The curling iron gives you the ability to create soft waves, well-defined curls and many other hairstyles. Here's how it is used.

Step 1. Turn it on and let it warm up
Put it at 160 degrees if you have fine hair and 230 if you have thick hair. Experiment to determine the right temperature for you. Try to opt for the lower one, which will damage the hair less.
Step 2. Brush your hair well, removing knots:
they must be completely dry before ironing.
Step 3. Apply a heat protector, which gives shine and does not damage the hair

Step 4. Separate the hair into 3 or 4 sections, each 2.5 / 3cm wide
Use tongs to divide the strands.
Step 5. Work one section at a time
Wrap the strand around the iron bar. Try to be precise and not to overlap the strands, or the result will not be satisfactory. Also remember that the iron locking pliers should never squeeze the hair, since it could weaken it.
Make sure to alternate the curl directions for a more natural result. Follow one clockwise and then one anti-clockwise
Step 6. Once the ring is ready, pull it up and secure it with tweezers
Step 7. Do the same with all sections
Spray the hairspray after the strands have cooled and before removing the tweezers.
Step 8. After removing the tweezers, shake the curls and repair any damage
Step 9. Tousle them lightly with your fingers if you don't want a too formal look and to create waves
Step 10. Spray the lacquer to fix them
Don't overdo it, or your hair will look too stiff and unnatural looking.
Method 1 of 2: Curl from the top to the bottom

Step 1. Curl a section
Don't forget that if you want more defined curls, you'll need to create smaller sections.
Step 2. Unfold the iron and rest it on top of a section of hair
Step 3. Manually roll the section around the bar

Step 4. Close the gripper for about 10 seconds
Either way, this is a rough estimate, which changes based on your hair type and temperature settings. Experiment but, the first time, don't exceed 10 seconds.
Step 5. Repeat with another section
Be careful not to burn yourself.
Method 2 of 2: Bottom-up curl

Step 1. Grab a section of hair
We repeat, for more defined curls, create smaller sections.
Step 2. Open the iron and place it on the lower area of the section of hair
Choose the right angle, to avoid creating curls that "shoot" out.
Step 3. Close the iron and turn the bar
Do not touch the scalp.

Step 4. Hold the section around the iron for about 10 seconds
But, as we mentioned before, the weather can change based on your iron, your hair type and your temperature settings. In any case, proceed with caution.
Step 5. Repeat with the other sections
Again, be careful not to burn yourself.

Step 6. Ready
- Do not brush your hair after you are done and shake it with your fingers for a natural effect.
- For tighter, more defined curls, use an iron with a smaller bar, while if you prefer to get waves, use one with a larger bar.
- You may want to untie the knots with your fingers throughout the day so your hair doesn't get tangled.
- Gently pull the iron away from your head as you curl, both to protect the scalp and to add volume. In addition, this foresight will allow you to create a more natural look.
- Apply curl cream to damp hair but avoid mousses.
- The iron is hot! Always pay attention.
- Read the manual before using it.
- Do you have frizzy hair? Put on an anti-frizz serum.
- Do not leave the iron in contact with your hair for too long, or you will damage it, causing it to fall out.
- Don't curl your hair near the sink or shower - you don't mess with electricity.
- Make sure you unplug it after you're done.
- To avoid the heat, which is not good for the hair, curl your hair with flexible curlers.