How to Become a Stronger Woman: 9 Steps

How to Become a Stronger Woman: 9 Steps
How to Become a Stronger Woman: 9 Steps

Table of contents:


For hundreds of years, women have struggled to find their place in society. So now that our great-grandmothers have done all the hard work (getting the right to vote, the right to equal pay, and so on) you need to work hard to be a better woman and help create a society that is friendly to already amazing women. Of course, maybe you are tired of being at the mercy of other women and men and want to become stronger. Whatever the reason, it is already valid in itself; having the courage to type "How to become a stronger woman" into a search engine shows that you are on the right track. Women from birth must find the self-confidence that makes them "strong women".


Become a Stronger Woman Step 1
Become a Stronger Woman Step 1

Step 1. Identify your femininity

Find that part of you that makes you a special woman. You have beautiful eyes? A persuasive voice? Flowing hair? Discover something that can show your feminine side in a flashy way and recognize it as a declaration of your being a woman. It doesn't necessarily have to be a distinctive look, but it definitely has to be something men aren't able to flaunt.

Become a Stronger Woman Step 2
Become a Stronger Woman Step 2

Step 2. Find a strong woman to identify with

Try to match it. Try to think of figures like Audrey Hepburn, Mother Teresa, Hillary Clinton, your mom, your best friend's sister, anyone! Find a woman you appreciate. The next time you need to be strong think about: "What would (insert the name of your“myth”) do in my place?"

Become a Stronger Woman Step 3
Become a Stronger Woman Step 3

Step 3. Forget all melodramatic situations

It may seem difficult to you, but a strong woman doesn't appreciate gossip and gets over major emotional situations head on. You could be a tender, emotional and easily conditioned woman. This does not mean that you have to gossip about others. When gossip creeps into a conversation, act like classy women and don't contribute.

Become a Stronger Woman Step 4
Become a Stronger Woman Step 4

Step 4. Start talking to people and be proud of what you have to say

Self-confidence is the key. It can be very difficult for you if you are a reserved woman, but if you can express yourself with others it changes everything. Talk to strangers (appropriately, non-threateningly) and engage in the most important current events and topics to contribute intelligent comments to a light conversation. When you happen to talk about topics you already know, try to talk more than usual, but also give people a chance to argue (no one likes others to talk mostly about themselves, and taking this direction is dangerous). Remember to be proud, patient, and focused when you speak. You don't have to sound cheeky or presumptuous to the point of believing that your statements must necessarily be helpful.

Become a Stronger Woman Step 5
Become a Stronger Woman Step 5

Step 5. Leave the past behind

If you are doing work on yourself to eliminate your past, know that it is an excellent mental break. Take a step back and think, “This morning I got up like a strong woman. I'm not going to change no matter what happens, and nothing I did yesterday is going to stop me. I just won't make the same mistakes. And if the past comes knocking on your door, apologize humbly but without losing your dignity. If you feel you need to tell this person you're leaving, do it. She may not like it and your motivations may seem insufficient, but you will be happier if you hold on, you won't lose control and remain perfectly aware of your abilities.

Become a Stronger Woman Step 6
Become a Stronger Woman Step 6

Step 6. Stick to your beliefs

Don't run away from the clashes. Avoiding conflicts is a natural reaction to problems but getting around them isn't always helpful. Express your thoughts in a civilized way, even if your interlocutor is not exactly a gentleman. Explain your motives and give him a way to argue openly. If you find out that you are right and he is defeated, be gentle in victory anyway. If you find that you are wrong, apologize if necessary and walk away guilt-free. Apologizing is sometimes painful, stay calm and clear-headed. If you find yourself in a bind and are unable to resolve the issue, drop it. If the topic comes up again, address it but don't look for the problem.

Become a Stronger Woman Step 7
Become a Stronger Woman Step 7

Step 7. Admit your flaws

Be open and honest with the things you're not good at, laugh at the pictures you are ugly in, and smile if you fail to win a contest or fail to reach positions. Being satisfied doesn't mean being perfect. Women who try to be free from flaws shatter much faster than those who have too many to keep track of.

Become a Stronger Woman Step 8
Become a Stronger Woman Step 8

Step 8. Be happy you have enemies

From a young age we learn that we cannot please everyone. Once you know that you are not loved by someone (whether for a real reason or not) remember that it is not worth spending your time with him / her. Do not force a friendship that cannot be born; it will bring more unpleasant than pleasant things.

Become a Stronger Woman Step 9
Become a Stronger Woman Step 9

Step 9. Handle insults and compliments gracefully

Take each comment as lightly as possible. Appreciate compliments with a simple, friendly "thank you" and ignore the less flattering ones.


  • A man is not always necessary! You are a classy woman and strong women hardly care about being single. You are proud, passionate and don't constantly need a man by your side.
  • Remember that we are architects of our own destiny. Do not forget that you will soon be old and you will be satisfied with little. So take advantage of the present, whether it's good or bad. Kiss your children and the people you love and try not to waste time with those who don't have time for you.
  • Keep your shoulders straight! This helps you feel stronger and boosts your self-esteem.
