Are you tired of unwanted hair on your face and body, but hate the pain, cost and wasted time that shaving takes? Do not be afraid! There are various methods to get rid of it without even approaching a razor. Depending on the quality of the hair and the results you want, one of the following options may be the right one for you. So, study them well so you can make an informed decision!
Method 1 of 2: Daily Solutions

Step 1. Use a depilatory cream
It is a product that removes hair by detaching it from the surface of the skin. Usually in shampoo-like bottles, you can find them cheaply at the drugstore or supermarket. If you use this method, check the ingredients when buying a hair removal cream to make sure you do not incur any intolerances and always follow the instructions on the package.
- Pro: painless, easy to use;
- Against: requires frequent use (hair grows back at a normal rate). It can give off a bad smell.
- Note: For best results, apply after bath when the hair is softer. Do not use products intended for the body on the face. They may contain more aggressive chemicals.

Step 2. Test the hair removal pads
Another useful product for getting rid of unwanted hair is the hair removal pad. This product practically works as a small buffer for use with your hands: rub the rough surface against the skin by making short, quick movements and applying moderate pressure. The hairs will be removed gently. The area that the pad can cover as it passes is small, so this method works best in areas where there is little hair.
- Pro: painless when used correctly. No pain after applying lotions, aftershaves and other products.
- Against: it takes too long.
- Note: This product can also irritate the skin, leaving it looking dull or dry. It is recommended to apply a moisturizer afterwards. Wash and dry the pad after use.

Step 3. Try the floss technique
This hair removal method, which originated centuries ago in Turkey, is gaining some popularity all over the world. To remove unwanted hair with this system you have to grab the hair with a cotton thread, twist the thread and tear. A beautician experienced in this technique can remove a fair amount of hair quite quickly: 15 minutes for the eyebrows is enough.
- Pro: it is healthier for the skin than waxing. It is a great choice for those with sensitive skin. It lasts for several weeks.
- Against: can be painful. Useful only on smooth areas (not on joints). It cannot be done at home.
- Note: find a well-known beautician using this technique. An experienced person can make the process much less painful.

Step 4. Test the tweezers
Tweezers are an old and reliable hair removal tool, allowing you to grab and pluck unwanted hair one by one. This somewhat painful method is usually reserved for removing a few hairs at a time - but it can be very difficult to endure.
- Pro: accurate. It allows you to remove exactly the hair you want, one at a time.
- Against: painful. It can take time, except when you pull a few hairs. It can cause slight irritation in some people.
- Note: Wash the tweezers before and after use. Read this article to reduce skin irritation when using them.

Step 5. Try waxing
This popular hair removal method has a fearsome reputation, but it is often not as bad as they say. Waxing is great for removing stubborn hair from legs, armpits, bikini line and face (when used carefully and gently). In addition, it is especially suitable for people who have thick and dark hair, which contrasts with light skin. It is possible to do the waxing by purchasing the necessary in perfumery or through a professional.
- Pro: removes a lot of hair in a relatively short time. It lasts for several weeks.
- Against: it is painful, although the pain is reduced after the first wax. Difficult to do indoors. Beauticians can be a little expensive.
- Note: If you use the wax alone, always apply it in the direction in which the hairs grow and tear it in the opposite one. Follow all the directions on the package, especially when you need to reheat it.

Step 6. Try the sugar technique
Sugaring is a hair removal method that works almost exactly like waxing. It is a liquid and full-bodied mixture to be applied to the skin, left on and pulled with a cloth. The difference is in the ingredients: unlike waxing, natural elements are used to create a mixture, similar to honey, consisting of sugar, lemon juice and water. It is gentler for some people (especially allergy sufferers).
- Pro: removes a lot of hair in a relatively short time. It lasts for several weeks. The risk of allergies or irritation is lower. It can be done at home (with due caution).
- Against: The level of pain is similar to that of waxing, although it decreases after the first application. Difficult to do indoors. Beauticians who use this technique can be a bit expensive.
- Note: Read this article to learn a homemade recipe and instructions for use.

Step 7. Try the epilator
It is a device that works more or less as if it were an automatic series of tweezers, which uproot the hair thanks to a mechanism. However, unlike tweezers, the epilator only pulls the hair, not the skin around it, so it's less painful for some people. It is a multi-purpose tool, which works relatively quickly, can be used in many parts of the body and does not cause severe pain.
- Pro: removes a lot of hair in a relatively short time. It lasts for several weeks. Faster than tweezers. Gentle on the skin for some.
- Against: Causes some pain, although it subsides after first use. It requires little cleaning and maintenance.
- Note: If you can, get a water-resistant epilator and remove hair in the shower when it is softer and easier to remove.
Method 2 of 2: Permanent Solutions

Step 1. Consider laser hair removal
It is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed nowadays. It consists of a highly concentrated beam of light which, when aimed at individual hair follicles, destroys them. Hair generally stops growing almost permanently after 3-7 sessions.
- Pro: it is a quick, relatively painless procedure and widely available due to its popularity.
- Against: causes pain and redness similar to that of sunburn for several days. It is possible for pimples to develop, temporarily discolor the skin, and other more painful side effects, although this is rare.
- Note: Treated hair falls out within a month, not immediately. It is usually recommended to use a sunscreen on the treated area.
- Cost: variable, around € 200 per session.

Step 2. Consider electrolysis
Electrolysis is a small, very thin probe used to destroy individual hair follicles with short radio waves. Afterwards, the hair is removed with tweezers. This method results in the almost permanent loss of unwanted hair after several treatments. Electrolysis is suitable for almost any area of the body.
- Pro: general discomfort is very low. Short appointments. Usually only a few sessions are needed.
- Against: can cause temporary pain and redness.
- Note: choose an accredited and expert beautician in this technique. If not done correctly, it can cause additional pain.
- Cost: it varies from 0, 50 to 2, 50 € per minute, but it depends a lot on the beauty or medical center you are contacting.

Step 3. Realize that hair can grow back, albeit minimally, despite the use of these techniques
Unfortunately, for the moment, there is no truly "definitive" hair removal method. While the methods above can permanently stop unwanted hair growth, they don't always give 100% perfect results. After a few years it is possible that they will grow back in some areas, so it will be necessary to proceed to a "touch up". Keep this in mind when making a decision.

Step 4. Talk to your doctor before choosing any "permanent" solution
While laser therapy and electrolysis are generally considered safe when done by a professional, there is a small (but real) chance of danger in these and other unwanted hair removal procedures. For example, in some isolated cases, those who used an excessive amount of face anesthetic cream to undergo laser hair removal suffered from severe symptoms.
For this reason, it is vital that you discuss these procedures with your doctor before undergoing. Only the latter can tell you for sure which treatments (if any) are safe and appropriate for you
- Whichever method you choose from those mentioned, it is best to exfoliate your skin regularly to reduce the risk of the hair becoming ingrown.
- When you first try a method, such as waxing, it is recommended that you use a small amount in a small, inconspicuous area until you can use it properly.
- Pay attention to how your skin reacts to the product you use. If you get a rash, itchiness or redness, stop using it.
- Be cautious with permanent and semi-permanent solutions, such as waxing, especially in the more visible areas, such as the face. You can always repeat the hair removal if you've left out an area, but you can't magically put the hair back in place once it's removed.