3 Ways to Make a Payment Receipt

3 Ways to Make a Payment Receipt
3 Ways to Make a Payment Receipt

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A receipt or invoice is a document that is issued to a person who has made a purchase, in which the service provided is detailed and the requested price is specified. For example, if you are a landscape gardener and you have planted bushes or plants in a client's garden, you will want to bill them for payment. Learn how to properly prepare a payment receipt to make sure you get paid in the right amount and on time.


Method 1 of 3: Choose a Format

Write a Bill for Payment Step 1
Write a Bill for Payment Step 1

Step 1. Consider creating a professional invoice

If you issue payment receipts often, you may need to create an invoice template that you can edit each time you issue one. In particular, invoice templates are useful for freelancers and for those who carry out long-term services.

  • An invoice as well as a detailed list of services provided, payments due, and payment methods, includes a header with the name (or company name), address, telephone number and brand of the company.
  • Invoices are usually created electronically, numbered and saved on a computer. This way you always have copies of the invoices issued and you don't have to worry if you lose the hard copy.
Write a Bill for Payment Step 2
Write a Bill for Payment Step 2

Step 2. Get an invoice block

They are found in stationery and specialized stores. They contain forms with space for services rendered and payment indications. Every time you have to make an account just fill in the appropriate spaces.

  • Invoice blocks are useful for those who issue receipts for items that have been sold. For example, if you sell homemade cakes, it is easier to write the receipt than it is to create an invoice on your computer every time you make a sale.
  • Choose a calculator bill block, so you and your customer each have their own copy.

Method 2 of 3: Enter Basic Information

Write a Bill for Payment Step 3
Write a Bill for Payment Step 3

Step 1. Enter your details and those of your company

Whether you are doing an invoice on your computer or using an invoice blocker, write the company name at the top. Add the following company information immediately below:

  • Full address.
  • Phone numbers.
  • E-mail address and any other contact.
Write a Bill for Payment Step 4
Write a Bill for Payment Step 4

Step 2. Add the date and invoice number

These elements are used to keep track of when the services were rendered and for which customer. Add the date the invoice is issued, and number the invoice in ascending order based on the number of transactions you have had with the customer. For example, if you sold three cakes to the same customer at three different times, the third invoice number should be 3.

Write a Bill for Payment Step 5
Write a Bill for Payment Step 5

Step 3. Write the customer details

Include the name of the customer or their company. If you have provided services as a collaborator, you should also add the address and telephone number of the client company. If the receipt is for an occasional sale, it is not strictly necessary to write the customer's address.

Method 3 of 3: Write the Details

Write a Bill for Payment Step 6
Write a Bill for Payment Step 6

Step 1. Report a description of the services rendered

Include any jobs, services or products you have provided to the client. If you have provided more than one service, create a numbered list. For each item in the list, add the following information:

  • The service rendered or the product sold. For example, "1 Large Layer Cake with Floral Decorations".
  • The date on which the service was performed.
  • The cost of the service.
  • After listing each item, calculate the total and enter the amount to pay.
Write a Bill for Payment Step 7
Write a Bill for Payment Step 7

Step 2. Specify the payment terms

If you expect your bill to be paid by a certain date, add this. Specify the type of payment you are willing to accept, be it cash, check, or credit card.

Write a Bill for Payment Step 8
Write a Bill for Payment Step 8

Step 3. Provide any additional information

At the bottom of the receipt write the clauses relating to the terms of return. You can also take this opportunity to thank the customer for their choice, and to list other products or services you offer.
