How to Overcome Unrequited Love: 10 Steps

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How to Overcome Unrequited Love: 10 Steps
How to Overcome Unrequited Love: 10 Steps

It is always difficult to deal with the end of a relationship, and after unrequited love, you may feel like nothing is going right. Many people have been victims of one-sided stories that drain energy and add to disappointment, but all is not lost. As human beings, we have the ability to recover, carry on with a new spirit and get out of the most disheartening situations. By learning to forget an ex and move on, you can feel stronger, more independent, and ready to meet someone you can be truly happy with.


Part 1 of 2: Leaving the Relationship Behind

Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 1
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 1

Step 1. Recognize the problems

Many people lie to themselves during or after an unfulfilling relationship ends. They try to convince themselves that everything was fine and that their partner cared about them and wonder if it wasn't a mistake to end the story. However, there is certainly a reason it hasn't moved on. Even if in some respects it was promising or pleasant, this does not justify or excuse the worst times that have characterized it.

Whenever you wonder if it was okay to end your relationship, think about the things that made you unhappy. You will probably realize that, after all, you could never accept certain flaws, such as lack of affectivity or lack of support

Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 2
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 2

Step 2. Give yourself time to soothe your nervousness

It's legitimate to feel upset when a relationship ends, especially if it hasn't been characterized by mutual dedication and respect. You will likely feel a sense of sadness and loneliness, or even stronger emotions, such as a sense of worthlessness and insecurity. It is perfectly normal that the end of a story is accompanied by these feelings. Therefore, it is healthy to suffer, but you must not hold the doubts that concern yourself right.

  • Remember that it is not your fault that you have been mistreated or not appreciated in the right way. You will certainly feel frustrated with everything you have been through, but don't think you are responsible for it in any way.
  • If you don't process the pain of ending your relationship, your emotional state could get worse, even anxiety and depression. Don't repress what you are feeling, but try to let your feelings out.
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 3
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 3

Step 3. Remember this is a temporary injury

At the end of a love story it is easy to think that we will suffer forever, when in reality it is not true. What you feel is a passing mood and any doubts you might have about yourself are completely unfounded.

The bewilderment and negative perceptions come from insecurity, sadness and fear, not from real experiences, nor does it reflect who you are or what you deserve

Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 4
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 4

Step 4. Find something healthy

After a bad relationship, all the most painful emotions and personal insecurities can take over. So, during this time it is more important than ever to focus on things that fuel your energy and personal well-being.

Try increasing physical activity and spending more time outdoors to boost the natural production of serotonin and dopamine

Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 5
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 5

Step 5. Focus on the present

You can't ease the pain overnight or expect to find the perfect relationship around the corner. All you can do is live one day at a time. Focus on getting better right now and gradually you will recover. Don't think about moving on at all costs or starting a new relationship if you haven't adequately overcome all the hardest moments and healed your wounds.

  • Take care of yourself every day to feel good in your skin and believe in what you are worth.
  • Don't try to rush things. All you can do right now is work on yourself and believe that when the time comes, you will be ready for your next relationship.
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 6
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 6

Step 6. Don't lose hope

When a love story has come to an end, there is still the illusion that you can make up for it - that the person you care about will understand their mistakes and will do anything to learn to love and respect you. However, as time goes by you realize that it doesn't change. In these cases, you don't have to lose heart. You just need to transform the hope of an afterthought into a hope for the future that makes you want to put everything behind you. At some point, you will wish you could live a happier and more fulfilling life without the person you suffered for.

Remember that relationships don't define who you are. You have all the credentials to move forward. It will only take time

Part 2 of 2: Turn the Page

Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 7
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 7

Step 1. Look to the future

While it may seem unclear right now, by ending a troubled relationship you are getting yourself back on your feet and preparing to be happier and more satisfied in your future relationships. You recognized that the previous relationship was unhealthy and unsatisfying, and you made the right decision to get out of it. Once you get over the pain phase, you will feel happier, more alive and open to the possibility of establishing a better relationship.

Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 8
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 8

Step 2. Decide what you want

Up to this point, you've done an excellent job of identifying what you don't want in a relationship. However, it is equally important to understand what you want. This way, you will learn not to fall back into a one-sided relationship all the time.

  • Remember that people, like it or not, tend to behave according to patterns. If you've collected a series of unrequited loves in your life, take a step back and consider why you choose this type of relationship and what's stopping you from breaking that pattern.
  • List the aspects on which a report should be based. Then write another list to include everything you didn't like about your previous one-sided relationship. Compare and see if any items on the wish list should be moved or lead back to something on the flaw list.
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 9
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 9

Step 3. Remember that you deserve to be happy

If you are recovering from a history where you have not been loved or respected, there is a likelihood that you have internalized all the pain that came from that situation and may even convince yourself that you are not worthy to be happy. However, the truth is that you deserve happiness like anyone else, and also someone who makes you feel good about yourself.

A person's lack of love for you and the way they treated you reflect their shortcomings, not your shortcomings

Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 10
Move On After One ‐ Sided Love Step 10

Step 4. Look for energetic and electrifying people

Everyone should have someone in their life who can instill energy and excitement, and it's even more important when you get out of an unrequited love affair. Surround yourself with friends who can support and motivate you, and distance yourself from people who don't feel the same love or friendship towards you as you have for them.

When you feel ready to build a new relationship, you should consider someone capable of making you feel charged and full of life. It is essential to receive this kind of support and consideration, so don't take it for granted when you come out of a romance that has left you hurt


  • Remember that after a relationship you can't suddenly turn the page. Furthermore, if she has been unhealthy or characterized by unrequited love, the time needed may increase. Be patient, focus on your happiness and live one day at a time.
  • Look positively at your ability to love. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to offer their love. Thank God for this attitude, instead of worrying about your past.
