Mustaches are a classic choice for men's faces, and they always seem to be in style. If you are going to grow them, it is important to know how to keep them cared for. Trimming your mustache periodically will ensure you remain attractive and improve your appearance. Read on to learn the basic techniques for cutting them.

Step 1. Grow the hair above the lip
If you can wait for the mustache to become longer and thicker, you will have to work more with the razor to achieve the desired look.
- If it's your first mustache, it may take several weeks for the hair to be long enough to be clipped.
- Start with shaping your mustache when you shave your cheeks and chin, while you wait for the mustache to grow.
- You need to be patient: if you start cutting your mustache too soon, you won't be able to get the best results.

Step 2. Find a place with good lighting and a mirror
It will probably be your bathroom, but if there is a brighter spot in your home, you can bring the mirror there. You have to create the same conditions as a barber shop before you start cutting - a shadow or slip with scissors could make all your efforts in vain, forcing you to cut everything and start from scratch.

Step 3. Wet your mustache
Just like when you wash your hair before cutting, it is a good idea to wash it with some face soap or shampoo before starting. This softens the area and makes cutting easier. You can also just moisten a comb under the tap and comb your mustache to sort it out. Blot with a towel to make them moist, but not wet.

Step 4. Comb the mustache
Use a small fine-toothed comb and pull the mustache down. This will allow you to get a perfect cut.

Step 5. Trim the mustache along the lip
Hold a pair of parallel cut scissors on the top of the lip and carefully trim the underside of the mustache, following the line of the lips.
- Keep your hand as still as possible to ensure that the mustache is trimmed evenly.
- Follow the shape of the mouth to shape the underside of the mustache.
- Mustache hair should come just above the upper lip line. Don't trim too much, remember that the hair is damp, and will be shorter when it dries.

Step 6. If necessary, prune them
Using a mustache trimmer, reduce the volume by cutting only one layer.
- If you don't have a trimmer, use the fine-toothed comb to gently lift the top layer of the mustache. Trim carefully with scissors to the desired length.
- This step may not be necessary unless the mustache is thick and bushy.

Step 7. Trim the top of the mustache with a razor
Shave the top area and sides for more definition. Be careful not to shave your mustache itself.

Step 8. Comb the mustache hair again
Check that the sides are finished evenly.
- Contrary to popular belief, regular shaving has no effect on the thickness of the beard or mustache. Not everyone has the same hair growth. Choose a style that suits your face.
- Use a mustache gel to achieve a unique style. It might be useful to check your style before cutting. This way you can also check which areas need the most work.
- It is necessary to trim the mustache only occasionally to maintain its shape and appearance.
- You have to choose the shape of the mustache before you start cutting it. Particular or unique styles require specific shaping and cutting. Consider using a computer program to upload your photo and figure out which styles are best for you.
- The beard and mustache are much thicker than the hair. Also use a face conditioner to soften the coat.