How to Lose 6kg in Thirty Days: 11 Steps

How to Lose 6kg in Thirty Days: 11 Steps
How to Lose 6kg in Thirty Days: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


Losing weight in 30 days or so is a big challenge. There are many changes that you can make during this time and that will translate into important results not only in body weight, but also in physical appearance and health conditions. Typically, it is not recommended to lose more than 0.5-1 kg per week or around 3.5-4 kg per month. Rapid weight loss is not always safe or sustainable in the long term. It is not certain that the goal of losing 6 kg in 30 days is realistic. However, you may be able to achieve this by improving your nutrition, physical activity, and lifestyle.


Part 1 of 3: Follow a Weight Loss Cure

Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 1
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 1

Step 1. Count the calories

To lose weight, you need to reduce your total daily calorie intake.

  • Eliminate 500-750 calories per day. In this way, you will be able to lose weight by 0, 5-1, 0 kg per week. By combining this calorie regimen with exercise, you will be able to lose 1.3 kg per week. However, it is not a guarantee.
  • Use a food diary, a website that tracks your calorie intake, or a smartphone app to get a better idea of how many calories you're currently consuming. Subtract 500-750 to get a new calorie limit to help you lose weight.
  • Do not consume less than 1200 calories per day. An intake below this figure is considered unsafe for health, because it does not allow the assimilation of the amount of nutrients necessary for daily needs.
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 2
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 2

Step 2. Include lean protein with every meal

Protein is a great food group that helps support weight loss, especially if you're trying to lose weight fast.

  • Protein is an essential nutrient for any diet. According to some studies, in addition to promoting a proper functioning of the metabolism, they can keep you full longer and with smaller portions.
  • To reap the benefits of protein in the weight loss process, try to include at least one serving (75-120g) with every meal and snack. By consuming them throughout the day, you can prolong the satiety effect.
  • Limit yourself to leaner protein foods because, in addition, they contain fewer calories. Then, opt for skinless chicken, lightly marbled beef or pork cuts, seafood, legumes, tofu, low-fat dairy, eggs, beans, lentils, seeds (including hemp and chia) and nuts.. You can also consider some grains as a serving of lean protein, including buckwheat, amaranth, and quinoa.
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 3
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 3

Step 3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

They are great food sources to consume regularly when trying to lose weight. Fill up on these foods at every meal and snack.

  • Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but they contain a lot of fiber and other essential nutrients. They fill you up and give your meals volume without adding too many calories.
  • Fill half a plate with fruit or vegetables. Alternatively, include one or two servings of these foods in your meals. Keep in mind that one serving is equivalent to four heaping tablespoons of cooked kale or spinach, a medium-sized fruit (such as an apple or a pear), 30 g of dried fruit (such as raisins) or 5 cm of a large fruit. size (like melon or papaya).
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 4
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 4

Step 4. Choose whole grains instead of refined ones

They are more nutritious than bread, flour or white rice. Eat them more often.

  • They are less processed and typically higher in fiber, protein, and other healthful substances. Refined grains, on the other hand, are deprived of these elements, so they are less nutritious.
  • Considerably reduce your grain intake. According to some research, diets that are low in carbohydrates and those that limit their intake promote faster weight loss than low-calorie diets.
  • Also, moderate your portions. When you want to eat oats or quinoa, consume about 28g.
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 5
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 5

Step 5. Control hunger with water

Water is an essential element of health and can also contribute to weight loss.

  • Studies have shown that when you drink too little water and are dehydrated, the body sends signals to the brain very similar to those of hunger. Therefore, you may be induced to eat when you think you are hungry, but in reality it is just thirsty.
  • On top of that, filling your stomach with water can keep your appetite at bay throughout the day and reduce snacking or avoid the risk of ingesting unnecessary calories.
  • Try to drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water and other moisturizing drinks every day. You can try flavored water, decaffeinated coffee, and sugar-free decaffeinated tea.

Part 2 of 3: Lose Weight by Exercising and Changing Your Lifestyle

Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 6
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 6

Step 1. Play sports

The best combination for losing weight is to control your nutrition and exercise regularly. Exercise most days of the week to promote weight loss.

