How to Get Stronger: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Get Stronger: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Get Stronger: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Are you ready to find out what your body is capable of? If the same old training schedule doesn't allow you to improve, it's time to make some changes that help you gain muscle mass and get stronger. It's important to challenge yourself in every workout, work each muscle group, and energize your body with healthy calories if you want to see improvement. Read on after the jump to learn how to tone and strengthen your muscles right away.


Part 1 of 3: Using the Right Training Strategy

Get Stronger Step 1
Get Stronger Step 1

Step 1. Challenge yourself in every workout

If your goal is to get stronger, workouts should never seem easy. In fact, the 30 minutes or hour you spend on weight lifting should be very busy. If not, you will not be working your muscles sufficiently. Make a commitment to "give it all" in every workout to get the best results over time.

  • Some bodybuilding experts recommend "training to failure". This means pushing to the point of not being able to complete another repetition. Training to failure allows you to work your muscles enough to break them and cause them to regenerate.
  • If you're just starting out with weight training, consider working with a personal trainer before pushing too hard. It is important to learn the right techniques for each type of exercise; otherwise an injury could prevent you from continuing your training.
Get Stronger Step 2
Get Stronger Step 2

Step 2. Add more weight and reps over time

As your body gets used to a certain amount of weight, you will need to keep adding more to engage your muscles. You should add more weight to a program when it starts to feel easy and you can complete many sets of reps without "giving in." Adding another 2.5kg or 5 reps is the way to keep challenging yourself and gaining muscle mass.

Be careful not to add too much weight. You should be able to complete 8-10 reps before failure. If you can't complete 4 reps before giving in, you are probably using too much weight. If you can do 10-12 reps without burning, you probably need to add more weight

Get Stronger Step 3
Get Stronger Step 3

Step 3. Don't spend too much energy on cardiovascular activity

Activities like running, swimming, and cycling are great ways to improve stamina and circulation. However, these are not the best exercises to do if you want to get stronger. Weightlifting takes a lot of energy, and if you're going to use yours for a long run or bike ride, you won't have enough energy to perform at the gym. Limit cardiovascular activity to once or twice a week so that you can dedicate your energy reserves to building strength.

Hiking, walking and other low-energy activities are good alternatives to running and biking if you want to save energy

Get Stronger Step 4
Get Stronger Step 4

Step 4. Train all muscle groups

Some people want big strong arms and don't care much about their abs. Other people focus on their legs, pecs, and so on, but they don't care about arm strength. However, it's a good idea to train all of the muscle groups in your body instead of focusing on just one. Having a strong core will help you lift more weight on the bench press with your arms. Being able to lift heavier weights with your arms will allow you to train your legs better. All muscle groups in the body work together and it is important to give them equal attention.

Don't train all muscle groups on the same day. For example, if you focus on your arms one day, during the next training session you should rest them and work on your legs or core instead. This gives your muscles time to rest and heal, preventing injuries and increasing your strength

Get Stronger Step 5
Get Stronger Step 5

Step 5. Get enough rest between workouts

If you want to get strong fast, you may be tempted to train every day. However, your body needs adequate rest to regenerate broken muscle tissue during exercise. If you train every day, you will never give your muscles a chance to get bigger and stronger. Plan a workout schedule for 3 or 4 days a week, remembering to rotate your muscle groups.

During your rest days, you can go for a run, ride a bike, or do other activities to get active and relax your muscles

Part 2 of 3: Train Different Muscle Groups

Get Stronger Step 6
Get Stronger Step 6

Step 1. Learn to master the squat

The basic squat and its many variations are an excellent exercise for strengthening the leg muscles, glutes and abs. The simple squat movement (bending your knees to lower yourself while keeping your back straight, then returning to a standing position) is as effective as using complex machinery. Try the following variations of the squat:

  • The simple squat. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bend your knees and lower your buttocks until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position. You can hold dumbbells or a barbell to make the exercise more challenging; try to complete 3 sets of 8 squats.
  • The squat with box. Stand in front of a training box or chair. Keep dumbbells or a barbell to your chest. Lower yourself to a sitting position, hold the position for a moment, then return to your feet.
  • The back squat. For this exercise, you will need a squat rack, which has a bar connected to weights that you will move during the squat. Stand under the squat bar and grasp it with your palms facing out. During the squat, pull the bar behind the text or in front of the chest. Continue the squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then return to the starting position.
Get Stronger Step 7
Get Stronger Step 7

Step 2. Do push-ups and pull-ups

Lifting your weight can go a long way in strengthening your muscles. Simple exercises like pull-ups and push-ups are very helpful and you can do them without a lot of equipment. Increase their difficulty by adding reps or putting weights on their legs. Do these simple and effective exercises to train your biceps and triceps, as well as your core.

