Cutting the mustache is a decision that, sooner or later, even the proudest bearer of mustaches can mature. If the time has come to say goodbye to the beloved mustache, you can deal with it using several tools, which will be described in this article.
Method 1 of 3: Electric Shaver

Step 1. Shorten the mustache
Most electric razors are designed to act on regrowth in a couple of days, certainly not on the thick fur mat that covers the upper lip. You will therefore have to do a first pass with the beard trimmer and eliminate most of the mustache.

Step 2. Apply a dry shave pre-shave product
Unlike shaving with safety razors or disposables, for which the use of oils is preferable, with the electric razor it is good to use alcohol-based or powdered pre-shave, which prevent the hair from sticking to the skin, thus preventing annoying skin irritations.
If you have dry or very sensitive skin, choose pre-shave powders rather than those containing alcohol

Step 3. Use your free hand to stretch the skin to create a nice smooth shaving surface
With your fingers, gently push down the corners of your mouth; the skin of the upper lip must be tight and smooth to allow the electric razor to do its job at its best.

Step 4. Proceed with shaving according to your electric shaver model
With a rotary razor, make small circular motions. If, on the other hand, you have a foil razor, the movement must be against the grain.
- Regardless of the type of razor, pass it over the skin very slowly to allow time for the hair to make contact with the blades.
- Although not recommended with safety or disposable razors, shaving against the grain with an electric razor brings better results because this movement raises the hair and pushes it towards the blade.

Step 5. Apply aftershave
The right product depends on your skin type. People with dry or sensitive skin prefer conditioners, while men with oily skin choose alcohol-based aftershaves.
Method 2 of 3: Safety Razor or Disposable

Step 1. Trim the mustache with scissors
This way the hair will not clog the razor and you will see the cutting surface better.

Step 2. Clean the skin and prepare it for the razor pass
Wash your face thoroughly and apply warm water. If you don't have hot water, put a warm towel on your face and leave it in place for at least a minute.
The heat softens the fur and opens the pores, promoting a close shave without irritation

Step 3. Apply a pre-shave oil
These products guarantee both lubrication for the passage of the blade and protection against irritation in case of shaving on wet skin. Apply a drop of pre-shave oil to the skin of your upper lip before razor-cutting.

Step 4. Smear the shaving gel or soap
Both industrial shaving gel and homemade shaving soap will need to be softened to form a lather before being applied to the face. In addition, spreading the foam with the help of a shaving brush cleans the skin, lifts the hairs and softens them.

Step 5. Shave with short strokes
Following the direction of growth of the mustache hair, shave with short strokes taking care to warm the razor blade with hot water before starting. Since the hairs do not grow at right angles, you can evaluate the direction of growth by passing your hand over the mustache: you are going against the grain if you feel your palm pinched; if not, you will have found the direction of growth of your beard.
- When handling a safety razor, be careful to keep it at an angle of 30 degrees to the skin and do not apply too much pressure. Let the razor slide along the skin with its own weight; your hand will guide the movements without pressing too hard.
- If you are using a disposable razor, keep the head parallel to the skin. The gap between the blades in multi-blade razors tends to fill with hair, so you will need to rinse it after each stroke.
- Pull the upper lip down to create a smooth, flat cut surface.
- If you have thick hair and haven't shortened your mustache length enough, it will take you several steps to finish. Be careful, but also be careful not to get cuts or irritation. Better to reapply the shaving cream or soap as often as needed.

Step 6. Rinse your face with cold water
Cold water soothes the skin and closes the pores that you had previously opened with the heat.

Step 7. Put on aftershave
Choose one that suits your specific skin type. The same advice given in the previous step applies.
Method 3 of 3: Barber Razor

Step 1. Shorten the mustache
Although a barber (or freehand) razor can cut hair of any length, shaving a very thick mustache requires a lot of dexterity, which is why it is best to trim the beard with a trimmer or scissors before shaving.

Step 2. Wrap your face in a warm washcloth
With the barber razor, the sebum on the skin is enough as a lubricant for the blade, so you can avoid washing your face until after shaving. Heat a washcloth, wrap your face and leave it in place for at least a minute.

Step 3. Apply the pre-shave
For added safety, smear a drop of pre-shave oil on your upper lip to protect your skin from cuts and irritation.

Step 4. Smear the shaving soap
Better to avoid industrial gels when using a barber razor. Apply the soap with a brush, brushing until the mustache is covered with soft foam.
Brushing against the grain will lift the hair and cleanse the skin of impurities

Step 5. Shave with slow strokes following the direction of growth of the beard
Hold the blade at an angle of 30 degrees. Hold the razor by holding your little finger in the curved part of the handle (cheek), while the other fingers grab the tool just below the blade (finger rest). This grip will guarantee you greater precision and perfect control of the instrument.
- Don't press. A well sharpened blade cuts without pressure.
- To smooth the skin, push the lip down. You can use your free hand to lift your nose up a little, which will further flatten the skin on your upper lip.
- Never, under any circumstances, should you move the razor in cutting motions.

Step 6. Rinse with cold water
With the heat, at the beginning of the procedure, you had opened the pores of the skin; now, the cold water will favor their closure.

Step 7. Apply aftershave
Massage your skin with a small amount of the aftershave that best suits your skin characteristics.
- It is best to use a new blade when cutting your mustache. The skin under the hair hasn't seen a blade for some time, so it will have become particularly delicate and sensitive.
- The 30 degree angle is a standard indication suggested for the handle of a safety razor or freehand; however, the right angle is guessed as appropriate. It's up to you to find the angle that fits the contours of your face.
- Use the scissors carefully when shortening the mustache, you may cut yourself.
- All razors can cause cuts, but safety and freehand razors are particularly dangerous.