How to Remove a Mole without Surgery: 13 Steps

How to Remove a Mole without Surgery: 13 Steps
How to Remove a Mole without Surgery: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


Moles are groups of pigmented cells that appear as brown or black spots on the skin. If you want to remove one, the safest and most effective way to do this is to see a doctor to have it professionally removed. Typically this is a simple surgery that is done on an outpatient basis and takes only a few minutes. If you try to remove a mole yourself, you can cause scars worse than the marks left after professional removal. If you absolutely don't want to go through surgery, try reducing its appearance by using (unverified) home remedies.


Part 1 of 3: Remove a Neo Safely

Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 1
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 1

Step 1. Make an appointment with a dermatologist

If you decide to follow a safe way to remove the mole you will not regret it. It is essential to have the mole examined by a professional rather than trying to remove it yourself, even if it is purely cosmetic. Doctors can tell if it is potentially cancerous. In this case, professional removal is the only safe method, as other techniques may not adequately manage the cancer cells.

  • If you don't know a dermatologist, ask your primary care physician for one.
  • If you do not have health insurance and want to remove it for cosmetic purposes only, check if there are clinics in your area that provide this service or that can direct you to other centers where you can go.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 2
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 2

Step 2. Assess if a biopsy is needed

When you go to the doctor, he will examine the mole to see if it is potentially cancerous. If you have typical symptoms of melanoma or another type of skin cancer, your doctor will order a biopsy to check for cancer cells. In case of negative result, it can proceed with the removal.

  • To perform a biopsy, a sample of the mole is taken to be sent to a laboratory for analysis.
  • If the outcome is positive, a different treatment will be required. If it is negative, you can choose whether to keep the mole or have it removed.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 3
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 3

Step 3. Determine if a shave is possible

Surgical shaving is a procedure in which the mole is shaved off the surface of the skin. It is necessary to do local anesthesia of the area, so as not to feel pain during the process (apart from the needle stick). No stitches are needed to cure this surgery. Keep in mind that there will still be a small scar.

  • In some cases, the area is cauterized using a tool that burns layers of skin to reduce the chances of the mole growing back.
  • This is a feasible solution if the mole is not malignant and relatively small. If it is a rather large mole it cannot be treated with shaving and cauterization.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 4
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 4

Step 4. Undergo surgical excision if necessary

If the mole is malignant or if it is large and covers a significant area, it will probably need to be removed by surgical excision. After giving you local anesthesia, the dermatologist will make a deeper cut to remove the mole and surrounding tissues, preventing it from growing any further. The wound is closed with sutures that will leave minimal scarring.

  • While it may seem like a challenging procedure, surgical excision is actually a rather quick outpatient medical procedure that takes just a few minutes to complete.
  • Since only local anesthesia is done, you won't have a hard time driving home and spending the rest of the day normally.
  • Be sure to treat the wound as directed by the care provider. Sometimes it is necessary to return to the doctor's office to remove the stitches.

Part 2 of 3: Know what to avoid

Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 5
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 5

Step 1. Do not use creams to remove the mole

These are products that are often sold online, marketed cheaply, and offered as a non-invasive alternative to surgical removal. In fact, these creams can leave deep marks on the skin, as they break through the mole layer and burrow into the underlying skin, causing irreparable damage. The small scar left by the surgical removal is minimal in comparison.

  • Furthermore, these products do not address the problem of the danger of the mole in case it is malignant. If you apply these creams on a cancerous mole it can be very dangerous; probably the abnormal cells would not be eliminated and would remain in the skin growing out of control, without your knowledge.
  • Never put any type of cream or other product on without consulting a doctor first.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 6
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 6

Step 2. Avoid laser removal

This option is offered in some beauty salons, but it is not a good alternative to professional removal performed by a doctor. Even this, like the application of creams, does not take into account the fact that the mole could be malignant. Furthermore, the scar left by this technique can be the same or even worse than a surgical one. It's always best to go to a dermatologist to safely remove your mole.

Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 7
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 7

Step 3. Don't ignore a changing mole

If you don't like the prospect of having surgery, you can decide to leave it alone and forget about it. Actually, it's generally the right thing to do too, unless it's too visible and changes over time. If it changes, it can be a sign of cancer cells. Use the "ABCDE guide" to examine your mole. If you notice the features mentioned below, you need to make an appointment with a doctor:

  • A: check the Asymmetric shape. If it looks very different from one side to the other, it could be a sign of cancer.
  • B: check the Borders. Look for jagged edges instead of smooth ones.
  • C: look at the Color. Moles that change color over time, which have more than one color or different shades of color must be removed.
  • D: check the Diameter. If it is larger than 60mm and continues to grow, you need to have it checked.
  • E: evaluate the Evolution. Look for any changes that occur over the course of weeks or months.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 8
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 8

Step 4. Protect your skin from UV rays to prevent new moles from forming

Exposure to the sun's rays can, in fact, cause new ones to form. In addition, older moles tend to become more susceptible to change and risk turning into malignant. So be sure to protect yourself from UV rays so that you don't develop new moles and that existing ones remain negative.

  • Apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher, even in winter.
  • Try to keep the moles covered with a cloth or hat when outdoors.
  • Do not do the treatments in the tanning beds.

Part 3 of 3: Try Unverified Home Remedies

Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 9
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 9

Step 1. Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Although there are no scientifically based studies to confirm this method works, some have found that applying apple cider vinegar reduces the appearance of moles. To follow this method:

  • Put a few drops of vinegar on a cotton ball.
  • Place the swab over the mole and keep it snug by wrapping a bandage around it.
  • Leave it in place for an hour.
  • Repeat the treatment every day until the mole disappears. However, stop immediately if your skin becomes irritated.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 10
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 10

Step 2. Use garlic

This spice has many medicinal properties, some claim that it helps reduce moles. To try this method, the garlic needs to be fresh, not dry. Here's what to do:

  • Take a clove of garlic and cut it in half.
  • Place half of it on the mole and leave it in place overnight by wrapping it with a bandage.
  • Repeat this for several days. Stop in case of skin irritation.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 11
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 11

Step 3. Use banana peels

Some people claim that applying a banana peel to a mole helps to get rid of it. In any case, it allows to hydrate the skin.

  • Take the peel of a banana.
  • Apply it to the mole for an hour.
  • Repeat every day until the mole disappears. Be sure to stop if your skin becomes irritated.
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 12
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 12

Step 4. Try baking soda and castor oil

Take a pinch of baking soda and wet it with a couple of drops of castor oil. Dab this paste on the mole. Leave it on overnight. After a few days, check to see if the mole is still present. Stop if skin irritation occurs.

Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 13
Remove Moles Without Surgery Step 13

Step 5. Apply tea tree oil

Put some on the mole twice a day with a cotton swab. In the evening, before going to sleep, you can also dip a cotton ball in the oil and hold it on the mole with a band-aid. Repeat this method for a month, or as long as it takes to get rid of the mole, potentially for a lifetime. If your skin shows signs of irritation stop immediately.


Moles can be beautiful! Try to get used to their presence and you will see that you will start to like them. There is no reason to take them off if there is no risk that they are cancerous


  • Do not scratch or scratch the mole. You could make it bleed and even if you manage to remove it leaving a scar, it could still reform.
  • Do not try to surgically remove a mole at home.