  • The bending. Lie face down on a mat. Place the palms on the sides of the body near the armpits. Use your arms to lift your body so that your shoulders, abdomen and legs no longer touch the ground; you should only touch with your toes and hands. Lower yourself to the floor and repeat until failure.
  • The traction. For this exercise, you will need a pull-up bar. Stand under the bar and hold it with your palms out. Use your arms to lift your body towards the bar until your chin passes it, crossing your feet behind you to keep them off the ground. Lower yourself until your arms are straight, then repeat until you fail.
Get Stronger Step 8
Get Stronger Step 8

Step 3. Learn to deadlift

The deadlift is a simple exercise that involves bending over to lift a weight, straighten your back, then bend over again. This is an excellent exercise for the forearms, abs and back muscles. During a deadlift, it is important to use the correct technique and the right amount of weight for your strength level - otherwise you could injure your back. Try these exercises:

  • The deadlift with the barbell. Stand in front of a weight-loaded barbell that you can lift 8 times before giving in. Bend your knees and hold the barbell with both hands. Stand with your back straight, then bend your knees and repeat. You can also do this with dumbbells instead of a barbell.
  • The deadlift with legs extended. Stand in front of an exercise ball, barbell, or pair of dumbbells. Keeping your legs straight, bend at the waist and hold the weights with both hands. Keeping the weights in front of the body, straighten your back; you should extend your arms with the weights in front of you. Return the weights to the starting position and repeat.
Get Stronger Step 9
Get Stronger Step 9

Step 4. Learn to bench press weights

Bench presses are a very useful exercise for strengthening arms, pectorals and back muscles. To perform these you will need a barbell and a training bench. Load the bar with the weight you can lift about 8 times per set. Use the following technique:

  • Lie with your back on the bench. You should bend your knees over the edge, and rest your feet comfortably on the ground.
  • Start with the barbell close to your chest, then lift it towards the ceiling, extending your arms.
  • Bend your arms to bring the bar back to your chest, then repeat.
  • Put the bar back on the rack and add more weight for the next set.
Get Stronger Step 10
Get Stronger Step 10

Step 5. Do plank and crunch

If you are looking for exercises that can increase strength and require no equipment, planks and crunches are for you. These exercises focus on the abs and you can do them anywhere, anytime.

  • Do planks. Lie face down on the ground with your elbows bent and palms close to your armpits. Lift your body straight up as if you were doing a push-up. Keep your arms straight and hold the position for 30 seconds or more before returning to the ground, then rest and repeat.
  • Do some crunches. Lie on the ground with your knees bent and feet level on the ground. Close your body in a semi-sitting position using your abdominal muscles to lift your head and shoulders forward, keeping your arms crossed across your chest. Lower your head to the ground, then repeat. You can increase the difficulty of the exercise by holding a dumbbell close to your chest.

Part 3 of 3: Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Get Stronger Step 11
Get Stronger Step 11

Step 1. Eat lots of calories

To gain muscle you will need to burn calories - a lot. It is important to eat large meals to give your muscles the energy they need to grow during training. That said, not all calories are of the same quality for muscle mass gain; you should eat wholesome, whole foods that nourish and regenerate your muscles instead of harming the body.

  • Make sure you include all basic food groups in your diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs and lean meats, whole grains, and healthy oils and fats.
  • Eat three large meals a day, adding some hearty snacks. The more you eat, the more you can gain muscle mass.
  • Avoid sugars, processed flours, savory ready-made foods, fried foods, and foods packaged with additives and preservatives.
Get Stronger Step 12
Get Stronger Step 12

Step 2. Stay hydrated

Drink about 10 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated while exercising. Although many sports enthusiasts drink energy drinks, water is the best choice because it does not contain sugar and additives. If you want to improve the flavor, add lemon or lime.

Get Stronger Step 13
Get Stronger Step 13

Step 3. Consider Creatine Supplements

Creatine is a widely used supplement which has been shown to increase muscle mass without risk to the body. It is an amino acid produced naturally by the body to make muscles stronger and larger. If you take a correct dosage of this protein, you may notice rapid improvements in muscle tone.

  • You will find creatine powder, and you will need to mix it with water to activate it.
  • Beware of other substances on the market that offer rapid muscle boosts. Before you decide to try a product, do some research to find out if it has been scientifically tested for safety and efficiency.
Get Stronger Step 14
Get Stronger Step 14

Step 4. Get enough sleep

Many people don't care about this step, but it is absolutely essential for gaining muscle mass. If you don't get enough sleep, your body won't be in top shape during workouts. This means that you won't be able to train as hard or you won't be able to lift enough weight, regardless of the high risk of injury you will run. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night when you train hard.


  • Don't forget to get a good night's sleep to aid in recovery.
  • Long periods of cardiovascular activity don't make you "stronger". If so, marathon runners would have the biggest muscles of all. The only stimulus that makes muscles bigger and stronger is to stretch them when they are contracted. When you try to lift a weight, your muscles stretch before the weight moves. The greater the stretch, the greater the damage to the muscle fibers, which will become stronger after a few days of healing. The results of this study give a clear message. You will get stronger by lifting heavier weights, not training harder. To get much stronger, the amount of training doesn't matter as much as the weight.
  • Give yourself at least a full day of rest before resuming your workout. This will give your muscles time to recover, and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Make a plan before you start exercising.
  • Pair your workout with a scientific nutrition and supplementation program to accelerate results.
  • Eat lots of protein and fiber-rich foods such as fish, lean meats, and grains.
  • Use the tips in this guide paired with a training program created by a professional for best results.
  • Some body builders lift weights for more than six hours a day, but you don't need to waste all that time to get very strong. Weightlifting training is standard. A set of ten reps means that you raise and lower a heavy weight 10 times continuously before stopping. If you repeat these sets of ten three times with a rest period between each set, you have accomplished three sets of ten repetitions.


  • Be especially careful if you're a teenager, as doing too much weight lifting can be devastating to your joints.
  • Consult your doctor before embarking on an exercise program or diet.
