How to Prepare and Cook Seaweed: 4 Steps

How to Prepare and Cook Seaweed: 4 Steps
How to Prepare and Cook Seaweed: 4 Steps

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Algae are also known as sea vegetables. They are low in saturated fat and cholesterol, but are rich in vitamins and have very high concentrations of many minerals. Seaweed is said to reduce cancer risk and aid weight loss. You may be thinking about adding seaweed to your diet. This article will show you how to prepare and cook them.


Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 1
Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 1

Step 1. Decide what kind of algae you want to prepare

There are several edible types. The most common and used are described below.

  • Alaria seaweed is light green and almost transparent.
  • Arame seaweed is thin, filleted and almost black.
  • Dulse seaweed is dark red in color.
  • The Hijiki or Hiziki seaweed is thin, filleted and almost black.
  • Kelp, also known as Kombu, is the largest seaweed.
  • Nori seaweed is used as a "wrapper" for many types of sushi and is probably the most recognizable type of seaweed.
  • Wakame seaweed is linked to Alaria. It too is light green and almost transparent.
Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 2
Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 2

Step 2. Buy, harvest and dry algae

  • Seaweed can be purchased in many specialty supermarkets, catalogs and online. Virtually all seaweed sold in stores is dried.
  • Most of the algae are harvested during the spring or summer. Bring a knife or a pair of scissors and a sack with you. Each type of seaweed needs a certain type of conditions. The strength of the waves and the substrate determine which types of algae are able to grow in that particular area. Learn about the local species in your area and where they live. Don't remove all the algae from one area and leave the lower fronds in place. Gently rinse the fronds in the sea before taking them home.
  • If you have collected your own algae, you will probably want to dry some of it for storage. Spread your algae on newspaper and leave them in the sun or in a warm environment for about a week. Alternatively, you can dry them by placing them in the hot oven for a couple of hours.
Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 3
Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 3

Step 3. Rehydrate the seaweed before eating or cooking it by soaking it in water

  • Most dried seaweed must be rehydrated before being consumed. Nori algae are an exception.
  • Dip the dried seaweed in a large bowl filled with hot water and let it soak until soft. Many algae soften in a couple of minutes, and the Dulse do so quickly that you just need to run them under warm running water.
Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 4
Prepare and Cook Seaweed Step 4

Step 4. Cook the seaweed

  • Almost all types of seaweed do not need to be cooked before being consumed, but they can be served in salads, as an ingredient in soups and stews, etc …
  • Cook the Alaria for at least 20 minutes in a soup or with grains.
  • Add raw Arame to salads after softening it. You can also add it to soups, sauteed or braised along with other vegetables.
  • Sauté the Dulse seaweed in a pan and consume it like potato chips. After being rinsed under running water, or left to soak briefly, it can be used in salads and sandwiches. It can also be used in soups, but it shouldn't cook for more than 5 minutes.
  • The Hijiki or Hiziki seaweed should be used like Arame.
  • Add Kelp to slow cooked dishes. Kelp seaweed is used especially in Dashi.
  • Wrap the sushi with dried Nori seaweed, or you can dry it toast and then crumble it into soups or rice dishes. You can also add it to stir-fried dishes.
  • Use Wakame like Alaria.


Dried seaweed has no shelf life, so feel free to buy large quantities


  • None of the seaweeds are poisonous, but some can cause dysentery. Be careful when using unknown algae you have collected.
  • Seaweed is rich in sodium.
  • Algae can absorb heavy metals. Collect them in non-polluted areas.
