How to Prepare for Colonoscopy: 13 Steps

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How to Prepare for Colonoscopy: 13 Steps
How to Prepare for Colonoscopy: 13 Steps

A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a tube is inserted into the colon to determine whether a polyp or growth is cancerous or not. It is an important form of prevention. The exam is notoriously cumbersome, but if you prepare correctly it can be done without problems and make sure you don't have to repeat it. Go to step 1 to learn how to prepare for your colonoscopy.


Part 1 of 3: Know What to Expect

Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 1
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 1

Step 1. Understand the purpose of the colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is the best technology available to determine if cancerous or precancerous growths called polyps are present in the colon. An early diagnosis can ensure that patients are cured, preventing the tumor from growing and continuing its development. The American Cancer Society recommends that people over age 50 get a colonoscopy every 10. Those at high risk of colon cancer should have the exam more often. In particular, these subjects include:

  • Anyone with a history of colon cancer or polyps.
  • Anyone with a family history of colon cancer.
  • Anyone with a personal history of irritable bowel or Crohn's disease.
  • Those familiar with adenomatous polyposis or an inheritance of non-polyposis colon cancer.
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 2
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 2

Step 2. Familiarize yourself with the procedure

The exam begins with a rectal examination during which the doctor will feel the anal canal and rectal area. A long, thin tube called a colonoscope will then be inserted through the anus. The tube has a camera inserted into the end that will provide images of the colon, revealing the presence of polyps or other growths.

  • To ensure that the camera is able to provide clear images of the colon, the colon must be empty throughout the examination. This means that the patient will not be able to eat solid foods the day before.
  • Often the patient is given medication to relax during the procedure. Many do not remember it even once they wake up. Usually, the exam takes 30 minutes.
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 3
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 3

Step 3. Make a commitment to prepare your body properly

When you go to the doctor to talk about the colonoscopy, you will be given a preparation to take. You will be instructed not to take solids and how much and when to drink. Following the instructions is very important to make sure your colon is clean on the day of the exam. If it weren't, the camera wouldn't have a clean view, which means you'd have to do it again another day.

  • Even a single snack can lead to the cancellation of the exam. It will be hard to fast the day before the exam but once finished it will be worth it.
  • It would be useful to prepare yourself a week in advance, eating lightly until the day before the exam.
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 4
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 4

Step 4. Check your meds

Certain medications must be stopped a day or two before the examination. It is very important that your doctor knows what you are taking before giving you the preparation. In some cases, you will need to keep taking it, but often your doctor will advise you to stop taking your medications for a few days. Nutritional supplements can also interfere with the examination. Talk to your doctor if you take any of the following:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Blood fluidity medications
  • Aspirin
  • Medicines for diabetes
  • Blood Pressure Medicines
  • Fish oil based supplements
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 5
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 5

Step 5. Make a plan for the day of the exam

Colonoscopies are usually held in the morning. Plan to have time to prepare. Since the doctor will give you something to relax, you may be too groggy to drive, so ask someone to accompany you. Better to take all day or at least a couple of hours after the exam to rest.

Part 2 of 3: Preparation the Previous Day

Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 6
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 6

Step 1. Consume only clear liquids and foods

It is the only type of nutrition allowed the day before a colonoscopy. A liquid is called "clear" if you can read the newspaper through it. Such liquids include:

  • Waterfall
  • Apple juice without pulp
  • Milk-free tea or coffee
  • Chicken or vegetable broth
  • soda
  • Isotonic drinks
  • Flavored jelly
  • Icicles
  • Hard candies
  • Honey
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 7
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 7

Step 2. Do not consume opaque solids or liquids

Any liquid containing pulp, dairy and any other solid food should be avoided. Do not eat or drink the following:

  • Orange, pineapple or other non-transparent juice
  • Dairy products such as milk, smoothies, cheeses, etc.
  • Milkshake
  • Soups with food in pieces
  • Grains
  • Meat
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 8
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 8

Step 3. Drink at least four glasses of clear liquids with each meal

At breakfast, lunch, dinner the previous day you should have at least 4 glasses of clear liquids.

  • You can drink coffee without milk, apple juice and two glasses of water for breakfast.
  • For lunch, a glass of isotonic drink, broth and two of water.
  • As a snack, a transparent candy, a popsicle or a jelly.
  • For dinner, a glass of tea, a glass of vegetable broth and two of water.
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 9
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 9

Step 4. Take the bowel prep

Your doctor should give you a preparation to take at 6pm the day before the exam. It will help cleanse the colon. Sometimes, doctors prescribe the preparation in two doses, which means that you will have to take half in the evening and half in the morning of the exam. Follow the doctor's instructions and the instructions on the packaging. Once you've taken the preparation, your stool should begin to resemble the liquids you consume, so you know it's working.

  • If your stool is still brown and dark, the preparation has not yet taken effect.
  • If they are bronze, orange and pale, it is starting to take effect.
  • The preparation is complete and you are ready when the stool is clear and yellowish, similar to urine.

Part 3 of 3: Prepare for Exam Day

Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 10
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 10

Step 1. Drink fluids for breakfast

Don't eat solids on the morning of the exam. Stick to water, apple juice, tea, black coffee.

Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 11
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 11

Step 2. If necessary, take the second part of the preparation to cleanse the intestines

If your doctor has prescribed two doses for you, take the second one on the morning of the exam. Follow the instructions carefully.

Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 12
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 12

Step 3. Drink two glasses of isotonic drink before the exam

Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 13
Prepare for a Colonoscopy Step 13

Step 4. Have regular meals once the exam is over

You will be able to eat whatever you want for the rest of the day.


  • Once you take the laxative, you will evacuate solid but over time you will arrive at completely liquid stools.
  • Follow the doctor's advice. Your doctor may suggest you:
  • Drink plenty of water and apple cider vinegar before the procedure so you don't get dehydrated.
  • Medicines to avoid prior to the procedure include blood flow medications and iron supplements (including iron-containing multivitamins).
