How to Eliminate a Mole: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Eliminate a Mole: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Eliminate a Mole: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Moles are small furry animals that burrow into the ground and often make holes and tunnels in the lawn. Having one in the garden can actually be a benefit because it feeds on the other pests, but unfortunately it will fill the soil with drafts. Although many people are always looking for a humane way to get rid of them, those who have tried deterrents and poisons know that the only way to get rid of them for good is to trap and kill them. If you're determined to kill the mole infesting your yard, read on to get the job done effectively.


Part 1 of 2: Trap the Mole

Kill a Mole Step 1
Kill a Mole Step 1

Step 1. Look for signs of their presence in the garden in spring and summer

In these seasons the moles are active and burrow near the surface of the soil. In winter they build deeper burrows and it becomes difficult to catch them in the cold months. Moles give birth in late spring, so if you want to keep the population of these rodents under control, you should move in time. Organize and arrange the traps in spring and summer for best results.

Kill a Mole Step 2
Kill a Mole Step 2

Step 2. Check your garden for small telltale mounds

You probably already know what we are talking about: these are points where the earth is shaken and forms a small volcano. You may see one or two, but in some cases your garden may be littered with these hillocks. Regardless of how many you see in the garden, you most likely have no more than 1-2 moles. They are solitary animals and prefer to dig their tunnels on their own, they do not move in groups or live in families.

Kill a Mole Step 3
Kill a Mole Step 3

Step 3. Choose where to trap based on their activities

Identify the tunnels that are used most frequently by leveling them. In the afternoon, break the mounds of earth created by moles by stomping them with your feet. If it is an active tunnel, the next morning you will find the ground moved again. A main gallery is straight and connects the various mounds together. Main tunnels usually follow the path of some human construction such as a driveway or fence.

Kill a Mole Step 4
Kill a Mole Step 4

Step 4. Prepare the trap

You have to buy the specific ones for moles. There are two types to choose from: the harpoon one and the scissor one. Either way, the mole that passes through will be killed immediately.

  • Set up the harpoon trap above an active tunnel. Apply a little pressure with your hand on the tunnel to make it collapse about 50% of its depth. Line up the spikes and drive the trap over the tunnel into the ground. The trap primer should remain just outside the tunnel. Arm the trap according to the manufacturer's instructions and leave it in place.
  • Set the scissor trap, but first probe the ground near a mound of earth to figure out the depth of the tunnel. To do this, use a long screwdriver or metal rod. When you no longer feel resistance with the probe, it means that you have reached the tunnel, at which point it will quickly sink into the ground. Dig a hole the same size as the trap where you checked for the presence of the tunnel. Insert a handful of dirt, arm the trap according to the instructions and place it in the hole. Make sure both pairs of jaws are inside the tunnel, one pair on each side of the handful of soil. Disengage the safety and leave the trap in place.
Kill a Mole Step 5
Kill a Mole Step 5

Step 5. Check the traps

Once they are in place, you need to check them every day to see if you have caught the mole. If you don't find one after 4-5 days, chances are your chosen tunnel is underused. You should move the trap to another, busier gallery.

  • Keep checking the trap and move it if necessary until you catch a mole.
  • If you struggle to find an active tunnel, place the traps near the cooler mounds of soil.
Kill a Mole Step 6
Kill a Mole Step 6

Step 6. Remove the mole from the trap

Once you've caught the rodent, follow the manufacturer's instructions to remove it from the trap. Make sure you are wearing plastic gloves to do this.

Kill a Mole Step 7
Kill a Mole Step 7

Step 7. Throw out the mole

Use a shovel and place the animal in a plastic bag. Seal the bag and throw it in the trash. Follow local regulations regarding the disposal of dead animals.

Kill a Mole Step 8
Kill a Mole Step 8

Step 8. Set the trap one more time

Moles that are in other gardens may decide to move into yours once you get rid of the one you got rid of. You will need to keep it armed, check every 2 days and throw away any dead rodents you may find there. Eventually the tunnels will become old and disused and there will be no more moles moving into them.

Part 2 of 2: Taking Other Measures

Kill a Mole Step 9
Kill a Mole Step 9

Step 1. Wet the garden less

Moles are water creatures, especially they love well-watered lawns. In moist soils there are a lot of earthworms, which they feed on, and wet soil is easier to dig. If you bathe the garden every day, you create the ideal habitat for moles. Try watering your lawn once a week to make the soil less hospitable for them.

Kill a Mole Step 10
Kill a Mole Step 10

Step 2. Replace the grass with succulents or plants that require little water

Who said your garden has to be a turf? Grass must always be watered and earthworms love to be under it, which is why grassy gardens attract moles. If you put some cacti and other plants that don't need a lot of water, you will save on the bill and make the soil less welcoming for them.

  • Choose native plants where you live that don't require a lot of water.
  • You can also plant trees and surround them with gravel, soil, or suitable plant cover.
Kill a Mole Step 11
Kill a Mole Step 11

Step 3. Level the garden with your feet or a roller

It's a time-consuming method of getting rid of moles, but many people claim it works. Go out into the garden every day and crush the earth bumps with your feet. You can also use a roller. Moles will push the soil out again for the first two weeks. Eventually they will get tired and start digging deeper thus avoiding pitting your lawn.

Kill a Mole Step 12
Kill a Mole Step 12

Step 4. Do not believe the urban legends related to the elimination of moles

Poisons, human hair, fumigation and sound wave machinery have not proven effective. Don't waste your time and money on these methods, many other people have already tried it with no great results, if not great frustration.

Kill a Mole Step 13
Kill a Mole Step 13

Step 5. Consider leaving her alone

These animals aerate the soil, eat a lot of insects, and contribute to the health of your lawn in the long run. If you're still staring at those little earthy volcanoes in your garden, try living with them instead of killing moles. These rodents only live for 3 years, so the problem may resolve itself.


  • Mole burrows resemble small volcanoes. If the burrow is horseshoe-shaped, it could be a gopher.
  • Mow the grass often to find moles' tunnels more easily.
  • Use at least one trap for each active gallery.


  • Do not place a trap at the end of a tunnel. The mole must be able to cross the trap to trigger it.
  • Using traps to catch moles is illegal in some states.
