How to Win a Shy Guy: 10 Steps

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How to Win a Shy Guy: 10 Steps
How to Win a Shy Guy: 10 Steps

Shy guys are often seen as attractive because their peace of mind seems to indicate maturity, intelligence, or mystery. However, if you have a crush on a shy guy, don't expect him to make the first move or ask you out. Remember, many shy people don't open up right away. Make sure he feels comfortable with you after some nice conversation.


Part 1 of 3: Show your interest

Get a Shy Guy Step 1
Get a Shy Guy Step 1

Step 1. Smile and make eye contact across the room

If you don't know the shy guy you like, start grabbing his attention with discreet movements. Try giving him a smile during class or at lunch and make eye contact for 2 to 3 seconds before looking away.

Who knows, maybe he has already been looking at you for some time. In this case, your open and engaging behavior could give him the self-confidence boost he needs to talk to you and ask you out

Get a Shy Guy Step 2
Get a Shy Guy Step 2

Step 2. Use physical contact to show your interest

By touching a person, you can let them know that you have a romantic interest in them. Start by placing your hand on his arm or patting him on the shoulder. If it seems comfortable to you, you should keep doing this from time to time. When you get to know each other better, try hugging him or touching his hand to get his attention.

If the guy pulls away when you touch him, avoid trying again for a couple of weeks. He may feel more comfortable when you get to know each other better

Get a Shy Guy Step 3
Get a Shy Guy Step 3

Step 3. Contact him on social networks

If the boy has a profile on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, follow his page and leave him "like" or comments. That way you won't look overwhelming, won't scare him, and give him a chance to think about the response to your post. You can also "like" a photo of him and write slightly provocative comments on some of his pictures.

Find a photo that looks good and write something like "Wow! You look great" or "I wish I was there with you!"

Part 2 of 3: Talk to a Shy Guy

Get a Shy Guy Step 4
Get a Shy Guy Step 4

Step 1. Talk to him normally

Trivial chatter is rather impersonal and consists of topics like homework, weather, teachers, vacation plans, or current news. If you don't go to school together, you can ask him what he likes to do in his spare time. If the conversation is going well, try talking to him again during the week.

  • You can say, "Hi, I think we take the same physics class! Did you do your homework yesterday? It took me three hours!".
  • Don't worry if you only talk in the first few conversations. It can take some time for the guy to start opening up to you.
Get a Shy Guy Step 5
Get a Shy Guy Step 5

Step 2. Ask him for his phone number

A direct approach is best; don't try to use the strategy or get someone else to give you the number. Asking him for the number is a seductive move that lets him know you're interested in him as a potential romantic partner. Plus, you can have longer conversations over the phone.

  • You can say, "Hey, I've enjoyed talking to you at school for the past few weeks. It would be fun to keep talking when we're not together. Can you give me your number?"
  • Remember, if he doesn't text you first, don't worry. If he is shy in person with you, he will also be shy by text at the beginning!
Get a Shy Guy Step 6
Get a Shy Guy Step 6

Step 3. Try to talk to him a few times a week

This way, you begin to bond and let him know that he interests you more than just a friend to chat with. Until he fully opens up to you, try to keep the conversation going by asking him questions. This will encourage him to talk to you more and even confide in you. You can ask him:

  • "My family and I usually go every winter on a ski holiday. Do you travel often with your parents?"
  • "I like your shirt, the Ramones are a great band. What's your favorite album?"
Get a Shy Guy Step 7
Get a Shy Guy Step 7

Step 4. Ask him to go out with you

Inviting him out is a great way to take the relationship to the next level, and it also gives him a clear understanding of what you expect from your relationship. Make sure you do this privately so you don't make him nervous. Shy people can be very protective of their emotions and often hate feeling pressured.

  • You can say, "You know, I like being with you, and it was fun getting to know you better. Would you like to go out with me sometime?"
  • "I'm attracted to you and I would love it if we spent some time together. Would you like to go out sometime? We could have a coffee or go to the cinema."

Part 3 of 3: Dating the Boy

Get a Shy Guy Step 8
Get a Shy Guy Step 8

Step 1. Suggest an activity that you know they like

Shy guys often don't have a lot of self-esteem and need activities that involve them to get out of their shell. Either way, try to find something to do or an environment in which both of you will feel comfortable. Attend a volunteer event together, or have lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Make sure you like the date too! If the guy you are interested in enjoys minigolf a lot while you hate it, think about a different activity

Get a Shy Guy Step 9
Get a Shy Guy Step 9

Step 2. Attend it in social settings

Just because the guy you like is shy doesn't mean he's unsociable. For this, throw a party and invite some friends with whom he will feel comfortable. Make the occasion more fun by trying ice-breaking games and a bottle of wine (if you're all over 21).

  • Alternatively, you can invite him to join you when you are with friends in a cafe or museum.
  • If the guy you're interested in likes movies, invite him to the movies with a couple of friends.
Get a Shy Guy Step 10
Get a Shy Guy Step 10

Step 3. Make sure your first dates are simple

Extravagant and sophisticated outings can lead to unpleasant situations for a shy guy, who will feel pressured. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to spend time with him doing activities that aren't usually considered dating. You can go hiking or biking together, take a tour of the local bars on a midweek evening or go tobogganing in the winter.

  • For example, he may not like going out in crowded places. Offer to watch a movie in your house or some other low-key business.
  • You can also suggest that he get something to eat and eat it while sitting in the car while you talk.
  • When you are together, listen to what he says so you understand what he likes to do. For example, if he tells you that noisy places make him uncomfortable, don't invite him to a concert.


  • Give him sincere compliments. With a well-chosen and truly spontaneous appreciation you can make a good impression on him.
  • A shy guy may not seem interested in you when you talk to him, but don't stop trying.
  • Make sure the topics of conversation don't make him uncomfortable. Switch to more intimate conversations only if it seems peaceful to you.