  • Cardiovascular exercises are the most effective for burning calories. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 high-intensity physical activity each week.
  • Also try adding a day or two of muscle toning. It doesn't allow you to burn a lot of calories, but it can help you speed up your metabolism over time, because your muscles will continue to burn fat even when at rest.
  • Walk often throughout the day. By moving as much as possible, you will be able to increase the number of calories to burn off. Try parking farther than usual, go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, and stay more time standing than sitting.
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 7
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 7

Step 2. Get enough sleep

Even over a 30-day period, lack of sleep can have a negative effect on weight loss. Try to get plenty of rest every night in order to achieve your goal.

  • Most experts recommend adults get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Try to improve sleep hygiene, i.e. go to bed early and make your bedroom an environment that stimulates rest.
  • Studies have shown that if you don't get enough sleep, your body has difficulty losing weight, puts more hunger hormones into circulation, and even tends to crave more fatty, carbohydrate-rich foods.
  • Also, if you feel tired and exhausted, you have less incentive to exercise and eat right.
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 8
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 8

Step 3. Reduce Stress

Like sleep, chronic or moderate stress is also counterproductive to weight loss, especially if you're trying to lose weight in 30 days.

  • Stress has an important effect on the body's ability to shed extra pounds. Small daily tensions can even increase the levels of cortisol, the stress-related hormone, to the extent that it prevents the body from losing weight and increasing hunger.
  • It can also cause tiredness and fatigue by discouraging you from eating, exercising, and making other healthy changes.
  • Try engaging in relaxing and anti-stress activities. For example, you could practice meditation, listen to music, talk to a close friend, or go for a walk.

Part 3 of 3: Adopt the Right Spirit

Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 9
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 9

Step 1. Keep a journal

During these 30 days, start keeping a diary about your weight loss treatment. You can take notes on what you eat, the exercises you are practicing to get in shape and all your progress. You can also write down the most difficult obstacles or successes you have achieved over the course of the month.

  • It is not easy to lose 6 kg in 30 days, so you may find that you will not be able to implement what you have set yourself by the deadline, but it is not a problem. If you have started taking notes on your diet and exercise program, you can continue until you reach your goal.
  • Write down your meal plan or everything you eat in your journal. It will be very useful during the diet, and even after if you continue to follow it. It will allow you to identify what is effective and what is not.
  • You may also want to write down the exercises or physical activity that allows you to get more satisfying results.
  • Also try to log the calories you lose and the exercises you practice using a website or smartphone application.
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 10
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 10

Step 2. Write encouraging sentences

It is not easy to follow a strict slimming cure for a whole month. So by keeping your goals and motivations in mind, you will be able to stay focused.

  • You can write some motivational quotes in the journal or some post-its and stick them on the fridge, desk or headboard.
  • Think about why you want to lose weight. Do you want to wear pants of a smaller size? Do you need it to feel more confident? Do you want to manage a chronic disease? Put your reasons on paper so you don't lose sight of them.
  • When you feel discouraged, re-read any encouraging phrases and quotes you jotted down. Repeat them in your mind in order to face your weight loss treatment in a more positive way.
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 11
Lose 6 Kgs in 30 Days Step 11

Step 3. Be consistent

Stay true to your goal by relying on a friend, family member, your food diary, or scale.

  • Tell friends and family that you intend to lose weight in 30 days. You may receive their support, but also call them or inform them of your progress via text messages and emails.
  • Weighing yourself regularly is another way to not throw in the towel. Typically, those who use the scale to check weight can see improvements over time. However, don't overdo it - once or twice a week will be enough to keep track of your progress.


  • Always consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. It will be able to tell you if it is safe and suitable for your health condition.
  • Committed for 30 days. You can refuse to go to parties, social events and other occasions where you risk "going wrong". It is only for a short time.
  • Absolutely avoid sweetened coffee and alcohol (if you are not a teetotaler): they are the most caloric substances. However, bitter coffee contains no calories and many experts recommend making moderate consumption of it. Even caffeine, taken a couple of times a day, stimulates weight loss.
  • Don't obsess about it. If you consider dieting as a duty, it could stress you out and be counterproductive.
