Boredom is an indication that you should change something. Whether you are bored right now, always bored, or worried you might be in the future, there are many things you can do to make the most of your energy and enjoy pleasant experiences.
Method 1 of 4: Avoid Getting Bored at Home

Step 1. Find out about new music
Visit an unfamiliar music website, search for a playlist from an artist you like, or browse pages on a site that gives good suggestions. Browse social networks and listen to the songs that your friends post. If you don't like one, try listening to another.
- Research your favorite artists and find out which bands they drew inspiration from. Knowing which sounds influenced your idols could hold you many pleasant surprises.
- Alternatively, look for some songs you know but haven't heard in years. Take a dip in the past.

Step 2. Read
Choose a novel, comic or poem. If you have books in the house, start looking there. Read articles in online publications on topics that interest you. If you can't find any books in the house, go to your local library. If there is nothing there that appeals to you as well, you could order more volumes from nearby libraries; ask the librarian or visit the library website.
- Read more committed books. If you are good at reading and have bored you from publications for teens, read adult books. Don't worry if you don't understand everything. Reading complex texts is very useful and is often more interesting than books you find too simple.
- Visit the nearest library and check out your favorite sections. Choose books with compelling images and titles, and read the back cover to find out more.
- Read the works of some authors of the past for teenagers. Before young adult literature gained popularity, authors such as Diana Wynne Jones, Tove Jansson, Roald Dahl and Noel Streatfeild wrote children's novels, suitable for readers of all ages.

Step 3. Meditate
If you really don't find inspiration, try not to think about anything at all. Focus on one object, such as a candle flame, a flower, or a repetitive movement. Continue for several minutes and when your mind wanders, remember to bring your attention back to what you are doing.
Try meditating by focusing on your senses. Pay attention to your breathing, to the sensations that come to you from every part of your body, to what you can hear, see, smell and taste

Step 4. Become a child again
Try one of the activities that made you happy when you were little. Build a blanket fort, retrieve a long forgotten stuffed animal from the attic, or try to remember and write a fantasy game that fascinated you. Find an old drawing and try to recreate it - it won't be as easy as you think.
- Find an old photo album and find out what was fashionable when your parents were young.
- Pose again for your little girl photos. Try to exactly recreate the lighting, clothing, pose, and facial expression.

Step 5. Call someone you haven't talked to in a long time
You can make a phone call to your grandfather or an old friend who has moved. Find out what happens in that person's life by asking a lot of questions. Ask what she thinks, what worries her, and what amuses her.

Step 6. Look at something unusual
If you are in the habit of watching comedy movies, try watching a documentary. If you watch a lot of TV series, choose a good movie. Don't follow the most popular tips of the moment; search the list of the best arthouse films of all time, the best films ever made, the best animated films and documentaries that changed the world. Watch a comedy movie from the 1930s and notice how the humor has changed over the years.
If you need another guideline, choose the movie according to a rule. For example, use the Bechdel test. You can only watch a movie in which (1) at least two female characters whose names are mentioned, (2) who have at least one conversation together (3) where they don't talk about men

Step 7. Create a schedule
It may seem boring, but try to think: boredom makes you feel like you are in an endless wasteland of time. An action plan helps you shape your free time. Think about what you need to do today (homework, housework) and tomorrow, then mark all your commitments on the schedule. Include even the most mundane activities, like lunch.

Step 8. Give in to boredom
It's not a pleasant feeling, but it can be helpful. If you were always busy or entertained, you wouldn't have time to think about things that could change your life. When we are bored, on a subconscious level we summarize our situation and set ourselves new goals. If that never happened to you, you couldn't change, so make the most of those moments: think about what led to boredom and what changes you should make.
- For example, if you are always alone after school, it may be the right time to join a school association.
- If you feel bored because you don't have many friends, make it a goal to make new friends.
- If you suffer from boredom because you have lost interest in things you like or because you can't focus on anything, you may be depressed. If you experience a mix of anxiety and boredom, you may be suffering from ADHD. Talk to an adult or doctor to resolve your problem.
Method 2 of 4: Avoid Getting Bored Outside the Home

Step 1. Go around aimlessly
Instead of just taking a walk, go on an adventure. Do not go to places you have already visited a thousand times, but take roads you do not know. Using public transport, you can reach a park, lake, or other natural beauty that you have not yet visited. Bring your mobile phone, get a friend to accompany you and let your parents know where you are.
Take a map and draw a twisted line on it without looking. Test yourself, trying to follow the line you drew as closely as possible. Make sure you find your way home

Step 2. Visit strange shops
Is there an area to shop in your city? Enter stores you've never visited. Try to find something you like in all the exercises. You don't have to buy anything, but try to figure out what you would like to buy. Each store tries to sell a style, so try to find the best one for you.
For example, you could go to a vintage shop, try out retro items and outdated tech devices. Imagine what it feels like to wear a corset, wear a hat every day, or manually enter a number on your phone

