal surprises! Stephen King's novels offer quality horror stories. As many teenagers today have never heard of it, getting to know it will be a bonus.
- Try to be open-minded and optimistic. Happiness is contagious, and many people will like your attitude.
- You are well on your way to being indie if you live alone in a city apartment. However, you can be indie wherever you live. Find vintage vases and trinkets. Frame photos and buy old framed pictures. Use them to fill one wall and leave other walls white. If you collect items, such as postcards, you can stick them around a mirror or on the closet door.
- Nineties rock and Britpop are musical genres that have an indie soul.
- Try to go out often. Meet new people so that you can be invited to different places, go to the park or the beach with your friends. Always carry your camera with you. Indie girls are social, so don't get stuck on social media all weekend. Remember to apply sunscreen before going out.
- If you can't find clothes or shirts that you like, search for patterns online and use them to sew your own clothes!
- Many guys like girls who can be themselves and have fun!
- Use a fragrance, indie girls don't smell bad.
- If you don't have enough money to buy or make new clothing, you can sew buttons around the hem of an old shirt or fray the sleeves.
- If you live alone in a city apartment, it will be much easier to be indie. You can spend a lot of time looking for bands, planning and creating outfits and decorating the house!
- Don't do things you don't like just to be indie. After all, it is a label like any other. Have fun with what you like. If by any chance this activity is unconventional, good for you.
- Many people think that drinking coffee or smoking makes it seem more indie. Don't get into bad habits just because you want to be considered bad. Smoking or overdoing coffee is bad for your health. The word indie is the diminutive of independent, so try to be!
- If someone questions your taste in fashion, consider it a compliment. You clearly don't go with the flow, and this is always preferable to mixing with the mass.
- If you don't like something considered "indie", you don't have to like it.
- Never say “I'm really indie!” Is silly, and people don't care. You should let the clothes and your attitude speak for themselves!
- If you say you're trying to be indie, people will get a bad idea about you. If you really have to, just say you want to be original.
- Don't get in trouble or fight with others. Indie girls are very respectful and courteous towards people. Behave kindly and you will receive the same treatment.
- Don't let others put you down. If you like your style, don't change it, be unique.
- Just because someone questions your interests doesn't mean they're insulting you. Everyone has an opinion, so respect others' and they will respect yours.
- Don't obsess over trying to become a nonconformist. Otherwise, you will just conform to the nonconformity. Be yourself. This is the best way to avoid adapting to the current.
- Don't call anyone a poser. You'd be angry if someone told you, right?
- Do not become snobbish or think that you are better than others simply by having an indie style. Acting like this is anything but indie (some would say it's hipster behavior)!