Exceeding the speed limits by car is not only illegal, but increases the consumption of gasoline and above all it is dangerous. Plus, it's risky for both you and others. Perhaps you have forgotten what the speed limit is, or, seeing no police patrol on the street, you have decided to go faster to get to work sooner. Whatever the reason, read the article to avoid wasting gasoline and breaking the law.

Step 1. Use the "cruise control" mode if present in your car
This feature allows you to automatically maintain your set speed, helping you resist the urge to go faster.

Step 2. Drive less
If you feel the need to go fast, let off steam with car racing video games at home, on your computer or console, or go to the arcade; find an automobile club that organizes autocross events or join the Italian racing club.

Step 3. Pay close attention to the speedometer but don't stop looking carefully at the road
Check it quickly and frequently to monitor speed.

Step 4. Drive below the speed limit
Decreasing the speed even by just 8 km per hour will not significantly affect the duration of the journey, however, it will limit the danger of accidentally breaking the permitted limit.

Step 5. Get out early to avoid being in a hurry
Don't put yourself under pressure to get to work or an appointment on time. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy the trip more!

Step 6. Find out how much the speeding penalty is
Before exceeding the limits allowed by law, mentally calculate the cost of the fine. The penalty can even go up to € 500, a figure that you would certainly prefer not to spend. Therefore, before you accelerate, think twice.

Step 7. Calculate the time you will save by going faster
It is likely to be much less than you think: going at a speed of 100km per hour in an area where the maximum permitted speed is 90km per hour for a distance of 25km will "save you" less than three minutes. An excess of 8 km per hour will make you arrive less than 90 seconds early.

Step 8. Listen to classical or light music instead of rock
Light music will help you relax and slow down.

Step 9. Buy a slower machine
A slow car is likely to be cheaper to maintain than a fast model and consumes less gas (with a smaller engine).
- Pay close attention to the speed limit road signs. Keep repeating to yourself "If I go too fast I have to pay and I don't want to spend money unnecessarily."
- Your insurance premium may go up if you get too many speeding tickets.
- Make sure the temperature inside the car is comfortable, otherwise you could go faster in order to get out of the "uncomfortable" car as soon as possible.
- Think about relaxing things. But don't get distracted from the road.
- Take it easy. Inhale with full lungs and exhale slowly.
- Use car air fresheners with a relaxing scent, decorate the car well in order to make it so beautiful that you are happy to spend time with it.
- Play a slow song on the radio and drive to the beat of the music.
- If you have to be somewhere at a specific time, leave the house a little earlier.
- Controlling the car when speeds are high is more difficult. In some cases, it is more complicated to slow down the vehicle or stop if you go too fast. During that time you could have a serious accident where you or others can even die or be seriously injured. The feeling of charge you get for 10 or 15 seconds when you break speed limits isn't as good as another person's life or your own, let alone a hefty fine, so make sure you stick to legal limits.
- Getting a speeding ticket also results in the loss of driving license points; after a certain number of points lost, the license will be suspended or revoked.
- Exceeding the speed limits is against the law. Remember these important things: If you exceed the limits, you will get a fine; you will have to pay a lot of money
- Don't drive too slowly. Driving too slowly slows traffic down and makes the drivers of the other cars behind you nervous; Furthermore And You can get a fine if you go too slowly compared to the allowed limit.
These methods can help you relax, however never take your eyes off the road.
- Going too fast is not only dangerous for you, but also for other motorists and pedestrians.
- Children move fast and are unpredictable: slow down to have time to react in case a child suddenly throws himself on the street.