Step 3. Prepare a picnic
Ask a friend to have a picnic with you and pack a basket of goodies, a blanket and maybe a book or two. You can do it all by yourself or ask your friend to bring a thing or two (a drink, a fruit) while you take care of the rest.
- Go to the vegetable market or supermarket together and choose 3-6 foods. For example, you could buy fresh bread, apples, cheese, chocolate, carrots, and hummus.
- Find a quiet place surrounded by nature, perhaps with a beautiful view.
- If you can, take a hike. Picnic on the top of the mountain or at the end of the trail. Make sure you bring plenty of water!
Method 3 of 4: Do Something

Step 1. Start a publication
Alone or with the help of a friend, make a magazine that you can publish once a month or every two weeks. You will be able to write articles, invite other people to do the same, and even share editor responsibilities with your friend; for example, she could be in charge of the columns on art and poetry, while you could propose opinion articles and book reviews.
- Here are some examples of content to include in your publication: reviews of shows, books, films and music albums, poems, photographs, drawings, lists, quizzes, comic pieces, political analysis and fashion advice.
- Respect the punk spirit of real youth magazines and make your own version. All you need is a photocopier and a stapler.
- Give your magazine to members of your community. Leave it in bars, common areas and sneak it into newsstands.
- Magazines are fun, because they represent the place where they were created very well. Ask for contributions from the people you meet every week: your teachers, the local bartender, the children you babysit, your grandmother.

Step 2. Design a website
Learn how to build a site from scratch, or use a service that offers blog templates. Your web page can showcase your work, your taste or become an online diary. You can also decide to create an online publication instead of a traditional magazine and ask for contributions from strangers from all over the world.

Step 3. Cook something
Look for recipes you've never tried. Find the simpler ones, 3 to 5 ingredients. For example, you could make a focaccia with water, flour and salt or cookies with butter, cocoa powder and dates. You can make an omelet with just eggs, salt, and butter.
- Cook without following a recipe. Use ingredients that don't cost too much and experiment. Try to recreate a dish you tasted at a restaurant, or come up with a new version of a dish you love.
- Clean during preparation. Cooking is more fun if you don't have to wash a mountain of dishes at the end of the process.

Step 4. Create a work of art
Do you like to draw, write, dance and sing? Get the right materials, the right space and make something. Begin to become familiar with the medium you have decided to use: move to the rhythm of the music, draw shapes or write free verses. If you don't find inspiration, follow a model. For example, if you've decided to write, start with a line from a song you like.
- Make something you can use, like a notebook or a scarf.
- Make a piece of art for someone. Create a card, write a beautiful letter, or paint a painting for someone you love. If someone you know isn't having a good time, think of something just for them.
- Make a movie. Create a feature film about an interesting topic. You can decide to act in first person, or to film friends, animals and objects. Try to make a portrait of a place: for example, all the most beautiful, mundane, ugly, active and quiet places in your neighborhood.
- Write a fanfiction. Take characters from a book or TV show you love and create new adventures for them. Make the protagonist become one of the less prominent characters.

Step 5. Create a band
Gather your friends who have similar musical tastes to yours and form a group. If you can play an instrument, even better. You don't need much: you can improvise drums, sing along and probably someone can play the guitar.
Method 4 of 4: Be Useful

Step 1. Plant something
If you have a garden, find out which plants grow best in your area. If you don't have room for a garden, try planting something in a pot. Very little space is needed to grow herbs and flowers. If you live in a dry climate area, succulents are beautiful and require little care.
A garden takes a lot of effort, so start with a plant or two if you're not ready to care for a courgette grove. Grow a potted plant and if your project is successful, you can start hoeing the earth

Step 2. Volunteer
Offer your job to an organization that interests you. Primary schools, institutions for special needs pupils, hospitals and retirement homes often need volunteers. You can also help organize temporary events, such as election campaigns or fundraisers.
Ask a person you know if they need help. Do it now. Ask your parents, one of your grandparents, or a neighbor

Step 3. Find a job
Gaining and learning new skills can be fun and useful. Visit the establishments you can reach by bike or bus and ask if they hire. Search online ad boards. Ask your relatives for advice; maybe they know someone who can help you find a job.
Work alone. Sell self-made items online, sell cookies at your school, or call neighbors and relatives and offer to babysit, take the dog out, take care of plants, mow the lawn or wash the car

Step 4. Behave with kindness
Make an unexpected but welcome gesture. Leave some flowers or candy at your best friend's house, or wash your parents' car. Play with your little brother, even if you get bored. If boredom is already upon you, at least deal with it by doing something nice.